
Saturday 16 April 2022

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Karen's Craft Workshop


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

What an absolutely gorgeous day Good Friday turned out to be, we were blessed with lovely warm sunshine all day.  I only got to enjoy a couple of hours of it though as Covid day 5 started not to bad, I got up made a vitamin packed smoothie which also had oats in so would supplement my breakfast, adding lots of frozen berries makes it really thick like Icecream which is soothing on a sore throat.  I managed to put a load of washing in but then started to feel light headed so ended up back on the bed!  I had a rough AF episode and ended up sleeping until just after 4pm, which seemed such a waste of a day, never mind, fingers crossed today will be better.!  🤞 

Karen's Daisy B Workshop 

Karen had a lovely all day Workshop with the lovely Daisy B Family  last Saturday,  she was invited by her friends Marie & Lyn.  I have to say that the projects that you made are absolutely stunning Karen.  In the morning session Karen made these two beautiful cards, I adore that second one ❤️ . I have to say that your colouring is outstanding,  the colouring on the Bow Dress works so perfectly with the paper piecing. 
I can see why you have bought the  Chalk Pastel Pencils Karen the blending on the two grey dresses looks amazing! 

Amazing Lunch 

I cannot believe how amazing this Lunchbox is, Sandwich,  Quiche, Pork Pie & Sausage roll followed by Scones with butter, jam & Cream & a selection of cakes.  I'm not surprised you ended taking some home Karen, what a lovely treat.  

In the afternoon session Karen made a couple of MDF projects, a pretty door hanger that Karen decorated with the stamps from the first card which she has paper pieced, it looks so effective Karen.  The last project of the day was this very useful Desk Tidy,  the splat stamps and paintbrushes work so well together and Create is in a lovely font. 


Of course you couldn't go to a craft workshop without buying some of their products,  Karen has bought a lovely selection of stamps, something for everything there Karen  
Every Crafts a Pound had s Pop Up Shop there too so Karen bought a few Essentials,  a lovely paper pad or two and some fun stamps!  

Now if any of us find a medium that we really enjoy colouring with of course we are going to need to buy it, Karen really enjoyed using the Chalk Pastel pencils so ordered a set to have a play with, I don't blame you those grey dresses looked amazing! 

All in all it sounded like an amazing crafty day out with lovely friends,  4 amazing projects show how much you enjoyed the day Karen, thank you so much for allowing me to share your amazing day at Daisy B Workshop XXX 


Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday and that you are bathed in glorious 🌞 Sunshine, 

Sending my love and hugs you all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    WOW KAREN what a fantastic day you had.So much beauty and inspiration and the products used look amazing.

    Jim has gone off to M&S foodhall so I'm hoping to catch up on one or two jobs that need doing - mostly of the craft kind.
    Everything this now booked for next Saturday so all we now need is for Dover to be sorted and everything back to normal.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the tables/chairs are outside waiting for you to enjoy the sunshine.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE. Have a good week-end.xxxx

  2. As you can tell I had a fabulous day at the workshop I loved using the chalk pencils but I wish I’d bought a bigger set The colours in the 12 are quite restricted They provide everything too All they suggested taking was a scalpel a cutting mat and a colouring medium so that you didn’t have to wait to use theirs
    Our bowling green opens today So this afternoon we are going up for a game I was useless last year and I don’t suppose I will have improved any over the winter months 🤣
    Take care everyone I hope you Paul and Sophie have a better (relaxing) day today xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the funny quote 😊
    Karen, looks like you had a great day last week, from your gorgeous creations to the yummy lunch and the craft buys 😊 What a wonderful way to spend the day.
    Sandra, I hope you’re all starting to feel a bit better. Please remember to take it easy, and don’t think of a day in bed being wasted - you obviously needed that sleep 😊
    Janet, I’m excited for you, going off to your special place next Saturday, we always look forward to hearing about it and especially the lovely cakes you both have 😊
    Have a good rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Wonderful makes by our Karen and your shopping after. Looking forward to see more with hat dress stamp, It's beautiful. Love the MDF works as well.
    Hope you feeling better today Sandra and Sophie and Paul too are getting there. OH thought he had something so took a test but it came back negative.
    Janet, I'm with Sonia. I feeling all excited to hear that you booked your tickets and soon off to Marigny. Love to hear how you spending your days when you are there and of course of the Friday treat x
    Hope you have had the chance to enjoy some of the sunshine today.It has been lovely and I sat out all day and Son is cooking tonight. A very good day (even if in pain) it has been more bearable. Many hugs to you all xxx
