
Friday 11 February 2022

Janet's Vintage Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the end of another week,  what do you all have planned for the weekend?  We are off down to Brixham tomorrow to visit Paul's Mum & Dad, we are only going for the day so it will be a long one, I think its important for Paul to spend as much time as he can with his Dad, I'm hoping that he is having a "good " day when we go, it seems to be hit and miss to be honest, Paul calls his Mum everynight to check how his Dad is doing, from Tuesday this week he has been stringing words together which is huge progess, it really exhausts him though, it really does make us think that his acute deterioration was down to not being fed and hydrated, there is no other explanation for him recovering from being totally unresponsive to eating (soft food) and drinking, he can hold his cup again too, he couldn't manage 1 single word either but now he can string a couple words together.   I don't want Paul building up too much hope though, it's such a tough situation. 

Janet's Vintage Challenge 

I asked Janet if she would like to suggest a topic for our Challenge this week, I often ask on the chat group forgetting that Janet doesn't see that.  So when I messaged Janet she suggested 'Vintage' our next Challenge.  
Now vintage covers many styles and can of course be used for any occasion.  LaBlanche & Stamperia both feature mostly vintage themed designs, the Vintage colour palette tends to be mostly Muted shades, nothing too bright and garish. If you need any  inspiration just type 'Vintage Style Handmade cards' in Pinterest and you will find a huge range of ideas. 
I will share some more inspiration tomorrow. 
Thank you so much Janet for suggesting this week's Challenge theme, it isn't one I would have thought of !!  XXX 
I look forward to seeing your Vintage themed cards &  Journal pages. 

I hope that you all have good day & relaxing weekend, 

Love & Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Well here we are heading for the middle of February and it's bitterly cold here this morning. We are measuring -2 so I suppose I'll keep warm warm today 'swearing' as it's Friday too.
    Mr Tesco delivered yesterday afternoon so today will be upside down.

    I hope your journey tomorrow will be trouble free and that Dad is having a good day.


  2. Thank you Janet A lovely challenge idea which will really make the brain cells work! I rarely do vintage style
    I hope the journey is a smooth one and that Paul’s dad is having a good day Don’t overdo it missus!
    It should’ve been MIL’s birthday today and so with our tradition I have made and laminated a card and OOH has written a poem He’ll visit the grave this morning I have family coming for dinner Sunday (6 people) which I was pleased about Now I’m getting nervous I don’t want to give anyone food poisoning! Never have done in 46+ years but ….
    Take care everyone xx

    1. How lovely that you are getting to host a family dinner after so long. Are you doing a roast?

  3. Hi Ladies
    Hoping your day and journey goes well and Paul's dad is alright.
    Have a good day everyone and if in any type of pain, I wish you better soon. Take care, Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely challenge from our Janet, and some beautiful examples 😊
    Great to hear Pauls Dad is doing so much better and I hope tomorrow goes well.
    I’m looking forward to not having to set the alarm tomorrow and spend some time crafting 😊
    Have a good rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello another sunny day.

    Janet great idea for next week, I will did out all my Stamperia papers and se what I can do. Some beautiful examples on show today.

    Sandra hope the trip goes well and Paul finds his Dad has carried on improving.

    Goodnight all, Lilian
