
Friday 3 December 2021

Your Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I am losing my marbles this week, I totally wrote today's post as a Thursday! I made a card and everything,  anyway I realised just as I was about publish it.  So anyway here we are at the first weekend of December, unbelievable, I don't  feel ready.   But then I think most of us feel the same.   I popped to Asda with Lucy last night and there were people doing their food shop, two trolleys full some of them!  We have got our turkey and that's it!  Have you all started your food shopping?  

I thought a TicTacToe would work for this week as some of you are still making Christmas cards,  this TicTacToe works for most occasions,  including Christmas so should work ok.
I look forward to your designs as usual! 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,  

Love and hugs to all, especially those under the weather or those that have sore arms from vaccination!



  1. Morning Everyone
    Looks a good challenge for this week.

    Well I shall be more than happy to see the end of this week.I seem to have spent it travelling to medical buildings all week.At least I am now all up todate with my Corvid injections and it's a waiting game for other results.

    I need to apologise to all Dear Friends as I have to say that this year's Seasonal Cards are 'bought' ones.I still haven't managed to get into my craft room and so once again my Challenge card will be a 'throwback'.

    My Seasonal food shopping will be done as a normal shop as it always is. I don't see the need to make it any different and the holiday days are a week-end anyway.

    Pop into the CAFE for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Great challenge I thought I’d made enough Christmas cards but I need another 20 or so!
    I have not done any Christmas shopping apart from a couple of bits for the boys Fingers are firmly crossed that none of us have to change our plans this year Like SANDRA I am waiting for people to give me lists! I am in the middle of making a cd case calendar for my SIL though as part of her present Like mine I am putting in family photos
    Wasn’t it awful hearing about that little lad Arthur I hope his step mother and father get what they deserve in jail and the wardens shut their ears to her wingeing
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great challenge for next week 😊
    I’m no where near ready for Christmas! No surprise there, it’s always a last minute rush for me 😂 I did my some cheese balls in Tesco about a month ago, as they’re so difficult to get hold of and Mark really likes them, but they’ve already been eaten! 😂 I can’t stand them, they smell like cheesy feet, lol 🤣🤣
    Oh Karen, I agree about little Arthur. It’s sickening what they did to that poor lad 😢 How can anyone do that?
    Hope you all have a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi ladies
    Good tic tac toe board for next week Sandra, will do my best to join in.
    Not sure about Janet but my arm is so sore, nothing like the other two but have done some stamping today for as Karen I have a few more to make for x-mas.
    Not getting other than the normal food plus a few jars of herring, prawns and a better looking salmon. Might get a small ham for some sandwiches or a turkey crown. Son getting his own food in. Have got a few things from Okado that I can't get anywhere else, no nothing much else really.
    Listen to the MK radio earlier and it was a whole hour about little Arthur, so sad . I hope they rot for what they did.
    Going to write the cards for sending abroad, always takes time because I write a bit extra so best get a wiggle on.
    Hope you have a nice day and I am sending warm hugs to you all, extra for anyone who need some. Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’m so sorry I really thought I had left a comment yesterday, my head must have been in another space. I love yesterdays card, I have never thought of sanding down mirror card. It certainly gives lovely results. xx
    Great choice for next weeks challenge, love the categories. xx
    Had a restful day today, have been writing Christmas cards, still have to add inserts to the ones I have made, hopefully over the weekend I will complete them.

    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hello all, wet here again today.

    Great choice for the tic tac toe for next week. At the moment mt table is covered with the first size quilt I have every made. Finished the top today, have to do the waddling and the backing, which I’m dreading having never done it before only small items, so that will be a challenge.
    Just about to go to bed , hope to get some sleep tonight, as these hormones are playing havoc with my arthritic knees.

    See you all in the morning Lilian
