
Thursday 2 December 2021

Sparkle & Shine Challenge card 2


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you all well, how is your week going? 
How many have started your Christmas Shopping??   We have three little stocking fillers and that's it, I have asked for lists etc but nobody seems to know what they would like, which isn't so much of a problem when you have young children,  however when they are adults it's a bit harder, I think I am just going to get some bits and pieces as they always like 'surprises' ! 
I think I have enough Christmas cards made, I say this every year.....I wish I had made inserts when I made the cards but I like to make sure they are relevant and personal for the recipient, so that's all I have left to do. 

Today's card certainly has the 'Shine' of Sparkle & Shine.  I used Silver Mirror card that I embossed with the 'Stampin Up' Evergreen Forest Embossing Folder, after embossing I took a sanding block and lightly sanded the surface to remove some of the foil coating,  I then took some Mossy Meadow ink and used a sponge to rub it all over the embossed area, so that I covered all of the sanded areas, I waited a few minutes and then rubbed over the surface with a soft cloth to remove excess ink.  The only ink remaining is on the areas where the foil is removed....

I found it hard to capture the colour but you can just see it on the edges of the trees.
I mounted the embossed piece onto matching Mossy Meadow card, added a ribbon strip, a piece of Mossy Meadow twine over the top with a leaf embellishment.  I stamped the sentiment onto matching card and embossed in Silver.  If nothing else it definitely shines !!! 

I hope that you all have a good day today, tensions are high here today, Soph has a deadline and an Exam, so keep everything crossed for her please.
Paul officially started his 'new role' yesterday,  he said it was pretty much the same as any other day, apart from a new Identity card oh and more money 😉😛🤩. 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. All of the cards shown this week have been beautiful and so cheerful with their sparkle and shine and today’s is the brightest of them all. I love the technique you used. I would never have thought of sanding mirror card then inking it but it is a great one and I must say how much I love that ribbon. It is so pretty with the gorgeous detail. I hope you managed to get some sleep last night and your body is being kinder to you today my lovely xx
    Brenda, I hope you are managing to have a more restful time than it has been for you lately xx
    Maria, good luck with the jab today. Are you having your booster and flu jab at the same time? Xx
    Karen, I hope work is going well for you. I bet Oscar is getting excited and he and Charlie are both enjoying all of the decorations. Their faces are such a joy to see when they look at all of the lights snd sparkle🥰 xx
    Lilian, your stitched card is absolutely gorgeous. I keep meaning to do some as I love how pretty they are. I hope you are not in as much pain and the increased meds aren’t causing even worse side effects xx
    Sonia, how lovely that the home makes something of the lights etc. going on. Enjoy your week off but you will be busy though won’t you getting everything ready for Christmas xx
    Janet, I hope you managed to get your x ray done yesterday. And I hope the results are good news xx
    Lynda, how are you at the moment? It’s always good to hear from you xx
    I’ve had a busy week as we have been sorting some of Mums clothes etc. We still have some more to do but have made a good start. It’s funny how a piece of clothing instantly brings back lovely memories. I also had my Covid booster and flu jabs yesterday. I had a horrid headache yesterday and my right arm, Covid jab side, is rather sore today. I hope it wears off quickly!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. Your card is lovely Is it using that foil stuff Crafts Too sell or is it embossing powder?
    Oscar only just beginning to realise what Christmas is all about But you’re right SUE It’s lovely to see their little faces are a joy seeing the lights etc
    I echo exactly what you’re saying SANDRA re lists I wish I could be frivolous and just buy something that I think they’ll like but these days we cannot afford to do that can we
    Take care I hope to do a cc later Sadly it’ll be a bit of a feeble attempt at shine in that I will be using glossy photo paper (if it works!)
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi ladies
    Gorgeous and a very beautiful shiny card Sandra.
    It must be so hard to buy the right gift for everyone. Therefore we stopped giving presents years ago to the ones over 18 so we only have 2 to get some present for, that is hard enough for they already have everything.Hoping to see them all for x-mas day.
    Not had such a good day Sue and to top it I had the booster this morning and arm is very sore right now.Had the flu jab some weeks ago. Home alone this evening so can just take it easy, catch up with some programs, hoping for a good night sleep and ready for some cc making tomorrow. It's a bit slower this week.
    Hugs to all, Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    A lovely shiny card today, love the technique 😊
    I’m hoping to get the bulk of the Christmas present shopping done this coming week. It is so difficult to know what to get everyone! I keep asking Mark what he’d like, to which I keep getting the same answer - don’t get him anything! One year I will literally take him at his words, and not get anything 😂 But no, I couldn’t do that, he’ll end up with socks and pants if he doesn’t come up with a better suggestion 😂😂
    The carols and light switch on was lovely at work this afternoon, and we even managed to encourage a few residents to come along who don’t usually venture out of their apartments other than for lunch. We served mulled wine and mini mince pies which went down a treat - there was even some mince pies left so we had one too. It was delicious, made on site, and the buttery pastry melted in your mouth 😊
    Sue and Maria, I hope you’re ok after your boosters and arms not too sore xx
    I received an email today saying I can book mine - obviously they don’t check because I’ve already had it!
    Karen, hope the challenge card worked out - will look forward to seeing it on Sunday xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, wet here again today, still very cold, although it’s supposed to be warmer, heating on all the time, dreading the energy bills when they come in.

    Sandra lovely shiny card today, love the idea of sanding back mirror card, would not have thought of doing that, but watch this space, had a free pack of silver mirror from pink frog with my last order.

    Keep well and be safe in these strange times. Lilian
