
Friday 13 May 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well, I'm sending gentle hugs to those of you very dear friends that are feeling under the weather.  Have you got any plans for the weekend?  We haven’t as yet, I would like to have another day out but we will see what the weather does. 

I had a lovely day yesterday as Sue came over, we had a lot of catching up to do, there is nothing nicer than crafting with a friend, thank you Sue for coming over and bringing yummy biscuits and cakes XXX

Maria's Choice for Challenge 

It's that time of the week again, time for a new challenge,  as I was trying to decide last week Maria made a couple of great suggestions, so I picked one of those.  

So in case the cards above haven't given it away this weeks Challenge is Shades of One Colour, you can obviously use Black, White or Kraft as base card or sentiment colour too.  I am looking forward to this challenge and can't wait to see what cards/journal pages you all create. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love & Hugs to a of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today for our next challenge. Good choice Maria 😊
    Housework to do today before the weekend as we’ve got a busy one.
    Glad you and Sue had a lovely day together yesterday.
    Did I miss the forecast heatwave? (Or did I just dream it? 😂) Looks to be another cloudy day here and it’s not feeling very warm!
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Good morning.
    It's nice to see all your cards again Sandra. Glad you had a good time with Sue coming over.
    Hoping you can all join in and I look forward to see the cards. I'm still contemplating what to make for this weeks cc. Going out somewhere this morning but hoping to put something together this afternoon. Think Saturday will be a nice day so hope we can get out for a nice long walk somewhere, I miss that.
    Have a nice day everyone. many hugs, Maria xx

  3. Hello All, cloudy and windy here today, watching in case we have a shower, as have two loads of washing out.

    Sorry I missed yesterday, loved your card . My brain seems to have gone missing since I’ve had covid.

    Great challenge for this week , thanks Maria. Lovely examples for inspiration. Must get this weeks finished first.

    Have a good day all, get well wishes for Karen. Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t comment on yesterday’s card, I did look in and your card is beautiful. My day yesterday was a blur, I was asleep most of the day, think it was because Wednesday was a long exhausting day, we left here about midday and arrived back at 6.45pm a lot of the time spent sitting waiting at the hospital. You wait to have your blood test, then wait for your observations another wait to see the consultant and wait again at the pharmacy. Mustn’t moan they are brilliant and I seem to be responding to the medication.
    Love all of the lovely cards you have chosen to help stimulate us for next weeks challenge. Thank you.
    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Karen I’m sure you will fill your days ( that’s if you are not to poorly ) with your many hobbies. xx
    Take care everyone, hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Have to say first that it was so good to be able to see you yesterday my lovely. And great to see some of your beautiful cards “in the flesh” that you have shown on the blog lately. Todays cards are brilliant as inspiration for this weeks challenge. Marias ideas were great so I picked one out of the cup that Sandra had put them in.
    I hope to finish this weeks challenge card in the morning then maybe start next weeks or do a bit of light gardening. Will see how I feel.
    Have a good weekend my lovely xx
    Brenda, it’s so good to hear your treatment is working xx
    Karen, fingers tightly crossed you only have a mild case. Take care and get lots of rest xx
    Lilian, would you come and sort my craft stash once you have finished yours please. I will supply tea and cakes. I always say the same as you but it never lasts! Good luck though xx
    Enjoy the weekend ladies. Take care. Sue xx
