
Thursday 12 May 2022

A Christmas Die only Card

 Good Morning Ladies,

Well yesterday whizzed by in a blur, we had to take Milo to Vets in the morning as he has started losing fur by his tail, apparently he has had a  allergic reaction to a flea bite, the vet confirmed that he doesn't have fleas but has probably been bitten i  the garden somewhere,  as it has irritated him he has over groomed himself bless him, they prescribed him Prednisolone,  which I'm sure is a human medication,  it's given as an antihistamine in this instance.  We weren't even there 10 minutes and a handful of pills cost £48, daylight robbery,  wouldn't it be great if pets had NHS !!   It was much cooler today and we had lots of rain, which will hopefully soften the ground a little for Paul, it is so dry it has gone like 'crazy paving' in places.  

Today's cards starting point was the background,  I die cut 'The Ton' background die a couple of weeks ago and layered it onto Kraft card, so I dug it out to finish it today, I added some gold gilding wax to highlight some areas, I then decided to make it into a Christmas card, So I used my SU Poinsettias Petals stamp and die set to create the poinsetta foliage and flowers on Very Vanilla card and gold embossing,  the leaves in Old Olive,  I arranged them in the top corner of the kraft background,  then added the sentiment  (that doesn't show up to well on photo).  I finished the card with gd coloured crystals in flower centres and three on the background,  I matted the front onto a piece of gold mirror card and then onto a Kraft card base.   I really like how it turned out .

Hoping to have a catch up with Sue today,  which is long overdue, I am really looking forward to it xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Your card is stunning I love that background die
    Sorry to hear about poor Milo I hope he feels better soon
    This afternoon I am having the Tea on the Lawn ladies over for a catchup We’re good neighbours but haven’t really chatted for about 6 months and this evening I’m out with some work colleagues for a meal I hope you get to see Sue today You can’t beat a natter over a brew and a little bit of crafting
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning everyone.
    Oh Sandra, this is a wow card. It's gorgeous and I love that background. A wonderful x-mas card.
    Hope you get to see Sue today, always more fun crafting together.
    Sadly the Powertex crafting for me was cancelled and moved to the 21 of July 😕
    Karen- have a good time with neighbours and your meal out tonight. Looks like it being a nice day, sun is shining at the moment anyway.
    OH is out today so I am holding the tv control tonight. A bit of swearwords needed doing and then hopefully mojo have reappeared for a little while so I can get a card together.
    Sending many,many hugs to our Brenda and Lynda and to anyone else in need for some extra ones. Have a good day everyone xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, it’s beautiful 😍
    I’m doing a similar card with a Penny Black background die, but it’s not Christmas ☺️
    Hope you and Sue manage to have a catch up 😊
    Karen, enjoy your afternoon and evening catching up with friends.
    Maria, sorry to hear your Powertex workshop was cancelled, hope you’re having a good day anyway.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx
