
Friday 15 October 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I know that its 'Swear Word' for some of you, which isn't that exciting but think about getting into bed with those lovely fresh sheets. Talking of lovely fresh sheets have any of you tried those Scent Booster things that you put in your machine?? They really do boost the scent, I was worried that they might irritate Lucy's sensitive skin but that haven't done so far and we are on our 3rd pot, I only put in about a 1/3rd of the recommended dose though. The lovely fresh sheets smell lasts a lot longer.

We are 'Grand-dog' sitting this weekend,  so no peace and quiet for us, mind you Harley isn't quite as energetic as Benji, trouble is he is naughty and you have to watch him constantly.   The cats 🐈  are not going to be happy this weekend, Matt deserves a break though so we are happy to help. 

Your Next Challenge 

I think we all need to get on with our Christmas cards so that is the theme for this weeks Challenge,  you can keep it 'Traditional Christmas ' if you like or you can step it up and go for a 'Modern Twist' it can be something as simple as a different colour that you wouldn't normally associate with a Christmas card.  Like my card above,  I simply 'swooshed' (technical term) some Wilted Violet ink over a piece of Watercolour card, allowed it to dry and then swished over it with a sparkle pen (well it is Christmas)! I stamped the sentiment in the same colour Distress Oxide and then added a die cut 🦌 Deer, mine is an old Spellbinders one. I matted my piece onto a 1/4 larger card base and finished with some clear/irredescent sequins. 

I hope you enjoy this weeks challenge, don't stress over giving a modern twist if you aren't  comfortable doing that,  I love seeing anything you make. ❤ 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge for this coming week SANDRA.

    I started using those scented whatsits a few months ago.My Granddaughter came to use my washer one day and brought along her soap powders etc and she uses those. I knew it was a good recommendation as they don't affect Lily-Mae who has problems.I have to say I love them.
    As you say yes it's that day again when I 'swear' and have my Tesco order delivered. I may be doing a little more than normal if my Passport doesn't arrive today. They let me know it's on the way but that was Tuesday. You will all need earplugs when it does

    The CAFE is OPEN waiting for anyone to pop in for a look.
    HUGSare on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Phew What a morning!
    Your card is lovely and I like the pink for a change
    Good luck with the dog sitting
    Chat later xx

  3. Hi everyone
    That's look really good with just a "swish" of colour behind the deer. Very nice card. Good challenge for next week. Have fun dog sitting.
    Karen, hope you are ok? sounds like you had a tough morning. I have swore all morning. Still need to finish Son's card and CC. Only waiting for Son to get his lunch so I can get in the kitchen so he can't snoop 😀 Was meant to go for a nice walk today but after a awful night and aches and pains I take it easy this afternoon so we can get out a bit tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs and extra hugs for our missing friends . xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Enjoy your dog sitting this weekend, hope the cats aren’t to put out.

    Lovely card today Sandra, love the pink it just works so well, a nice change from all the traditional colours we are used to. Looking forward to everybody’s challenge cards.

    I hope everybody has managed to get all the swear word jobs completed and now you can relax and have a lovely cup of tea.

    Have a lovely evening everyone, whatever you’re doing. Ours will be spent sitting watching the telly, that’s as exciting as it gets.

    Take care everyone, hugs Brenda XXX

  5. Hi everyone
    Loving your card today. The Spellbinders Deer is a firm favourite of mine, great for quick Christmas cards, so I dare say I’ll be using mine too for the challenge 😊
    Hope the dog sitting goes well this weekend and the cats aren’t too put out.
    Work was busy this morning after it being quiet yesterday! I’m working the weekend too, but generally they are much quieter.
    Karen hope your ok, what have you been up to this morning? Hope you’re relaxing now xx
    I’ve used those scent booster thingies too, and they really do work don’t they?
    Have a good afternoon everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Afernoon Everyone

    PASSPORT RECEIVED!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Doing a happy dance here for you Janet.Fabulous news! Nothing stopping you now to go to Marigny at long last 😀

  7. Evening All, hope the dog sitting is going well, and the cats are not too upset.

    Your card today is very elegant, just the sort of minimalist card my daughter loves.

    Am shattered spent all day cooking turnip( swede) and carrots to mash together and then freeze containers for a couple of meals. Have 9 containers ready for the freezer. This afternoon I have made a huge pot of venison casserole, in my ninja cooker, which I will freeze and make separate pastry tops when I thaw them out.

    Not used to being on my feet all day, don’t know why I choose to do so much one day.

    Shall have a day crafting tomorrow, hopefully to get some Christmas cards made, have found my stencil that I bought a while ago then “lost”. So will try using that if I can remember what I was going to do .

    See you tomorrow, hugs to all Lilian.
    PS Janet so glad your passport has arrived.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a pretty Christmas challenge card. Great for batch making too. The modern colours and styles are definitely growing on me. I hope Harley is on his best behaviour. But Milo and Bella will be glad when he goes home won’t they. I haven’t tried the scent booster things but I have heard some good reports about them. I may try them when we are in the grey days of winter to try and make me think of summer laundry dried on the line 😊 Have a good weekend my lovely xx
    I have bad joints so a bed day got me today. Luckily my brother is staying with Mum and Pop for a few days so he is there to help them. I hope you all enjoy the weekend no matter what you do.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. 🥳 Janet, what great news to end the week 🥳 xx
