
Friday 8 April 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Yay it's Friday and Paul is working from home today, so smiles all round in our house, well from me at least!  How annoying was that wind yesterday, it played havoc with out back fence that was blowing like a sheet on a line, it feels as though there is literally nothing holding it up other than the ivy thats growing over it!  I did notice that the people the other side of the fence have a huge pile of logs up against the fence on their side which may be why its blowing in towards our garden, we are also not sure whether we have to report it or is it their fence, we have never seen them to ask.  I do hope that this wind dies down for the weekend though, so that we can spend a few hours in the garden.

What do you all have planned for the weekend??  I was surprised to see that it is Easter Weekend next weekend, that came around really fast, lovely to have Paul home for a long weekend, we have nothing planned, if it's nice we will go a visit a National Trust property, I have been wanting to go to Tyntesfield for a long time, I believe you have to book and you can only visit the house in the morning, so it will be an early start. I remember seeing a TV programme about it years ago, it fascinated me, they found original fireplaces and fixtures and fittings in outbuildings and reinstalled them into the house. It was originally a Hunting Lodge but they later added a Mansion that was bought by William Gibbs who made his fortune from selling 'Guano' (Bird poo) as Fertiliser!!

Tyntesfield House

It looks amazing and I know Paul will love the gardens, we started a tradition last year of buying a plant from every NT property we visit.  They are actually really reasonably priced as the raise them from cuttings themselves. 
Our Next Challenge

For our next Challenge I thought that we could all get our Embossing Folders out, if you are anything like me they are a tool that you often overlook, I have mine sitting beside me in a open box and I still forget to use them.  It's a shame having something that you have paid good money for sitting gathering dust!  I think that we all now either ink our backgrounds or use patterned paper, or background stamps.
There are a few different Techniques that you can try, whether it's adding ink to your Embossing folder or Sanding the surface lightly after embossing, using gilding wax to highlight embossed areas. I will try and share as many as I can to inspire you into trying something new.  
I have added a few different cards above to give you some ideas.
I hope that you will enjoy the challenge.

Janet thinking of you today, I hope your appointment goes well my lovely xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. A great challenge for next week My embossing folders are in a drawer next to my desk - I don’t have very many - and still forget to use them
    I have a very busy weekend We are looking after Oscar and Charlie this afternoon I am out all day tomorrow and Sunday is our 46th wedding anniversary We are going into London to see the Tina Turner musical
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, I’ve got quite a few embossing folders which I hardly use!
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, but I love your card and the colour combo 😊
    Janet, hope your appointment goes well today, thinking of you xx
    Michele, hope your hand is feeling a bit better xx
    Karen, have fun with the boys this afternoon 😊
    Nice you’ve got Paul home with you today Sandra 😊
    Nothing planned for the weekend, Marks got a gig tomorrow up Wolverhampton way. I’ll be keeping an eye on Barney as he’s had an allergic reaction to something and his face has swollen up 😔 Took him to vets this morning and just got to keep an eye on him for any breathing difficulties or deterioration.
    Hope you’re all keeping well. Sending lots of hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello All, raining here today, it’s supposed to be warmer but I haven’t noticed it yet.
    Great idea for next week, I have quite a few folders( that’s putting mildly) , so should be able to find that I like. The only trouble I find the Gemini tends to bend the card, and leave little creases. Love the examples you have shown today.

    Janet hope your appointment finds some answers to your painful Bones.

    Hope you all have a good day. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    I like the idea for next week. Forgotten the one I bought at Ally Pally so could dig that one out. Seem to have the same problem with running the card through the machine as Lilian tho with it creases and cracking even with thinner sandwiches.
    Janet, hope you get on alright at the doctors. Thinking of you x
    Karen, have a great weekend!! 🤗
    Sonia, hoping that Barney be ok. Big cuddle for him.
    Sandra, I have a card to finish off so hopefully can send it later. Will take some photos of my latest buy and make 🙂
    On our way out for a coffee and a little shopping. We have got shopping coming tomorrow but always something extra you need for a Friday night 😉
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xx 🤗
