
Friday 22 October 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Happy Friday!  This week has certainly flown for us, it always does when you are on a holiday or trip away, I remember when we arrived at the hotel on Monday thinking wow we have 4 hole days to fill, we must have blinked and then it was Thursday morning. 

The Cinderella show was fun, it was a modern version I guess it was set in a town called "Belle Ville' in this town the women look like the stereotypical perfectly turned out young lady of today kind of like the Essex girls portrayed on TV  thick make up, huge eyelashes, perfectly straightened hair,  all over tan etc, the men were as manicured as the women, it was hilarious,  cinderella was portrayed same as in fairytales, wicked stepmother and mean stepsisters etc, it took some different twists and turns but ended up the same as the fairytale, it was a little adult I guess but without being blatant,  the theatre was full and everyone enjoyed it.  

Your Next Challenge 

For our Challenge this week I'd like you to make any card but I want you to use something from your stash that 'you haven’t used yet', it could ve something you have had for a while but not gotten around to using Or something new that you are yet to use!  I know that you all have something unused,  I have a whole basket (or two)! 

I hope that you all enjoy the challenge my lovelies!

Bon Voyage Janet, safe journey, We are all looking forward to hearing about your happy place xxx

Have a lovely weekend Ladies, 

Love and hugs to all




  1. Morning Everyone
    'Swear' word day has come around and finish packing the car.
    I know it's going to be somewhat stressful but fingers crossed bedtime will come early today.

    I shall be absent for a couple of days;maybe a little more if the internet won't play nice.

    Have a good week-end everyone.

  2. Hi everyone.
    I'm glad you enjoyed going to London for your mini break and managed to get some shows in as well and not forgetting those amazing donuts 😊
    Janet- have a wonderful trip over to France. Drive safe! We looking forward to hear everything you do over in Marigny and your yummy cakes too 😀
    The sun is shining and the wind has down some so it looks like a lovely day so I hope many of you will have the opportunity to enjoy some of it.
    I am trying to get some cc together but to many ideas if they work or not stopping me to even get one together so we
    have to see if you see any in your inbox Sandra.
    Step-son was meant to come up for the weekend by train but after seeing how many more still getting the covid, he have cancelled the trip. Sadly he will miss out on seeing his cousins and rest of the family for we going tomorrow for a BBQ. ??? when is it going to stop ?
    Have a good day everyone, many hugs xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great challenge for next week 😊
    Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time in London, and your days have been full with lots of visits. Glad you enjoyed the Cinderella show 😊
    Janet, hope you get the car all packed, and have a safe journey tomorrow. Will look forward to hearing from you in a few days xx
    I had my covid booster at work today. Fortunately the doctor came in to do some care home residents and had some left over so I was able to get mine.
    Hoping to finish my challenge card this afternoon.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello all, just cold and dull here today.

    Spent the morning making chicken soup, big pot full ,should keep me going for a few days.

    Sandra glad you had a lovely time in London, and that your home safely now.

    Janet hope the trip goes according to plan, and that you have a lovely break.

    Sandra good challenge for next week, will see what I can dig out. I have loads of stuff to use, might try the new purple ink pad.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Safe journey JANET
    I thought I’d already commented Just got back from dentist so feeling a bit ropey
