
Thursday 10 February 2022

Pretty Pink Floral Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, gentle hugs a flying out to those of you that could use one.

Yesterday was a totally slow and easy day for my and the girls, with it being after 3am when we got home and I was so incredibly cold that it took a good hour in bed for me to start warming up, thankfully Paul had prewarmed my side of the bed and made me a hot water bottle, which felt like heaven when I climbed into bed.  We are all a little bit achy and sore today, I wished we could have tracked how far we walked (while I obviously didn't walk), I know the girls were feeling it by the time we got to the Bus Stop.  Actually another thing that Tuesday highlighted was how Un-wheelchair Friendly London actually is, I don't mean the theatres as such as they try their very best to be accommodating, we have experienced the kindest of Access Attendants at most theatres, who literally could do no more to make your experience the best it could be.  Its the roads and footpaths that let the capital down, we detoured from Oxford street to walk through Carnaby street as I thought it would make the long walk a bit more entertaining for the girls, which it was with all the signs and decorations made it a fun experience, all 3 of the girls enjoyed the quirky little independent shops etc, but boy did we have a nightmare with footpaths, it was either the poor quality of the flagstones on the pavement, sticking up at such an angle that the wheelchair wouldn't get over them of the lack of dropped kerbs to get back onto the pavement when crossing a road, I know I probably feel it was worse because I am self conscious of the girls having to push me around, but they tried everything to make it easier including trying to walk along the road, which just didn't work because there was so much traffic.  I feel that representatives from the Councils that make up central London should spend a day trying to navigate themselves around London in a wheelchair so that they can see for themselves how impossible it is. It doesn't stop at wheelchairs either, imagine being visually impaired.  I understand that at places like Covent Garden the cobble stones are part of the history of the Market but they could add some kind of surface to make a path for wheelchair users.  The rest of the pavement issues we experienced was nothing to do with historical building etc it is simply lack of maintenance!  I think I noticed it more because it was the girls that were pushing me and struggled a little more than Paul would have bless them, we made light of it at the time, having a laugh and a joke really does ease everyone's frustration.

Today's card is another card that I had great fun making on Sunday afternoon, for this one I used the Stampin Up! Flowing Flowers stamp set, it is one of their 'Distiktive' stamp sets that has the Photo-real style.

I stamped the flowers in the lovely bring 'Polished Pink' ink and the foliage in Pear Pizzazz, at first I thought the pink a little bright put as it dried and was combined with the green I loved it. I just stamped three of the flowers around the edges of the card and filled inbetween with leaves etc.  To finish the card I stamped the 'It's the Little Things that make life Great' sentiment which is very true and a sentiment fit for so many occasions, or simply for a card sent to brighten someone's day, so I stamped the sentiment and die cut it with a label die and then cut a mat that matched in Pear Pizzazz, the other finishing touch was the three little Polished Pink dots in the top corner.  The more I look at this card the more I like it, I think I might make another in So Saffron and Petal Pink.

I don't think there will be much happening here today, I am going to do some crafting though.  I actually had a delivery of some storage containers and some crates to re-organise the pantry, but I might leave that for the weekend. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day however you are spending it,

My love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Pretty card Is it one stamp that does the job or are there different layers like the Altenew ones
    London is bad for wheelchair users and fortunately for you it was not peak times when you really feel like a sardine
    We ended up looking after the boys last night Our daughter is very good at “last” She had the chance of going to the Spurs game Coincidentally they were driven in by a friend who is in a wheelchair. He managed to “snag” a disabled parking space right underneath the ground So some places give VIP treatment I wish it included more of London
    Must go and start work See you later xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra, you are so good at making the cards together with flowers and the leaves in the most loveliest of colours.
    Sad to hear the pavements and roads are so bad for a person in a wheelchair in London but here they are pretty bad too so one keep banging the toes or tripping up. A friend of ours who tripped over a slab sticking up on the pavement ones and broke her leg took it to court but she got absolutely nothing for it because the slab was not up enough !! I hope you got a good rest yesterday and have fun this afternoon crafting.
    Karen, very clever of your daughter hihi hope you had plenty of cuddles. OH have tickets he can give away if he doesn't go himself sometimes so tell her if she want to go again, or maybe not after the disaster yesterday ;/.
    Had a quick trip in to town this morning, bought some nice sandwich fillers from Marks and had brunch at home. OH is now taking Son's girlfriend to Luton, it will be empty after she gone back home.
    Have a nice day everyone. Big hugs to you all. Maria xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card, I love the colours 😊
    Sadly it seems a lot of places are the same with dangerous pavements and roads. You’d think they’d keep them maintained for all abilities in this day and age.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello all , sunshine at last.

    Sandra you card is really special, very professional, puts my daubs to shame.

    Back bad again today, not not achieved much. Hope you all had a good day. Lilian
