
Thursday 7 April 2022

Masculine Triangle card


Good Morning Ladies,

Thursday has come around fast this week, which surprises me as Paul has been in the office every day this week, which usually makes the days really drag. Fingers crossed he is working from home on tomorrow, which will be a nice end to the week. 

Michele are you getting bored yet, I bet you are, fingers crossed you will be able to do light things with your hand soon, thinking of you my lovely xxx

Janet I was pleased to read that your Knit & Natter ladies loved their Gift Box with Creme Egg, I have to say it would have made my day too as they are a Guilty Pleasure of mine, Sophie bought me a Creme Egg McFlurry from Macdonalds a couple of weeks ago, which is basically soft whip Ice cream with broken up Creme Eggs mixed in, oh I was hooked at the first mouthful, it's a good job I have no access to one or they would become a daily treat!  I  do hope that we can see a picture of your Gift Boxes for Saturday. xxx

Today's card was a late night make, there was nothing on TV on Tuesday evening and I had an idea to use the triangle dies to make a Man Card, so I die cut lots and sat and played, making different combinations of layers in shades of blue and green and then arranging them and adding a simple sentiment.  For some reason though I didn't matter whether I used my laptop Camera of my phone camera the photo looked out of focus, I'm not sure if it is the colours causing the issue of the triangles. Very odd, it's the first time that has happened to me, it didn't do it when I photographed the other Triangle card which makes me think its the colours. Curious!! 

Another day home alone, so will probably be in my craft room, can't even put C & C on for background noise these days either!  I could watch YouTube video though I guess. 

I hope that you all have a good day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx                                                                                                                      


  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very wet and rainy Sheffield.

    SANDRA- your card for today is not my cup of tea but it's very effective and definitely a 'man'card.

    Everything is mixed up here I have to do my 'swearing' today instead of tomorrow as I have an appointment at a medical centre for them to look and talk about my 'bones'. I don't know about any of you Dear Friends but mixing my days don't really work so the rest of the week/week-end will by a

    Well the CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in for a rest and look.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAYSAFE. xxxx

    1. Morning Janet, I totally understand what you are saying, I am the same, just one little routine change can throw the whole week out, I hope your appointment goes well a you get some answers and a treatment plan that gets you on a journey to little to no pain my lovely XXX

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I absolutely love today’s card. It could be used for so many occasions.

    I’m very bored, I didn’t realise how little i would be able to do after my operation. I still have a lot of bruising and it’s very tender which means I basically can’t use my left hand.
    I’m hoping to have a fit in my craft room today but that I can do much, just want to look through some old magazines for inspiration.
    We’ve had very strong winds overnight snd it’s still awful this morning plus it’s trying to rain so no walk for me unless it stops raining.


    1. Try and stay patient my lovely, it must be so frustrating but a few days doing nothing will do you good, give your body time to heal. You will reap the reward in a few weeks when you are pain free and have full use of your hand, you will then be making cards for days using all of the inspiration you gained during these days of healing. Sending healing hugs your way. Xxx

  3. Sue's Comment:

    Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A great card today, especially for the men. I love the colours used and the simplicity of the card but there is still plenty to look at, if you know what I mean. Your photo doesn’t look blurry at all on my screen. I’m planning on using a triangle for my challenge card which I hope to make tomorrow. Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  4. Hi
    Nice card Sandra. I like the colours together.
    Wishing you all a good day. Mine is back to bed, listening to the wind and rain :/
    Many hugs to you all xx

  5. Hi, late again
    Great card Sandra,
    Janet hope your appointment goes well.
    Michele hope you have a good look through your mags.
    Good night All. Lilian
