
Wednesday 17 November 2021

November TicTacToe card 2


Good Morning Ladies, 

How are we all doing mid week my lovelies?  I know a few of you are struggling so I want to send a extra hug your way. 😘

I spent a lovely day just chilling out with my girls, they came and laid on my bed while I was resting, it was lovely, they are fun to be around (most of the time). 😉

We got some great news later in the day when Paul came home, he found out that he got the job!! So is now on a permanent contract with all the benefits that go with it.  He is very relieved as he no longer has the worry of contracts. Now onto today's card, I made this card yesterday afternoon, I have been wanting to use these beautiful papers for ages (not that i used much of it). The paper is called 'Christmastime is Here', I used the Green patterned paper as the base and added a piece of white card on an angle and an Ornate edge die to add a decorative edging,  I didn't like how raw the edge looked so I added some pearls to finish the edge off.  To decorate the card I fussy cut a floral spray from those beautiful papers, it was a bit fiddly but worth the time it took. Although I'm not great at it. The sentiment I used was a magazine freebie, I quite like the font. 

So the Categories are: Patterned Paper/Green/Embellishments 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Love love today's card SANDRA. Such a different Seasonal Card.

    Well as you can see we are back. Our journey through France was OK but tiring.The journey up from Dover was a different matter.We were OK until part way up the A1 when everythingcame to a stop. We were of course in a very long line of traffic and nothing was coming down the other side of the road either. This meant of course that there must have been an accident. We waited for some time and then saw traffic on our side of the road crossing onto the south bound. Fortunately we were on the outer lane and so decided we would do the same. I'm sure one or two of the villages we went through hadn't seen traffic since before the Anyway it was a very late arrival home and to say we were tired well.
    Yesterday was spent with my youngest Daughter coming to do our Day 1/2 lateral flow test. We were more than happy to see we are Negative thank goodness.Neither of us were confident to do the test ourselves.

    The rest of this week after Jim has been this morning for his (hopefully) final Xray after his bout of pneumonia a few months ago will definitely be spent DOING NOTHING.

    I will do my best to find something forthis week's Challenge SANDRA.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. A very different lay out, I like it.

    Good to see you back home safe Janet. It's a long journey for you and then to be stuck in traffic. You take care and wishes for Jim being alright.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and hope your day be fine and that ache and pain are on the low.
    Going to the shops for a bit this morning, prefer to get my own fruit and vegs so it probably be Lidl or the market so best get a wiggle on. xxx

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA
    Glad to see you’re home safe and sound JANET
    Huge congratulations to PAUL to Ooh paid holiday 🤣
    Had a lovely catchup with my friend Hopefully next time the third friend will be able to make it
    Went dancing last night It was great Lovely music Lovely people
    I haven’t even thought about this week’s cc I hope to make a start later
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today 😊
    Glad you arrived home safely Janet, despite being stuck in traffic. Hope you’re having a restful day.
    Congratulations to Paul 😊 xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
      A lovely card for us to enjoy today. The paper is so pretty and the pearls just add that “something” to finish it off a treat.
      Congratulations again to Paul on getting the job. And how nice for you to just relax with the girls yesterday. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow my lovely xx
      I’ve had a catch up and I’m glad you are all as well as can be. This weather is not good for sore joints though is it. I know the weather could be a lot worse as we are well into November but the shorter darker days are not good for my joints at all but never mind I have a gorgeous bouquet of pj k and white flowers to look at and enjoy, thank you all again my dear friends xx
      Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hello All ,it’s been a nice bright day here, so managed to get two loads of washing dry.
    Sandra love todays card, the different layout is eye catching, love the lacy edges.

    Not been great n today, although I’ve doubled my hormones as the Dr told me to yesterday.

    Was hoping to start a card today, but pain was too severe to sit at my desk, hopefully I will be better tomorrow.

    Have a good evening all ,Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card today Sandra, you never fail to inspire, Thank you. It sounds like you had a lovely afternoon yesterday with the girls. What a joy they both are to have around and enjoy quality time with you while you rest your leg.

    Tomorrow we are getting our hair done in the morning and then then going to Debbie’s at some point depending on how much pressing work she has ( she mostly works from home these days) she and I will head off to Cheshire ready for other daughters MILs funeral on Friday. We plus the three grandsons and Williams girlfriend are all booked into a hotel for the night. So we will not be worried about arriving on time as motorways are so unpredictable. Last time we went to this Hotel we were almost one and a half hours later than we planned. We had hoped to have a rest before the event, only just arriving by the skin of our teeth.

    I will try to look in some time tomorrow. In the meantime stay safe and look after each other. Hugs Brenda xxx
