
Saturday 29 January 2022

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I love this craft quote, it's so true and I would also like to add that they make the most Amazing Friends too.  I feel so incredibly blessed to have you Amazing Ladies as my Blog Family ❤😘😍


Karen was asked to make these amazing cards by her Daughter Charlotte, I think Charlotte is like my girls and loves the fact that she can give her friends the most amazing personalised cards, with the added benefit of them being Free!!   
Both cards are fantastic,  the dress on Barbie with its sparkling sequins is so pretty and I can just see the delight in the little girls eyes when she opens this card.   
Dexter's card is awesome too, such a bright and cheerful card. 
Thank you for sharing these cards with us Karen XXX

Karen's Shopping 

Karen's Description:

Ecoline Pens: 

A bargain (I think) 20 pens for £25 from eBay

I have tried out the Ecoline pens too OMG They are so vibrant which I love and you need the tiniest tiniest amount to blend out I used far too much! Lesson learned!

Dymo Machine:

Alan got this from Aldi 
It seems like a bargain at £15 (Amazon £31ish) 
Doesn’t do white writing on black tape or embossed but I I will be able to label things and maybe a bit of text on a card

Karen those Ecoline pens look so juicy and vobrant, they blend out smoothly too, some beautiful colours too, I can't wait to see you start creating with them, I think Our Lilian may have these and said that they work well on specific card, hopefully she will see this and confirm which card works best.

Your Dymo Machine will be so useful both for organising your craft room and more importantly for your craft projects.  

Thanl you so much for sharing your shopping with us. It's so lovely seeing what everyone buys XXX

Sue's Magazine Review 

Simply cards and papercraft
       Issue 226

This months magazine has some beautiful floral stamps and sentiments. They are some of the prettiest freebie stamps I think I have ever had and I think they will become my “go to” flowers.

The first article shows several clean and simple slimline cards which are so popular at the moment.

The stamps are used to make gifts in the next article. Isn’t that a gorgeous stamp.

There is a good watercolour article which shows some more lovely cards using the free  stamps that a non painter like me will actually have a go at.

This is something that we could all do and wouldn’t they make great cards for the men?

Have you put your festive dies away? You may want to get them back out once you see these bright and cheerful cards after looking at them in a different way. Again I think these cards will be good for the teenage boys and the men

A simple photo frame becomes a calendar that you can update any time you want, maybe a change of colour or background for each season?

Making your own stencils will be really useful for your art journals so this article may be just what you want to see

There’s also several other articles and the usual prize drawers with chances to win various crafty bits.

I hope this gives you an idea of what’s on offer this month. Enjoy yourselves

Thank you so much Sue for a fantastic review, the free stamps are amazing and there are some really inspirational projects.  I really appreciate you taking the time to write the review XXX

Lilian made this really special Christmas card for me this year,  the stitching must have taken ages, I didn't want to put it in my treasure box, so I bought a picture frame and popped it in, now I can get it out each year as a Christmas Decoration.  Love it ❤

I hope that you ladies all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Well I have been up most of the night with howling winds and the tiles on the roof playing very loudly.
    I only hope that when daylight comes they are all in place.
    Of course someone never wakes once asleep so misses all the 'entertainment'lol.

    KAREN-your cards are beautiful and I'm sure were more than well received. Your shopping looks very interesting too.

    SUE-thank you foryour mag review. I shall read it in full later.

    We're to meet Jim's Niece for coffee this morning. I only hope that the wind dies down a little so that I can get to the car easily.

    The CAFE is OPEN and tea with scones will be available this afternoon.HUGS ARE ON THEIR WAY TO YOU ALL.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.Have a good week-end.xxxx

  2. The saying made me smile as us ordinary people are the best people
    Thank you Sue for the magazine review
    I am trying to get used to the Ecoline pens I used a couple on one of my journal pages for tomorrow They really are intense and only need the tiniest amount
    The labeller has been put to very good use already mainly labelling work folders!
    I hope to start a journal page later today
    Take care everyone x

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the quote 🥰
    Two great cards Karen, they will be greatly received. I like the look of your new pens and dymo machine, I’m sure they’ll get a lot of use 😊
    A beautiful card from Lilian, and lovely in the frame to put out each year 😊
    Great magazine review Sue, some interesting ideas. Like the look of the background builder ones 😊
    Janet, I hope you didn’t wake up to any damage this morning, it’s turned very windy here now and looks like rain.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, great saying and oh so true.

    Karen love your cards I’m sure they will be loved. I have the pens I followed Tracy’s advice and use smooth water colour paper, she said not to use the pink frog card. As you say they need plenty of water.

    The magazine looks good , lovely stamps to use and plenty of interesting ideas.

    Spent the morning making stock for soup. I put all my bones from Christmas in the freezer, so handy to use later.

    Hope you all have a lovely afternoon, Lilian

  5. Sue's Comment:
    What a true saying
    Karen, I love the cards, children love personalised things don’t they. Gem has a Dynamo as she is Miss Organised and she stocks up on the refills when they are in Aldi as they are usually a good price apparently.
    Lilian, your Christmas tree sewn cards is simply gorgeous.
    Sandra I’m not surprised you have framed Liliana card. It is beautiful xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    How very true your poster is Sandra, I have made more friends through crafting than any other walk in life. I feel blessed to be able to call everyone on your blog a friend, I can only say a BIG THANK YOU to you for that. xx

    Karen love the cards, I’m sure Charlotte was thrilled with these special request cards. Great shopping.xx

    Sue thank you for the magazine review and the free stamps look good, might just have to get this one. xx

    Lilian your Christmas card for Sandra is lovely. It looks great in the frame and to think it will be part of future Christmas decorations in the Riley household is a real tribute to your talents. xx

    Take care everyone and stay safe. XXX
