
Thursday 30 December 2021

A new Idea .....Art Journal


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, I am sure that like us you are sheltering inside as the rain and wind are creating a dramatic end to 2021, I can say that I won't be sad to see the back of it!! 

I had to put a brave face on yesterday as we waved our baby (Sophie) off, she is flying to San Francisco and doing a driving tour for 12 days with Lewis and his family, for some reason this time I feel really anxious, so I dread to think what our Lucy is feeling those two are together 24/7. I think the Pandemic is at the route of my anxiety,  we no longer hear update from USA but I know its way worse than here, I keep reminding myself that she is Triple jabbed and fit and healthy, I think its only natural for a Mum to worry when your baby is leaving the country with another family. Lewis's family are lovely though,  she will be well looked after.  
Talking of jabs, Matt's GP has advised him to get a 4th Covid jab, he has emailed his Arthritis Team for advice, its the drugs he takes that make him Immune compromised, so we will wait and see what they say. 

Now I have shared some Mixed Media pieces that I made this past year, the reason for sharing them is that looking ar them and some other Tracy Evans Workshops that I am signed up for I thought I might add them to an Art Journal instead of making them as cards. 
I wondered if you ladies would join me on an Art journal journey?!   It would be exactly the same as making cards but adding them into a journal instead of onto a card blank,  I was thinking of new Ideas that would mean we could still do challenges but those of you with drawers full of cards could still take part and continue to use your craft stash.  I know Our Janet started one this year, so we have one taker so far ! Lol 😆 🤣 
Let me know your thoughts in the comments Ladies x

I Hope that you are all safe and well, with the cases rising so incredibly fast I think we should all stay home. 

Love and huge hugs,



  1. Hi everyone
    I love the idea of an art journal, so I’m definitely in 😊 I’ve wanted to do one for a while, but never got around to starting it! I love your inspiring pieces, and it’ll be a great way to just sit and play and use up some craft stash.
    I hope Sophie has a lovely time and what a wonderful experience for her. It’s so hard as a Mum not to worry, but she’ll be home before you know it and will be telling you all of the wonderful adventure she’s had 😊 xx
    My mum, who has rheumatoid arthritis has also received a letter to book for a 4th covid jab from her GP. Like Matt, her medication makes her immune compromised. She can’t go until end of January, but can then just go to a walk in centre with the letter she received. Hopefully Matt will hear back from the team soon with confirmation xx
    I’m pretty pleased with the way my gingerbread cake turned out, I was baking until quite late last night. Fingers crossed it tastes good. The lemon posset tart should be set now, and ready for me to decorate later - I had enough mixture left to put into 2 small ramekins, so that’s an extra treat for Mark and I. It tasted delicious when I licked the spoon 😉☺️
    I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Of course I'll join in the 'Journal Journey' SANDRA.
    I have to admit that when I started doing 'Journal pages' for one of our Challenges instead of a card it was because I didn't/or I had enough cards to send at that time.
    Doing pages also gives more scope for experimenting too.

    Well I'm going to have my 'swear'word today and Mr Tesco is due to deliver too. The washer is already churning away and the laundry basket is empty. I will also make sure that I don't owe anyone in money terms so I start the new year with a clean sweep.
    We always make sure that bread/drink/money and a piece of wood is always left at the outside door too. The only thing we cannot make sure of is that the first person over the doorstep has dark hair these

    Do any of you follow the 'old traditions'?

    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hello all, another wet and gloomy day.

    I’m with you all the way regarding the journal, I’ve got loads of”stuff” to use up.
    Think the easiest way to start is to use one of Tracy Evans demo, quite a few on Utube.
    Well I have a bit of ironing to finish before any crafting, hope you all have a good day. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Not sure about the Journal journey for me Sandra but I will have a look at some and might get it in the end.

    How wonderful for Sophie to have the opportunity to get to see San Francisco. She will have a fabulous time and have so much to tell you when they are back.
    Did they have to do the tests, Fit to Fly before they went ?
    We do, but so many places and so different in price.

    Sonia, your cakes looked soooo yummy. Sure they taste lovely. You have my address yes ? hihi
    Janet, never heard about those old traditions. What did they mean ?
    I managed to get myself some waterproof boots this morning from a sport shop but still looking for some walking poles.
    Back home I have started on clearing out my bits folders with cards and papers. Never throw anything away so have the smallest piece left just incase and it never be use so they have now gone in the recycling bag.
    Hope you all have had a good day and have a nice evening. Hugs to all and extras for anyone who need some xxx

  5. I thought I’d already posted a comment!
    A couple of beautiful examples that could go in an art journal I am the owner of the first one or one that is extremely similar and it’s gorgeous
    I am all for doing a journal and as LILLIAN has said following a Tracy Evans demo from YouTube would be a great start There are so many other designers on there too
    In the middle of crocheting a dog for a friend who I hope to see tomorrow So I must get on
    Take care everyone xx

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