
Thursday 6 January 2022

Karen's First Journal pages


Good Morning Ladies, 

Thank you all for your kind comments on my Journal page yesterday, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed getting messy making it, I made one mistake though   I left my stencil covered in Acrylic paint 😳, luckily I soaked it for few minutes in a bowl of warm water with a tiny drop of Aerial gel and in cleaned up perfectly!πŸ˜…

Today I am sharing Karen's first journal pages, they are stunning,  I love all the colours ❤, so cheerful  bright & Vibrant,  a perfect way to start a journal. 

Karen followed Tracy Evans Workshop 56, I love all of the detailed stamping, most of all I love all of your doodling,  that is something i find SO HARD, I think its because it isn't something that can be perfect or 'right', Tracy was so right in saying "you have to relax and hold the pen loosely", because I was nervous my arms were stiff my shoulders were forward and I was holding the pen with white knuckles!!  I still don't totally relax but it was easier when I tried. 

Karen's Description:

Here are my workshop pages 

Tracy did 8 blues which I don’t have So I went with pinks I don’t have Candied Apple and Ripe Persimmon So I substituted others Spiced Marmalade and Carved Pumpkin BUT I went wrong with Crackling Campfire It’s knowing how/which colours to put next to each other I am going to try with the few greens and purples I have

It was interesting doing wet on wet and then when dry going over with more intense colour.

Thank you so much Karen for inspiring us all with your Journal pages.  You have got off to an absolutely incredible start, I am so excited to follow your Journal journey XXX

I have found that its more relaxed doing a journal page, I think it's because its purely for enjoyment and its just for you it, you don't feel the same pressure for perfection as you do on a card thats for a loved one. So you feel more open for experimenting! 

Brenda & Lynda,sending you both warm, heartfelt hugs and lots of love, I hope you both feel better soon 😘 xxx

Stay warm ladies, the temperature has really dropped,  I think it feels colder because its been so unseasonably warm this last week or two!  We need the cold crisp weather to cleanse the air ! 

Sendind love and hugs to the rest of you lovely friends too,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Good morning everyone
    I love your journal pages Karen. The colours are gorgeous. Useful to have a colour wheel. Is this a stamp by Tracy ?
    Beautiful morning with hard frost so had to defrost the car before popping quickly in to town and we are now in Frost for a brekkie and a little look around on the sales before going back home to hopefully start on some kind of journal page.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs to you all, extras for our Lynda and Brenda, wishing you better. Maria xx

  2. Thank you for showing my pages I thoroughly enjoyed doing this It was great to do something for me I now have my own colour chart I am not using a journal I used pieces of card I will make some sort of simple binding to keep them all together I will try and find a DO swatch so that I can see what colours should lie alongside each other
    You are all in my heart Take care and extra hugs for those in pain
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your journal pages, they’re fabulous 😊Glad you enjoyed doing them.
    Blimey, it was so cold this morning, -5 on my car thermometer when I went to work! And it’s not warmed up much at all, it’s still so cold. I hope you’re all managing to keep warm.
    Have a good rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi All, very cold have pushed the heating up a bit , while R is out.

    Karen your pages are really great, love all the bright colours, did you take ages to do them.. Are they ink or water colours.

    Not much else happening here, so I’ll say good night. Lilian.
