
Wednesday 22 September 2021

Another Christmas Kit Card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

Thank you for your suggestions yesterday I will give anything a try!! 

I was up ready and waiting for my appointment yesterday morning but heard nothing, no message, no call, nothing.   I went back and checked my NHS app and it just says 'Referral Expired ' , no evidence of my appointment anymore, I was bloody furious,  I tried 3 times before we went on holiday to book an appointment but it just kept saying 'No Appointments Available ' there is a number on the app so I will call today and try to get some answers.

It was lovely getting out with the girls yesterday,  we had our hair cut and had a look round the shops in our old town. We had to stop at the Bakers for a cake for afternoon tea, it would have been rudenot too!  We got home and relaxed for a couple of hours before going to the Cinema to see 'Respect' the girls are so excited to see it !  It was a lovely day 😊

Today's card is another Christmas card from the bargain 'Joy to the World' kit that I bought a while ago, sadly they are no longer available to buy. 

I chopped one of the card bases down to make a small square card, I used Real Red to create the mats and a different piece of Embossed card for the background to the Wreath, I used the Red twine in the kit to create a bow around the wreath, I used the 'Joy To the world'  sentiment this time as it worked better with the smaller card, I actually really like that sentiment too!  Another quick and simple card. 

I hope that you all have a great day,

Love and hugs to all,




  1. Lovely card It’s so frustrating and disappointing when that happens You really need to get onto them and your GP
    I have an eye test at the hospital today It’s a routine checkup but leaves me with very blurry sight for a few hours
    I loved the film RESPECT Like you there was 8 people in our cinema including us It’s beautifully filmed in that you don’t see any violence sex etc you just know it’s happened
    I hope to craft later Will just have to see how it goes The one day I wouldn’t mind if the weather was dull it is gloriously bright and sunny
    Take care all xx

  2. Hi ladies
    Another of your nice cards Sandra. Hope you get hold of the doctor's today.
    Karen, thinking of you so good luck. I spoke to my mum yesterday and she told me she might need an op because she got glaucoma in one eye. It runs in the family.
    Had one of my nights with not much sleep so seeing everything a bit blurry myself this morning but have things to do so best get the whip out and get a move on.
    Have a good day ⛅🤗 hugs xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Another lovely Christmas card today 😊
    Sorry to hear about yesterday’s appointment, that’s so frustrating. Fingers crossed you get some answers today.
    Glad you had a lovely day with the girls, sounds like it was fun 😊
    We had a relaxing day yesterday, in and out of the hot tub and the weather was lovely again. We went for a meal in the evening which was very nice. Cloudy here today, but think it’s meant to stay dry and warm. We’re going to drive through the Elan Valley stopping off at the dams and lovely views.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxxx

  4. Hello Everyone, chilly here today, but dry .

    Sandra another lovely card, hope you get some answers from the Drs soon.
    Had my call this morning from hospital, re my woman’s problem, hormones are the answer.
    My battery is about to go so bye.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Hope you got some answers about your appointment that never happened. What a waste of your time. It’s so annoying and never anyone’s fault. Fingers crossed you can get an appointment ASAP. Sounds like the rest of the day just got better getting out with the girls… great quality time for you all.

    Another lovely card from your kit.

    Lillian pleased you got your hospital call without any complications.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
