
Tuesday 16 November 2021

November TicTacToe card 1


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you ladies are all well, I had a 'run the house from bed day' yesterday,  as I couldn't bare the pain of putting any weight on either leg, what a frustrating situation to be in, I called GP, guess what no appointments, I sm waiting for a 'Call' , to ne honest I think the only way to get seen is to go to Urgent Care or A&E, something feels very wrong in my right knee, it hasn't been right since the Orthopaedic Surgeon that put the full length titanium stem in my femur pushed it too far and tore the cartilage in my knee, I couldn't bend my knee at all for over two years, anyway it feels like something has moved.                                                      Now when I say that my knee pain is unbearable, I want to remind you that it is that painful despite the fact that I take Highest pain relief out there, I was explaining this to Paul yesterday,  just imagine what state I would be in if I didn't take opiates,  it's actually quite frightening as it masks things that you would probably seek medical attention for if you weren't on pain relief. !  But having said that there are people that are in a lot more pain than I am, so we have to be grateful for what we have.   

 At the end of the day I have an amazing Husband and family and the very best friends that anyone could wish for. 😍🥰😘

 Now as I wasn't feeling on top of the world I ended up surfing Pinterest for an idea for a card for today, I have used this stamp on white card and it looked lovely

but I saw that a lovely Lady called Rachel Macleod had stamped it onto Dark Green (Evening Evergreen) card and boy did I love it ! So I used my Festive Foliage Stamp and stamped onto the green card, embossing with Gold embossing powder, now I didn't have red gems so I used my Diamantés and coloured them with Cherry Cobbler Stampin Blend. 

The sentiment is an old Spellbinders one that  worked well for this design.  I think when you have an image as lovely as that, let it shine !! 

Categories:  Green/Embossing/ Embellishment 

I hope that you all have  lovely day 

Love and hugs to all 




  1. Oh SANDRA I wish I could wave a magic wand and get rid of everyone’s pain
    Maybe a visit to A&E is what is needed especially as it is so swollen too
    I love your card and that embossing looks so effective
    Meeting a friend for lunch today We haven’t seen each other since before lockdown We we’re hoping a 3rd lady could join us who neither of us have seen since leaving school but sadly can’t
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Absolutely love your card today, it’s stunning 😊
    So sorry to hear you’re in so much pain with your knee. I’m with Karen in thinking it might be worth a trip to A&E. Please take it easy xx
    Well, my day for crafting never happened yesterday! I had so many ideas running around in my head, I just didn’t know where to start, so I sat and watched a Christmas film instead, lol 😀 I’ve decided now what I’m going to do so will make a start one afternoon after work.
    Lynda, sorry to hear you’ve not been too well lately xx
    Karen, hope you’re enjoying your lunch out xx
    Have a good rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello All wet and miserable here today.

    Just back from the Drs, nice very young lady, not much happening, just have to double my tablets.

    Sandra, congratulations to Paul on securing his new post, I’m sure celebrations are due in your house.

    Cards are lovely as always, love the gold embossing.

    Have a good evening all, Lilian

  4. Hi ladies
    A very stunning card Sandra, love it
    Sorry to hear all the pain you are in after having a nice day at the craft fair. You take it easy and speak to someone to see if you can get any help, please.
    Hoping the journey home goes fine for you Janet.
    Lynda, sender you gentle hugs and wish your pain to be better. You can moan as much you will, we all understand x
    Sending hugs to you all and hugs to pets and grandchildren too. Maria xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love the card, I would never have thought of using such a dark colour, have to admit with the gold embossing it looks fantastic. Sandra maybe a trip to A & E would be a good idea, at least you would be seen by a doctor!

    LYNDA sorry to read you have not been to well recently. I hop life will improve for you soon, if you feel like having a good old moan just do it on the blog we are all here for you. xx

    KAREN hope your lunch went well, it’s lovely to be catching up with old friends once again and picking up where we left off. xx

    Time I headed for the kitchen, dinner is almost ready.
    Have a good evening everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
