
Thursday 21 October 2021

Karen's Christmas Challenge card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Just a quick one today, we are having an amazing break in London,  we went to see a modern, comedy version of Cinderella last night, after spending half the day trying to get a booking somewhere! I am surprised at the number of children (families) sightseeing as Half Term isn't until next week,  I think that because a lot of shows don't start until mid November the ones that are open are booked up as we have never had problem getting booked before.  The good thing about the show we saw last night is that it's virtually opposite our hotel.  I will let you know tomorrow what we thought,  it is an Andew Lloyd Webber production so should be good. 

Today's card is Karen's Christmas Challenge card,  The Tim Holtz 'Scribbly Snowflakes ' give a real modern loom to the card, I love the simplicity of just the Snowflakes on the Kraft card background, it allows all of the details of those unique Snowflakes to shine, the simple sentiment works perfectly too as it also doesn't take anything away from the design.  Thank you so much Karen for allowing me to share your card XXX 

I hope that you all have a great day,

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Thank you for sharing my card I bought the snowflakes when Kat and I visited Countryview Crafts I had a specific Serif digikit in mind when I bought them But I think they work quite well just as an element on Kraft card
    I hope you enjoyed the show - the last Cinderella show I saw was Sin-derella with Jim Davidson So you can imagine what theme that had!
    Enjoy the rest of your stay
    Off shopping for a birthday present this afternoon with daughter - I’d like a new pair of slippers! I would like a proper shoe style and not a mule which are hard to find
    Take care all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from yet another wet day here.
    KAREN-love your card which has given me more inspiration and a nudge to use more kraft card.

    Its going to be another 'sort/pack/do you really need that' day.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in whenever you all want.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful Christmas card Karen.

    I tried to comment on Tuesday & Wednesday but blogger was being difficult-think it’s forgotten who I am!! Thank you for your kind comments about my card.


  4. Hello All, the rain has stopped at last, hope it stays dry for a while. Luckily we live on a hill so no chance of being flooded.

    Karen very modern card, I never look to use craft card but after your super card and a few others I’ve seen on Pinterest, shall have another go.

    Michele so lovely to see you in again, nice to have all of us back again.

    Going to finish my this weeks card in a short while, if I don’t mess it up again. I think smudges seem to appear out of thin air.

    Sandra glad you are having a lovely time in London, hope the weather is better for you today.
    Have a good day all. Lilian

  5. Morning everyone.
    Love the card by our Karen. Everyone seem to do cards on craft card so I might give it a go.
    Have another good day in London Sandra.
    Janet, hope the packing goes well. Leave the kitchen sink at home! :)
    Lovely to see you pop in to the cafe' Michele, hope you alright.
    Lilian, good you living on a hill. Didn't the rain come down ? Hope your pain is a bit better today.
    Pat- hope you doing alright and Lynda, hope your hands feel a bit better. Problem with winter and the chill is that the hands do feel more painful then when it is the warmer season.
    Had a good walk this morning, have not done that for a while so it was nice to feel the sun in the face again. Going to town for my flu jab this afternoon.
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs are sent for you all and extras for anyone who need some. Take care Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Sorry I did answer you earlier but after 3 goes that didn't publish I gave
      Up try again tomorrow
      Good night my friend

  6. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful Kraft card. I love the snowflakes, thanks for sharing with us Karen 😊
    Hope you’re having another lovely day in London, and the weather is brighter there.
    Work has been pretty quiet again these last couple of days, sitting there watching the clock and wishing I was home crafting.
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Karen lovely Kraft Christmas card, you have inspired me, I must look at my Kraft card, I usually go straight to the white.

    Sandra I’m guessing you will have returned home today, if I’m correct hope your journey was uneventful and you are able to have a good nights sleep xx

    Janet hope all the last minute tasks are completed, have a good night sleep in readiness for your journey. xx

    Today I went out for lunch with some ex work colleagues, it was lovely, after eating we chatted for ages.

    Time for bed, take care everyone and sleep well.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
