
Thursday 10 March 2022


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well, todays blog will be a brief one my lovelies.

Yesterday went as well as could be expected,  the funeral itself was a fitting tribute, Barrie had a guard of honour with their colours (flags) to line his route into the church, they stood to attention with those flags for the whole hour we were in the church, Paul's 2 brothers read fitting tributes, it was bother funny and sad.  I couldn't have been prouder of Matt, Becca and Lucy & Sophie they really did us proud. It was a very long and emotional day for all of us.

Today will be spent resting, Paul has a couple of days off too.

Today's card was made with that beautiful butterfly,  this time coloured with Crushed Curry and Pumpkin Pie ink that I added with a waterbrush.  I used a SU striped embossing folder and layered with Pumpkin Pie card.

I want to thank you all for your amazing support throughout the day, it's always on these occasions that I truly appreciate how amazing your love and support is, having you a there with me virtually was what kept me going. 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,




  1. It sounds like Paul’s dad really did have a wonderful send off So so emotional for you all
    Today’s card is lovely A truly classic style I love that embossing folder too
    I managed to get one of those labellers and hope to use it on my current challenge card
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi, dry at last and no wind!,

    Sandra , glad yesterday went well, I’m sure you must be exhausted, take it easy today.

    Love your card, those stamps are so useful.

    Just going to finish off my challenge cards, then send them to Sandra

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely card, beautiful butterfly. Careful so not Lynda comes to pinch it 😊
    Hope the journey for you all to come back goes without any delays. Glad Paul got some days off so you can spend it together. Take care.
    Town first thing this morning, then to Dentist for a check up (got pain in my jaw, probably from the Fibro.) and then a visit to go in the 'Clamper' 😳 so now feeling shattered.
    I also got myself a labeller so watch out, never know where it goes. Hoping they not like my Crystal dots for them I can find everywhere 😉 🙈
    Many hugs for you all are on their way... Xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful butterfly card, love the colours 😊
    Glad yesterday went well, and Pauls Dad had a good send off xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx
