
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Some of your Craft Christmas gifts


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

I added the day in case any of you were struggling to keep track too, I could be a Saturday today for all I know, the only reason I find out is when I am scheduling the Blog.  

It was a typical Bin/Recycling day for us, with almost gale force winds, luckily our Recycle box lids stayed in place, otherwise we end up having a street swap meet up,  so that everyone ends up with matching box and lid!! 🤣🤣

Now I didn't receive any craft gifts this year but some of you ladies were lucky enough to get some crafty gifts in your stocking..   


Karen's Description:

Here’s my crafting goodies I got from Santa
Maria told me about nudinits and my sister in law bought me this 
The patterns for Barbara and Bernard dolls are not in this one I need to get another book (shame!)
The innuendos are brilliant

We all had these glasses were instead of cracker contents Some had wine flutes Some had gin glasses and as I don’t drink alcohol I was given a tumbler.

I absolutely love that pattern book, hilarious,  I cant wait to see your creations! 🤣
The glasses are a brilliant idea, much better than any naff cracker gift, you also don't have to worry about someone else using your glass!  Thank you so much for sharing your gifts Karen XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Here’s my crafty bits I got from Mark for Christmas, if you’d like to share on the blog…..

I also got Janes Patisserie baking book - lots of lovely cakes, biscuits and desserts 😊 Not card making related, but still creative, I guess 😉

You got some lovely crafty bits Sonia, I love those soft pastel dots, they are flat enough to pass through standard post too.  Those Stamp Market sentiment stamps will be so useful,  as will the heart border dies.  Your Man did good !  I am a bit of a cookery book hoarder so that is a fantastic gift in my mind, what could be better than naughty baked goods ?!  You got some lovely gifts, thanks so  much for sharing them with us XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Here are my craft presents I received for Christmas. The two pen holders are wooden and have a rotating base. Snippets are for art journaling, paints are Derwent metallics, and the little iron is for quilting. Hope you are all well. Lilian

Oh Lilian you received some lovely gifts for Christmas,  those wooden rotating pen holders are lovely and so useful. The Tim Holtz Word Snippets are perfect for journalling, they are also great for cards, especially 'Tracy' cards.  The pressed flowers are really pretty and those little Flower Fairies postcards are sweet.  Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us XXX 

Well I still haven't found my craft desk, I have to wait for Paul to put the dining table back into the craft room, Paul humoured me and moved the table into the hallway for Christmas dinner, as there is no way 7 would have fitted around the table in my craft room, as I am sure Sue will confirm, it did work, although there wasn't much room, just enough for everyone to sit comfortably.  

I hope that you all have a good day my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Some lovely goodies ladies I use a Party Susan type thingy for some of my crafting bits but nothing as beautiful as yours LILIAN
    I must investigate the sites you use SONIA Some nice sentiment stamps etc
    The book with patterns for Barbara and Bernard should arrive today!
    Back to work today! As it’s still the school holidays I’m hoping it’ll be less manic
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love the beautiful quote.
    Karen, the glasses are a great idea and I love the knitting book. Will look forward to seeing you create those cheeky characters 😉
    Lilian, you received some lovely presents. The pen holders are ideal on the rotating bases. I love the word snippets, great to use on your creations, and I love the paint colours. The iron looks handy too. Will look forward to seeing your creations too 😊
    I’m going to make a lemon posset tart from the recipe book, for tea tomorrow and also a ginger cake (but that’s from the website) I’ll post photos of them on our group chat. Sadly Marks aunt won’t be coming as she’s tested positive for covid.
    Hope work goes ok Karen and I hope it’s not too busy.
    Have a good day everyone, sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Ladies
    Karen, I can't wait to see your nude people hihi glad I could help to give you a new idea.
    Sonia, some lovely new crafting bits and the book look yummy. Looking forward to see some of your bakes.
    Lilian, I love your new wooden pen stands.Lovely colours for water colouring and the TH words look good for a lot of things. Have a fabulous time using your new crafts!
    We are having another day indoors, it's raining really bad today. OH have just been to the post office to send a card to sister-in-law for the 1st Jan, shoot tho for I forgot to take a photo of it. We were invited to her but once again we have cancelled it because of OH is not feeling good and we trying to be as careful as possible if we be able to go to Zell in January but now they not letting people from the UK in so not sure what will happen...
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Love the quote Sandra.
    Karen your new knitting book looks fun, bet if you show it to your friends you will end up with lots of commissions. What a great idea the glasses are, great keepsake.
    Sonia your baking book looks really interesting. And some really useful crafting bits.
    Lillian didn’t you do well, so many useful crafting items, the pen holders look great - in fact it all looks great. I can see it all being used.

    Think it’s time to make a cup of tea. Enjoy your afternoon everyone.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hello, wet here all day.

    Love all the presents you had for Christmas, love the nude doll book, look forward to seeing them finished.

    Sonia love those pastel drops, must see if I can find them.

    Spent the day doing nothing much at all, I am definitely going to craft tomorrow.

    Good night all, Lilian
