
Sunday 30 January 2022

Your Floral Challenge Projects


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Well we ended up having a very long and exhausting day yesterday,  we ended up driving down to Brixham last minute yesterday as Paul's dad took a turn for the worse.  😪 

We just felt mentally and physically exhausted by the end of the day. 

Janet,  I do hope that your roof tiles all behaved themselves and stayed in place.  I hope you managed a power nap to catch up on the sleep you missed through the night.  I know what you mean about Jim not hearing,  Paul could sleep through an earthquake I think ! x

Your Flower Projects


Sonia's Description:

I used an old Hobbycraft stamp with distress inks and the watercolour stamping technique. The flower is from an AALL and Create stamp set 😊 xx

Oh Sonia, the textured look you have created is SO incredible,  I was blown away when I opened your message.   I love this journal page 😍 xxx


Janet's Description:

My first card was made using 'HOUSE OF ROSES' by STAMPERIA.
This 8x8 pad is just beautiful to use and the embellishments which match the papers are so detailed and just as beautiful as the papers.

My second card this week was made using 'LILAC' papers by 'LABLANCHE'. The embellishment is also 'LABLANCHE'.  These are removable from any surface so can be used again on another project if wanted.

Janet cards are both so beautiful,  you just can't go wrong with either Stamperia or LABLANCHE papers, both have such high quality papers and embellishments,  you have designed two stunning cards my lovely,  thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Karen's Description:

Card 1:  Here’s a page that I copied from a TE video I don’t have the Hibiscus set so substituted the Worded Petals #567

Card 2: Here’s a page using the piece I was experimenting with I like it BUT I think I have spoiled it by adding the drawn border

Karen all three if your projects are stunning, card 3 is even better up close, so bright and beautiful 😍 
The Iris card is lovely,  I love the background and I don't think your edging spoilt it at all.
Card 1 is a wow with those amazing colours, you must be so happy with all of these Karen,  who knew even 18 months ago that your card making style would evolve into making layered inky backgrounds and exclusively stamped cards ?!  Thank you so much Karen for 3 stunning projects XXX


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my Journal page , an idea from Pinterest, again, Tim Holtz flowers and one of their stencils. Not very good with sprays, did several that went in the bin, so had to use this one.

Lilian your journal page is so beautiful,  did you stamp and stencil onto a book page as I love the delicate script in the background the mask you have used is pretty too. Your arrangement of flowers is beautiful Lilian finished with that pretty perfectly matched bow.
Thank you so much for such an inspirational piece xxx


Ladies thank you so much for supporting the challenge,  seeing your cards and journal pages has been truly inspirational. 

I hope that you all have a lovely sunday,

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely selection of floral cards.

    Hope everyone survived Storm Malik yesterday, we’re set to get more strong winds this evening & tonight so fingers crossed everything is ok after that.

    I’m still very busy at work, and not much crafting going on. I have been reorganising my craft room though.


  2. I do hope you got things sorted I’ll leave the rants for the chat page
    Amazing cards/pages ladies I am really enjoying experimenting and seeing what works and what doesn’t I had a very messy time with shaving foam yesterday Do I like what I’ve done - I’m not sure
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Wow, I love all the cards and journal pages, they’re fantastic 😍 I wish I’d had time to do more, but am looking forward to this weeks challenge.
    Karen, I love the border on your second card, it looks perfect, and doesn’t ruin it at all xx
    Sandra, hope everything is ok after your dash down to Brixham xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful creations for this week's challenge. I know I frequently say 'all so different from one theme' but it's so true. So much inspirational.

    SANDRA-I hope all is as well as it can be with Paul's Dad.It is so difficult being miles away.Hope you have a restful day today.

    Our roof tiles DEFINITELY DID NOT BEHAVE.We have damage to ridge tiles and tiles just below them.In fact we have one tile buried edge on in the front lawn. So the afternoon was spent on the phone with the Insurance Co. and are now waiting for an Assessor to call and make arrangements for an inspection. According to the IS we had winds of 80.5miles an hour through Friday night. We have everything crossed that tomorrow the Assessor contacts us and that the weather behaves.

    The CAFEis OPEN as usual so pop in and sit a while.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all.

  5. Morning everyone
    Wow what amazing cards you all made, I love them all!💕

    Sorry, I thought I comment on yesterday's post but must have forgotten.
    I love the cards by our Karen, great for the kids.👍
    I saw the magazine in Smith but didn't buy it,now I think I have changed my mind for there are some nice ideas. Thank you for doing the review 😊
    Since I got back I haven't even looked at my crafts. Felt a bit blue and been in too much pain. You know what I mean....
    Anyhow it is nice to see Michele in today, hope you are ok?
    Sorry to hear about the storm and the tiles falling off the roof Janet. Hopefully you wont have anymore of the storm and the roof is soon fixed. Take care!
    Brenda, thinking of you and sending you a special hug also for our Lilian ,Sue and Lynda and to anyone who need some,
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone, Maria xx

  6. Sue's Comment:

    Heres what I would haven written on the blog.
    Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today
    So many beautiful floral cards. And several different styles used. As usual lots of inspiration.
    I hope you get things sorted my lovely xx
    Janet, sorry to hear of the roof damage. Fingers crossed you don’t get any more high winds xx
    Maria, home from holiday is always a blue time isn’t it. I hope you are in less pain now xx
    Look after yourselves everyone. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What lovely floral cards/journal pages all so beautiful and so different.

    Janet I hope you hear from the assessor tomorrow, then the insurance company can get your roof repaired, fingers crossed it will be completed ASAP. xx

    Maria hope you get some pain relief soon and the holiday blue subside, you must have had an amazing holiday though, just sad it has to come to an end. Looking on the bright side you could start planning your next visit. xx

    Michele nice to see you pop in. xx

    Take care everyone, stay safe and warm. Hugs xxx

  8. Hello, late again, I’ve had one of those days when I have been behind with everything. Didn’t get much sleep last night and then overslept this morning.

    Cards and pages are wonderful, do love doing my pages in my journal,, looking forward to doing this weeks..
    I’ll see you tomorrow, Lilian
