
Saturday 19 March 2022

Mixed Up Saturday -Shopping!!!

 Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We were blessed with another glorious day yesterday, today is supposed to be pretty good too, fingers 🤞 crossed, as the washing machine is on load two and I am hoping to get it mostly dried outside for the first time this year!  

Some of the Acronyms above are quite funny:  I  thing 'STABLE' : Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy .... is very true !!!  

Which is your favourite?? 

Now for this weeks post I thought we would have a look at everyone's Craft shopping.....

Craft Shopping


These are the bits that I bought at Ally Pally last Sunday, it was actually a lovely little show, despite it being a lot smaller than we are used to at Ally Pally, the small has at least half the size, I think the main hall is now a Theatre, the advertising boards all say ''What will you see at London's Newest Old Theatre'',  here is a photo of how it looks now.....

It looks incredible, I had a look through the upcoming events and there are no 'traditional' shows on the calendar, lots of Music Events but no plays.  I think it would be a popular venue having it's own parking and good Public Transport. 

Anyway back to the shopping:  

I have been wanting Tracy Evans Sentiments stamp (bottom right) so I picked that up and I had to buy another as there was a great deal on if you bought two, even better if you got 3 or 4!  My problem was I couldn't remember which ones I had already!   
The Hobby Art sentiment stamp was in a reduced bin, it was £7.99 and has some fantastic sentiments for Art Journaling.  The Woodware stamp I just couldn't resist, I love those flowing grasses, such a pretty stamp.

Sweet Poppy Metal stencil, matching die and scraper, I saw this card and wanted to stencil straight away....

So I popped them straight in my basket,  I did ask the lovely lady on the stand if there was anything I could do to stop the Embossing Paste getting under the stencil, she suggested that I place the stencil on top of my chosen card with a Magnetic sheet underneath, so I picked up a sheet at the till but the lovely man gave it to me for free!!  I haven't gotten around to having a play yet though.  Ooh the other tip he gave me:  I asked about the lovely colours that he used, he said don't be paying out for lots of different colours, just buy the Translucent paste (which I bought but didn't photo) and mix your favourite shades if Acrylic paint to it and mix well.  
I have to say that that is the main benefit of buying your products face to face, you can get really useful help and advice.

Crafters Companion Flower foam, only £4.99 and matches the paper pad I have used for two 'Special cards'  I had run out of the purples so picked up a pack of that, I then saw that lovely flower die, specifically for the flower foam flowers, so picked that up too.  
Lastly was a pack of  C6 cards and envelopes from Limetree and a pack of their 400GSM Black card (that Sue treated me to).  Thanks Sue x

Nobody at the show had the new shade of Distress Inks.. 'Saltwater Taffy'  so I ordered one online, I have also seen so many lovely cards with this Woodware stamp called 'Going to Seed' I really wanted it so I ordered this one from Amazon as they were the same price as the show. 

That's all for my Crafty haul, I can't wait to get playing with it all.   


Karen bought some lovely goodies at Ally Pally:

Aall & Create had some great offers on and Karen made the most of them,  the flower stamp is one that Karen had had a go with at Watford as Sonia had it in her stash, Karen loved it so bought her own, the Scissors stamp goes with the Sewing stamp set that Karen already has, Tracy Evans is brilliant when it comes to accessory stamps!  The Border stamp is one that Karen had seen demonstrated and loved the effect of, the Stencils were a great deal so Karen picked some lovely ones, you don't realise how useful they are until you watch a Tracy, Janet or Jo demonstration, you have enough there to keep you going Karen !

Karen was also waiting to see what Miss P dies would be at the show to go with the ones that she already has, the three sets you have bought are lovely Karen, I love those flower dies and that lovely background.

The last few bits were essentials, a Big pot of Embossing powder, (it always seems expensive but it really is a more cost effective way of buying it, I think that they should offer refills in bags of some kind to refill the bigger pots).  Pinflair Glue gel and some card stock. 

Karen had her photo taken with the lovely Janet and Abs, I have to say that as the company owner Abs couldn't have been more helpful, he took time to chat to everyone, he has such a lovely, happy vibe, you can't help but smile when you are around him xx

A great shopping Haul Karen, thanks for sharing it with us xxx

Sue has been shopping for a paper trimmer/guillotine for months, she had read the reviews on the Crafts Too Guillotine so finally took the plunge and bought it at the show, it was at a good price so it was a good time to buy, no postage costs either which is also a bonus.  
Sue loves Limetree card so topped up her card stash and picked up some card and envelope packs too.
The little Flap / Flip books looked fantastic for kids to play with, they made little albums that you folded and stuck together, some had flaps to lift etc the others had flaps that you turn over, they were only £1 each on the Stamp Addicts stand, so Sue picked one up for each of the Grandchildren.  
Lastly the essentials, a decent Brown ink pad, Versafine Clair Pinecone and the other pad was recommended by Jenny Mayes on Hobby Art stand for Borderless Stamping.

A great little shopping haul Sue, although I have to say it will be odd seeing you cutting with a trimmer and not your Knife and ruler !! 
Thanks for sharing your shopping xxx


Oh  WOW Maria you bought some gorgeous stamps,  I never think to look at Crafty Individuals stamps but I will be from now on.  
I can't pick a favourite but it's between the Poppy and that gorgeous Butterfly stamp. 
Sue and I looked at that embossing folder but couldn't decide whether to get it, I imagine it looks fantastic, great for Men’s cards.  Some nice Oxide colours, that Paper pad is so pretty I love the colours. That Birthday die is lovely,  the added sentiment stamps are great, very popular style at the moment. 
You got a fantastic Haul Maria, thank you so much for sharing it with us XXX 


Our Sonia wasn't going to miss out on a bit of shopping, so she ordered this beautiful  A & C stamp set #232 'Friendship'  by Olga Heldwein, it's such a pretty floral stamp, you can really go to town colouring this stamp or leave it really simple, the detail is incredible, I think it's lovely that it has a matching die as most of them don't.  I am so excited to see what you create with it Sonia x

Sonia also picked up a couple of really useful stencils, they really do make such a difference to backgrounds, just adding parts of them here and there. 

If you think about it logically Sonia your craft goodies are kind of free, as if you had come to Ally Pally you would have has fuel and ticket cost, so all in all you haven't spent anything !!😜😉

Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us Sonia XXX


That's all for today's post Ladies, I hope that you all make the most of the sunshine today, while it lasts.

Lilian I hope that Covid hasn't made you too poorly, you are in my thoughts my lovely XXX

Brenda you are in my thoughts too, I hope that you can get out in the sunshine today XXX

Lynda I hope that you are as well as can be expected my lovely  XXX

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Love the saying I have quite a few WIP PHD and NESTY!
    I hadn’t realised that the main hall appears to been turned into a theatre at Ally Pally I know they have a lot of music events on throughout the summer but always thought they were outside
    I adore everyone’s shopping I thoroughly enjoyed the show because it was smaller and less crowded Apparently Saturday was crowded
    I agree with SANDRA Abs is lovely and both him and Janet Pring were very helpful and took time explaining things
    Off to the hospital later for a dermatology review Since lockdown my skin has really flared up Hopefully they will be able to recommend a different cream etc
    Take care everyone xxx

  2. Hi all,
    well ,WIP,UFO and PHD is some I think that class me alright 😂 and the rest 😌
    Fabulous shopping ladies. I can see some more from you that I liked to have. Going on my shopping list for next time 😉
    Wondering if they be doing one in the Autumn ?
    I read on Facebook about what people thought about the show, some negative but mostly positive. Some even thought the entrance fee was a lot, they haven't been to the NEC then.
    Step-son and his partner is here for the weekend. Going for a walk to Dobbies as it is a gorgeous day and we having a take out tonight so no cooking, yay.
    Sending hugs to you all and wishes you all have a nice day. Maria xxx

  3. Hello, quick note as I still feeling a bit rough. This covid is much worse than we anticipated. We don’t know where we caught, but it’s laid both of us low.

    Love the challenge for next week, hopefully I will be feeling better soon.

    Great shopping,love everything you have all bought, you can’t beat seeing everything in real life.

    Hope you all keep well, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    I love the acronyms, can relate to them all 😂
    Love all of your shopping, it’s so exciting when you get new stuff to play with 😊 The show sounded great, maybe smaller than previous years but the bonus of it being fairly quiet, giving the demonstrators more time to interact with you is wonderful. My goodies arrived in the post today too, so I’ll be ‘playing’ with those soon 😊
    Sandra, I love the Sweet Poppy stencil and die. The beautiful card showcases it perfectly, so no surprise it went into your basket 😊
    Karen, hope the review at hospital goes ok and they can recommend something for you xx
    Maria, have a lovely time with family and enjoy your take away tonight xx
    Lilian, hope you and your other half are ok, take care xx
    Have a good evening everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx
