
Saturday 16 October 2021

Up Saturday/Magazine Review


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

How are we all today, what are you all up to?  We are dog sitting Harley so no plans really, hopefully the weather is fine so we can go on plenty of walks to wear him out, other than that I will be in my craft room preparing cards for blog posts next week as Paul and I are going to London for our Anniversary celebration. 

We had a very excited Sophie calling us on our way home on Tuesday,  she had finished her latest University project which was to create a Poster to advertise the Theatre Group's next production 'Secret in the wings', I believe its based on 3 dark, lesser known fairytales that a mixed together, one being about a Nursemaid that grew tired of the three princesses she looked after so instructed the Huntsman to take them into the woods and kill them, the princesses gouge out their eyes for the Huntsman to take back as proof he had killed them so  he would spare their lives.  

Anyway Sophie entered her poster along with the rest of her course and hers got chosen overwhelmingly by all the judges, so the poster will be printed and used to advertise the play  to say she was excited was an understatement, I have shared the poster for you to see, you may recognise the 'princess in the poster as Lucy was her "muse'  she had her dressing up in their old Prom dresses to represent the princesses.  As always we are immensely proud of her achievements.

I received my Creative Stamping Magazine yesterday so I thought I would share it with you....

Creative Stamping Magazine Review 

This months Issue came with some lovely flower/foliage stamps with a bonus set of sentiment stamps by Lou Collins, they are in a lovely font too.

This feature shows how to create statement cards that focus on the lovely Sentiment stamps that come with the magazine.  I will be having a go at some of these cards 

Hunkydory stamps are the main focus of the page, their Design Team have played with their 'Fun Pun' stamps to create some very alternative,  fun Christmas cards.

Crafty Individuals stamp designer Dena Rangeley has designed some 'Myths & Legends' themed stamps, these cards showcase them perfectly. 

This feature teaches you all you need to know to achieve perfect results when stamping onto Acetate.
These cards are lovely the photos don't do they acetate justice though.  

Some lovely cards designed by Lou Collins who is the the face of TEXT{ures}.  Both cards are really pretty,  I love the Patchwork panel in the background of the first card. 

Spotlight Stamping is technique highlighted in this feature,  these cards are really pretty, I like how some cards have more than one spotlight too.

Mel Jess shows us how to take watercolouring even further, using watercolour pens to add colour to shaving foam (by squeezing drops of ink out). She uses the card from the Shaving Foam technique to create the flowers on the first card.  The second uses pigment powders to create a background on watercolour paper, you then take the neat pigment powder and add a tiny drop of water to paint in the flowers that been stamped and embossed in gold . It actually looks really effective but the sentiment doesn't stand out at all.  Some interesting ideas though.

I swear that every magazine I buy has a feature by this lady using Chloe’s  stamps and dies, the cards are fabulous though and very sparkly!! 

This feature us all about using your free gift stamps to create Wreaths, I have zoomed in on the technique showing you how to create a wreath in your Stamping platform.   These cards are all stunning,  I love the green one (no surprise there)

I am definitely going to follow this feature,  some great tips for colouring with Zig Clean Colour Markers.  I thought I would practice on the new Aall & Create Stamp I bought (see below)! 

My Shopping 

This paper pad was featured in the last magazine I reviewed,  I couldn't resist it, it was only £4.99

This stamp was featured in an Aall &Create happy hour the other day, I couldn't resist this one, luckily it works perfectly as sometimes to practise my colouring on!! 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic achievement for SOPHIE to add to her Port Folio. Congratulations. The poster is superb.

    Off on our weekly M&S foodhall trip. Coffee with Jim's Niece as we won't be seeing her for a few weeks and then home for me to start worrying about what we need to take with us next week-end. After two years I have lost the ryhthm of packing and organising to be away.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN.HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.Have a good week-end everyone/xxxx

  2. A stunning piece of work SOPHIE No wonder you were excited
    Thank you for the magazine review SANDRA This is a magazine I don’t see in my newsagent but I love seeing what’s inside
    Your shopping looks lovely I have relented and bought the ready reckoner stamp by AALL AND CREATE plus a couple of extras to make it up to free p&p OH is working So I will be home alone and will be crafting He came up with an idea to add to my Halloween costume I will be starting that I think
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I was with you when Sophie told you that her fabulous poster had been chosen. As always Sophie’s incredible talent shines through down to the smallest details of the story included in the poster. Congratulations again Sophie πŸ˜ƒ. Sandra I hope you and Paul don’t need to test your new waterproof coats walking Harley! Xx
    Karen, I looking forward seeing photos of your Halloween costumes when you have finished them please xx
    We have all of the grands here today along with both DILs. They will be carving pumpkins ready to put outside their front doors. Our local garden centre runs 1 hour sessions but it is a ridiculous price and very rushed so they all prefer to do it here. They also enjoy the loaded hot chocolate Grandad makes for them to enjoy as they carve too.
    My joints aren’t good so I wont be joining in but will still enjoy watching and listening to them all. Have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Karen, I had to smile when I saw that you had given in and got the stamp. I had the feeling you would after listening to you talking about it on Tuesday. I love seeing your cards so make sure you share please xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Wonderful work by Sophie, congratulations!

    I like this issue of creative stamping so might have to get it.

    Not doing too much other then finish off my CC and then this afternoon and evening we are having a little celebration for our Son who is 30 today.πŸ˜±πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„ how did that happening πŸ˜€

    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Congratulations Sophie, wonderful news and your artwork is fantastic 😊
    Great magazine review Sandra, thank you for sharing. I like the look of the spotlight stamping.
    Love your crafty buys. The papers are gorgeous and I love the stamp set too. Will look forward to seeing your creations.
    Work was very quiet again today - seems to go from one extreme to another! I did have a quick look on here at work on my phone, but didn’t have my glasses with me so didn’t even try to comment then πŸ€“πŸ˜‚
    I hope Harley is behaving himself and you’ve been able to go out for a walk 🐢🐾
    Maria, Happy Birthday to your Son, enjoy the celebrations πŸ₯³
    Janet, hope the packing goes well. I expect you’re really looking forward to going back. I know I’m looking forward to hearing about all the delicious cakes you have 😌
    Karen, enjoy your crafting and hope the Halloween costume goes to plan 😊
    Sue, sorry to hear your joints aren’t too good, but I hope you still have fun with the grandchildren 😊
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sophie, congratulations on your poster design being chose to advertise the Theatre groups next production. As always I am totally blown away by your artwork you are truly gifted. Thank you so much for sharing this with us we’re all like mum and dad are very proud of you.

    Thank you Sandra for the magazine review some very interesting articles there. Love your shopping.

    Janet good luck with the packing I’m sure once you get into it everything will be fine
    Sandra sorry I didn’t get another challenge cards made, we had some sad news today and it has totally thrown me and certainly reduce my concentration levels. A very dear friend who unfortunately had dementia and was in a care home died this morning.

    Time for dinner,enjoy your evening everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry to hear your sad news about your friend. Sending hugs xx
