
Friday 15 April 2022

Good Friday Greetings

 Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

The weather looks ok for the lovely long weekend, I am hoping that I feel up to sitting outside, hopefully able to sow some seeds if Paul sets me up a little area to sit. I have to say though that I feel like my brain isn't 'computing' properly, I expect its just tiredness but even writing a short blog post takes me twice as long, I have to keep re-reading what I wrote to check it a makes sense!!  (Well sort of)!   Our Soph tested positive yesterday,  which is a surprise as we are taking every precaution we can, oddly she was really poorly last week and I was convinced she had covid then, although she used a Nasal only test on Thursday and Monday abd both were negative.  I hope she doesn't become to unwell as she is a week out from her Final Uni deadline for her last ever assignment, I would be devastated if she was to ill to finish it in time. 

Come on ladies, entertain me with your Easter Plans?? .

Our Next Challenge 

Now I'm sure you will all understand that I just don't have the mental or physical capacity to think up and prepare inspiration for a new challenge for this coming week, so I will leave the Embossing Folder challenge running for another week, I think I will still share what you make fot this Sunday,  then any you make next week will be shown next Sunday.  I think that's the plan anyway, if not I will share something fascinating on Sunday and show ALL Embossing Folder cards next weekend.  

Our Sonia very kindly shared some Amazingly Inspirational Embossed cards with me so that I could use them today, you ladies are honestly THE most amazing,  supportive friends! ❤️ 

All three cards are gorgeous,  of course I really 😍 the Kraft card ones, that Butterfly 🦋 on that really deeply embossed background then finished by placing on a Kraft card base, its just perfect  

Then we have the stunning Christmas card, this card Sonia hss inked over the embossing, giving that lovely frosty effect. This card is finished with a Kraft card base, a lovely snowflake and that lovely Sentiment. 

Card 3 is a lovely, fun card, that bubble effect from the embossing folder looks like the bubbles in Teddy's Beer,  very clever Sonia, a perfect man card !!

Thank you so much Sonia for helping me out and inspiring us all with these stunning cards XXX 

Ladies,  I hope that you all have a lovely day, I hope that you all have a lovely Easter Weekend,

My Love and Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful cards SONIA. You are definitely Queen of Kraft Card.

    My usual 'swear' word today not that I feel like doing any but needs must. Mr Tesco deliverying this afternoon.

    I hope you are both feeling better and that Soph is not too bad.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours-.HUGS to you all.PLEASE TAKE GREAT CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Beautiful cards Sonia Thank you
    I hope you were able to sleep better last night and you Paul and Sophie are beginning to feel better If I was you I’d sit in the garden - yeah But I wouldn’t do any potting Just rest and relax
    We don’t have anything planned apart fro dancing tonight OH is at Wembley on Sunday
    Thinking about it this is the first Bank Holiday in 46 years that OH is not working! So really slipped our minds that it was a long weekend!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards Sonia. I'm always go soft for a bear 😊
    Oh Sandra, sorry to hear Sophie got it to. Wishing her better and hoping she manage to do the last at uni. You lady, just sit and rest and get your strength back.
    I'm for a long time since have got c&c on while having breakfast. It's Pretty Gets Gritty, I'm sure you know it. It's quite nice stamps and dies.Lynette Jasper making the cards. Still to much talking in the program 😣
    Looks like a gorgeous day so off out for a walk in a minute. Having a little play this afternoon unless the sun still out, then I think it will win 😊
    Have a good Friday everyone. Big hugs to you all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my cards, and all your lovely comments. I hope they offer some inspiration for you 😊 Please don’t worry Sandra, we are all here to help, you do such a wonderful job with the blog every day and it’s very much appreciated all the time and effort you put into it even when you’re feeling unwell 😘 xx
    So sorry to hear Sophie has it too, take it easy all of you and I hope you’re all feeling better soon and are able to enjoy the lovely spring weather we’re having at the moment.
    Been busy at work today, and then catching up on some housework, I’m looking forward to having a sit down this evening.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, sending hugs to you all xxx
