
Friday 7 January 2022

Dare I say it????


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Did any of you see any of the 'white stuff', we haven't yet, the lawns were proper crispy this morning though, the cats certainly didn't hang about outside like they normally do when the go for their morning stroll around their grounds to check there have been no intruders! Milo has the cutest little pink pads on his paws, they look so delicate I can't imagine how cold that grass must have been to walk on! Maybe I should knit him some socks 🤣!! Poor Lucy was ages defrosting her car yesterday morning too, it was her first day back since Boxing Day, so it was a bit of a shock to the system, she is in today and the weekend and then they are closing the restaurant for the rest of January, so she will be home, apart from a First Aid Course next week, she was a little frustrated that they have closed the restaurant and expected them to use their holiday to cover their wages, luckily she has enough left to cover the whole period or she would have been out of pocket.  Although she went to help Becca out on New Years Eve at her Italian Restaurant in Burford, she worked from noon til 9pm and thoroughly enjoyed it, so she may go and help Becca out on the days she needs her.  Becca is trying to get the girls to go and work for her full time but they just don't feel comfortable working in a pub.  They are both quite quiet girls and Lucy especially lacks confidence so would feel very nervous in a noisy pub environment.  She doesn't mind the restaurant though.  

Do you all have any plans for the weekend, we have to finish getting our Christmas Decorations down and put away, I have ordered a special storage box for the tree baubles, as most of them are glass, so I don't want to put those away until the new storage arrives, all of the other bits are down, the just need the boxes taking back up the loft.  Other than that we have a bit of shopping to do, I would like to get some bits in for making my breakfast smoothies etc as I have gained a fair amount, in fairness I haven't weighed since we got back from holiday, I came back and wasn't really thinking about counting calories, I feel it too, I just feel sluggish and uncomfortable, I also keep getting heartburn and acid reflux too which I had totally irradiated by eating healthily.  We do have quite a bit of the naughty food left from Christmas, Salted Pretzels are my snack of choice, I could devour a whole bag in an afternoon, I do like anything really salty, so I am going to weigh out little 'Treat Bags' into 200 calorie portions, that way I can still have them and still stick to my daily calories. 

Now I wasn't sure whether to do this or not but I have set a Challenge, I am not saying that everyone has to take part but I thought I would give it a try and see how you all felt.
I have chosen a theme that would work as well for a Journal Page or a Card, or tags or anything you choose.
The theme is 'Things with Wings', I picked an old favourite to get us started.
As you can see above I have shared a card that I made using Tracy Evans 'Through the Meadows' #449 stamp set for the card.  
The journal page is my first in the Journal that Lilian made me a couple of years ago, (I will share it tomorrow), I wanted to have a go at my own page design, I used an old Stampin Up! Die set which I hadn't got around to using as it is quite large for a card, I used pixie powders for colour, It's a very simple page, to be honest I struggle with knowing when to stop, however I really like how it turned out.  So that gives you a couple of examples of the kind of projects you can create.  I hope that you all enjoy getting back to your craft desks again, I have had 2 or 3 really enjoyable afternoons crafting this week. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It's really bitter and icy this morning but no sign of the 'white stuff' thank goodness.

    Well here we are at the end of the first week in January and so everything is back to normal which means it's my 'swear'word day. The washer is already on and I'm waiting to see what time Mr Tesco is deliverying.
    Well that's my day sorted.

    The CAFE has OPENED for the new year so pop in whenever youcan. All are welcome.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Great idea for a challenge -Things with wings
    It could be planes, fairies, birds all sorts - a lovely broad spectrum - even robins for Christmas
    Well a great start to my being off work for a week! OH has just tested positive I am OK at the moment 🤞He has relegated himself to the spare bedroom
    Maybe if a position came up Lucy could work full time at the restaurant as it seems she is enjoying it there It would get her away from DH
    Off for a shower and the crafting I think
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely pages Sandra. Butterflies I have got so will try to make something.
    Have the swearwords to do here as well, have a special guest staying with us for some weeks. Picking Son's girlfriend up from Luton airport tomorrow afternoon.
    Sorry to hear about your OH Karen, hoping he feels ok and you not get it this time.
    Best get a wiggle on or I'm stuck watching recorded programs from x-mas.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs to you all 🤗 xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your journal page and card, they are very inspiring 😊
    No snow here, but still quite cold. We had rain last night and I think there’s more forecast over the weekend. I’ll be working, so nothing planned that the weather can put a dampener on.
    Karen, sorry to hear about your OH, I hope you can still enjoy your week off.
    Have a good day rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, just had an enormous thunder storm, windows rattling, I am very afraid of it.

    Sandra great idea for challenge, love the samples you’ve done. Been looking on Pinterest for some ideas for a journal page.

    Done a bit of house work this morning, also altered a duvet cover, which was too wide, ended up with me having just cover.

    Hoping to craft this afternoon, going to download the distress oxide colour chart that Karen kindly messaged yesterday. Lilian
