
Tuesday 21 September 2021


Congratulations On Your Silver
Wedding Anniversary
Sonia & Mark

Good Morning Ladies,

Please join me in Congratulating our lovely Sonia and her husband Mark on their Silver Wedding anniversary.  Your little Lodge looked absolutely stunning Sonia, I hope you got to sit in that hot tub last night. I hope you have a truly lovely few days to yourselves xxx

I hope that you are well, we had another sunny day yesterday, so we managed to get a few more garden jobs done when Paul got back from work.  I went and sat in my craft room this morning, but being in their on my own just felt strange, I just couldn't get my mind off of Danielle, we would often Facetime while we were both crafting or if not that she would be on the phone on speaker and we would craft together, or in later times we would just talk. My craft room just feels empty and I don't know how to get past it, I thought about having a move around but there isn't that much room to manoeuvre. Any suggestions, I did sit and try positive thinking, I also put Craft Tv on as a distraction but it didn't help maybe it was because it was the first day. 

Today I have a Video Consultation for my Hip with a Nurse Practitioner at 8.15am and then we are going to have our hair cut, so today will be a little brighter (after the appointment)!! 


These cards I made using the free papers I got with a Papercraft Inspirations magazine, they are Trimcraft papers and in have to say they are an exceptional quality, I would definitely buy them.
I chose this particular paper as I thought it had a snowy background and would work perfectly with the 'Precious Marieke Winterfun Border', with its swirling snowflake design.
I took a white card base and added a mat of silver mirror card, then added the lovely decorative paper. I die cut two of the borders, placed them back to back across the middle of the card, I then added a piece of Foil edged ribbon across the centre and topped with a strip silver of sequin trim.  I finished this with a bow topped with a silver Snowflake.  A simple 'Merry Christmas' is all the finishing the card needed.

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE - it was lovely to see you pop in to say 'Hello' yesterday.

    SONIA-congratulations on your Silver Anniversary.Hope you are having a lovely time.

    SANDRA- I love today's card. When I loose someone I always have a photo of them close and so I can always talk to them.Perhaps you can do something on those lines in your craft room.

    Not sure what I'm doing today other than trying to sort out this week's CC.

    The CAFE is oPEN of course to all who wish to pop in to say Hello or just look.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    Beautiful card SANDRA.

  2. Beautiful card SANDRA
    Happy Anniversary SONIA Enjoy your time away in that magnificent lodge
    I think JANET’s idea is lovely Have something of DANIELLE’s close by She may not benn by physically here but she is in spirit Nearly every afternoon I am doing some sort of crafting so call me if you want
    However this afternoon I have an appointment ☹️
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes ❤️ I really can’t believe we’ve been married for 25 years!
    It’s so beautiful and peaceful here. Yesterday’s journey was lovely, stopping off at Tintern Abbey for a spot of lunch, and all of the beautiful scenery along the way. It was the perfect start to our holiday. It turned a little chilly in the evening, but the hot tub was perfect 😊
    I absolutely love your cards today, they’re so pretty. I have some Trimcraft papers and agree they are such good quality.
    I hope over time it’ll get easier for you to spend time in your craft room. Agree with Janet about putting a photo of Danielle in there, and talking to her xxx
    I hope your video consultation goes well, fingers crossed for some news, and enjoy having a pamper when having your hair done 😊
    Karen, I hope your appointment goes ok this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

  4. Happy silver anniversary Sonia. The lodge look wonderful and very nice views.

    Good morning everyone.
    Love the cards Sandra. Silver and blue goes well together.
    Hopefully the phone call went ok and enjoy being pampered later.
    Karen, hope your appointment goes alright.
    Janet, hoping Jim is fine. Take care.
    The state of the worktop give little space for any crafting for me at the moment but I will have a good clear up this week, finger crossed. Stomach 😳 again. Got letter for consultation July - 22. Lucky they don't think it is anything serious 🤔
    Sending lots of hugs to you all. Have a nice day everyone Xxx

  5. Hello All, a mixed day today, sunshine this morning but heavy cloud this afternoon.

    Sonia hope you both have lovely time celebrating your silver anniversary, it’s amazing how quickly the years go by.

    Sandra love today’s card, really Christmasy , hope to start mine tomorrow.

    Hope you all had a good day, I’ll see you tomorrow, Lilian.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies.

    Sonia and Mark hope you are both enjoying your 25th wedding anniversary in that lovely location.xx❤️
    Beautiful cards today Sandra, you have really given us great inspiration for this weeks challenge. Thank you.
    Went into Croydon this afternoon, I needed some new underwear from M & S got what I needed and had a browse at the ladies clothes, I have to say I was rather disappointed, when I found anything I liked they didn’t have my size, lots of size 10 & 12 (in my dreams!). So I saved my money and came home.

    I agree with everyone Sandra. Have items around you that remind you of Danielle, which I’m almost sure you have already, talk to her as you would have, share funny/frustrating moments you would normally do. xx

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

    BIG OOPS…… I wrote this comment earlier…… BUT didn’t press publish!!! XXX
