
Friday 18 March 2022

Sonia's Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

How are you all this fabulous Friday Morning?? (Or afternoon if thats when you look in😘). It was a beautiful sunny day here yesterday, as I predicted though the fields are now tributaries of the Thames

Paul went into the office yesterday and Sophie didn't come down for food or drinks until around 2.30pm (I'm guessing she has supplies upstairs) so the house was really quiet.  Apart from Milo whining because he couldn't find Paul !!  I didn't think it was possible that anyone could miss Paul more than I do when he goes to work!! 

Have you all started planning your summer planting or veg plants? I think that's what we will be doing this weekend, we might even pop to a Garden centre to have a browse,  Paul always refuses to buy from them as the ones by us are so overpriced, I really wonder if these people at the tills with trolleys of plants ever look elsewhere to compare prices!  I mean you need a credit card to have a cuppa and a slice of cake!  I often fancy sitting and indulging but 'Mr Yorkshire' is always on hand to remind me that we could buy two whole cakes for the cost of two slices at the garden centre!  I will have to start packing the flask and a cake so we can pretend in the car park! πŸ˜‚

Sonia's Challenge

I asked Sonia if there was any theme that she would like to see for this week's Challenge, just to give my brain a rest! lolπŸ˜‚

I was delighted when she came back with the idea of having 'Flowers' as the theme for our next challenge.  A little while later she sent me the three Incredibly Beautiful Cards above. I mean the texture of the background on that first card is just incredible!  The shades of grey with that vibrant pop of pink just works, it's stunning!  Who doesn't just melt when they see a Lilli of Valley card, the image is beautiful but that beauty is enhanced so much by Sonia's stunning design. 

It's a great challenge, we all love Flowers πŸ’, especially this time of year where are gardens are bursting into life, it gives so much inspiration!  Don't forget that Flowers are great for Christmas cards too with Poinsettia or Christmas Rose. As always I can't wait to see what beautiful projects you all create.

Thank you Sonia for suggesting this weeks challenge and sharing your beautiful cards.


I hope that you all have a lovely Friday and are preparing for a relaxing weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Your cards are amazing Sonia and a perfect choice for a challenge
    My sister in law is in charge of flowers for the garden and is coming over next weekend to sort us out! At the moment I have winter pansies and miniature daffodils in bloom
    We are rushing to get to daughters this morning She has an emergency dental appointment and OH is doing the school run whilst I look after Charlie for a change (I’m usually working!)
    Hair appointment this afternoon and dancing this evening
    Take care everyone

  2. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful cards Sonia. Nice challenge.
    Will do my best. Might not make it this weeks, not 100% and having stepson here over the weekend. Saying it's going to be four days of sunshine so hoping it will warm up a bit.
    Lilian, take care and wishing you and R a speedy recovery.
    Have a good day as possible, many hugs to you all πŸ€— xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Looking forward to our ‘flowers’ challenge. Thank you for your lovely comments on my cards. I ordered an AALL and Create flower stamp and die on Wednesday, so will definitely be using it 😊
    Haven’t given much thought to what to plant in the garden this year, still a bit wary with Barney, although he hasn’t attacked the new growth on our rose bush…..yet! 🐢
    Karen, I hope your daughter is ok after her trip to the dentist.
    Hope you’re all having a good day and enjoying the lovely sunshine. Sending hugs to you all xxx
