
Friday 11 March 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Here we are at the end of another week, what a speedy one this one has been!! I'm glad it's Friday, Paul and I achieved nothing all day, we just sat and talked pretty much all day, sometimes laughing other moments were tearful, I think that having a day to yourselves just to reflect on everything from Paul's Dad's life, to the lovely service yesterday,  the other MAJOR thing that we always end up discussing after a funeral is the fact that we don't get together as a big extended family anymore, the amount of times I heard "oh goodness I haven't seen you since you got married , or at the last funeral" etc, It's so sad, you leave then with every intention of keeping in touch but life gets in the way and you don't.  I could see Paul's aunt, was actually properly upset because she had lost the last member of her original family (she is Paul's Dad's only Sibling), she was almost begging for us to keep her included in family events, it really upset me. I will make it my mission to make sure she is, her daughters were with her and they made sure they went and caught up with everyone there.  Family politics can be a nightmare!!  

Our Next Challenge 

I will always do my best to keep Politics out of our daily Blog. However I feel very strongly that Ukraine can do with all the support it can get. 

With that in mind this weeks Challenge is to make cards/projects in the Colours of the Ukrainian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Flag.

Now some of you may not want to participate in something Political so for you this weeks Challenge is to make cards or projects in the colours Blue & Yellow. 😜

They don't need to be the exact shades, it's just a gesture of kindness after all.  
Fossilised Amber & Salty Ocean are Oxides that will work. Stampin Up colours Pacific Point,  Pineapple Punch, Crushed Curry or Daffodil Delight are good colours. 
They are lovely bright colours perfect for Spring too.  I can't wait to see what you design. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    The weeks are flying by and I have to say that I'm not keeping up with them. I have so many things to do that I'm sure I'm going to meet myself coming
    Anyway as I'm always told 'do what you can when you can' so of course I will spend the day 'swearing' and waiting for Mr Tesco to deliver oh and sending off my CC for this week.
    I think that's enough for one day.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN ALL HOURS so we can pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE. Have a good week-end.xxxx

  2. Morning ladies
    Very nice idea for the cc next week. Your cards are lovely and of course I like yellow and blue as in my own country's flag. Still got this week one to finish.
    100% rain here today so a day to stay at home and craft.
    Sending hugs to you all and wish your day is good. Take care. Maria xxx

  3. Lovely idea for the challenge Like you say it’s just 2 colours as a choice It’s not like we are demonstrating/rioting etc We’re just showing a little bit of support
    Family even friend occasions can get you like that How many times have we said “we must meet up soon” etc and time just passes away
    OH is out dancing tonight So I will be crafting I expect

  4. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week. Looking forward to making some more cards in these colours and using my new craft buys 😊
    It’s good to have a day to yourselves, to talk and reflect on the past, isn’t it.
    We’re exactly the same when meeting up with family at these occasions, leaving with promises of getting together again, but as you say, life gets in the way and time flies by!
    A wet, miserable day here today which looks like it’s set in for the weekend. Lots of crafting on the agenda - after a bit of housework! Mark was meant to be playing a gig tomorrow night but he’s come down with covid. Shame really as it was quite a local one to us in Basingstoke.
    Have a good rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, sunshine and showers but not quite so cold.

    Had catastrophe yesterday, the front tooth of my partial denture broke off, luckily I didn’t swallow it. We have a dental lab quite near , R dropped it in late yesterday, and picked it up again this morning . It’s a metal plate so has little peg to fix the tooth on, £32 for about 5 minutes work, still needs must.

    The cleaning firm that I use has decided to end their services, apparently she can’t get enough staff, I’ve been with them for quite a few years, not sure what we will do, look for another firm I suppose.

    Good idea for a challenge for next week, will put my thinking cap on.

    Have a good day whatever you are doing, Lilian
