
Friday 13 August 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Oh thank goodness it's the end of the week, it's been a busy one, yesterday we had rain, rain and more rain, the Oxfordshire sunshine didn't make it over to Wiltshire Pat !!  It always amazes me how the weather can be so different just a short distance away. 

We had another power cut yesterday, they are definitely a weekly thing now, somebody on the village group called SSE and was told that until the resolve the problem we will continue to have power cuts, but I'm not sure what the actual problem is!  It's now until you have them that you realise how much you take electricity for granted, especially when it powers your wifi !  Yesterday the power cut was at 7am so affected people getting up and ready for work, Paul had long gone by then and the girls are fairly organised so they weren't affected either, I imagine if they needed to use hair dryers, curling irons etc that would have been a whole different drama!  The only thing they had to so different was to heat the water for their coffee on the Aga.  

I forgot to mention yesterday that Sue came over on Wednesday, which was a lovely distraction for me, we were both busy crafting, I couldn't help but smile as Sue puzzled over the many die cut pieces she had for her ⛄ Snowman, I think that she worked out that she had more than one set of dies cut out, we just couldn't work out what one part was meant to be, it was either stilettos or ears, neither of which are normal features of a traditional snowman, I look forward to seeing the finished piece!  I must point out Sue that the delicious Biscoff Cheesecake that you bought with you was delicious 😋, after reading the nutritional information I shared the rest of mine with Paul as that 1 slice was the best part of 600 Calories !!!  Oh it was definitely worth the calories but I just couldn't!!  Thank you for coming over and making such a difference to my week, I hope you enjoyed your Blackberries and French Beans XXX

Lilian & Maria, I hope you both are taking it easy today after your procedures yesterday, sending hugs to you both, I hope you feel much better soon. xxx

Janet, great to read that Jim's appointment went well, Paul sends his best wishes to Jim and says that his second surgery will be worth the wait, as it makes so much difference.  I think that Paul had his surgeries about 3 weeks apart but that was at private hospital, the recovery was super quick though, I remember being really surprised. I am not surprised that you both had a nap in the afternoon, I think we have all got to get used to going out and all the stress and concern that brings, after a year or more of not leaving the house or having conversations with anyone other than your partner. Were you able to go with Jim to his hospital appointments?  I hated leaving Paul at the door of the ward, he has hours to sit and wait, it must have been awful, not that he would admit that of course!  Hopefully Jim's appointment will be sooner than you think xxx

Your Next Challenge

We haven't done a TicTacToe Challenge for a while so I thought that it would be a nice change to do one this week, the good thing with a 'TTT' is they work for so many different occasions!                        I think that this one will work well for Christmas cards as well as Birthday or any other celebration as we have Gold, Bling and Ribbon included. 

I am looking forward to getting started on some cards to give you all some inspiration.   

Now I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, we aren't sure what we are doing as yet, we have quite a list of jobs that need sorting before we go away next week.  Whatever you do, I hope it is fun and you manage to relax and more importantly smile 😄😊

Sending Love and Hugs to all of my Very Dear Friends,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    A really good Challenge for this week.

    No-one could go into the clinic with Jim -one because it is a small place and two because of the restrictions still in force -so he had to be dropped off at the door and collected the same. As I cannot drive anymore he had a taxi. For his Opticians I stayed in the coffee bar outside while he went and had his eyes checked. I could see into the Opticians so could keep an eye on

    Well the end of another week so I'm 'swearing' this morning. The washer is already churning away and Mr Tesco is delivering this morning too.

    LILIAN and MARIA--I hope you are both OK this morning and not in too much discomfort. HUGE HUGS to you both.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in if you can.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. You’ve given us a good tic tax toe for next week. I’m trying to make some Christmas cards so I’m not rushing later on but let’s see how that plan works out!
    Thank you again for the beans and blackberries. There are a few of each left…. and I was right when I said that they probably won’t see the inside of a saucepan. We both keep eating them throughout the day and they are delicious 😁
    I have to do the ironing first today, can’t put it off again. Then I hope to finish the card I started at yours on Wednesday. I must try and work out all of my dies to find out just what the little die is that I showed you xx
    It’s not very bright or warm here at the moment but I hope it improves. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Had a thought 😄 reg the stiletto shaped die, could it poss. be a carrot nose ?

  3. Morning ladies.
    Nice to see a tic tac toe challenge again. Like Sue I'm hoping to make a few x-mas cards ahead of the rush.

    Lilian- hope you are alright and not in too much discomfort, hugs
    Cheryl-keep that leg up and rest. hoping the foot get better soon.
    Janet- don't the Fridays come around quick. Don't overdo it, but you can always have a nap in the afternoon 😌 Take care of each other.
    Sue- just shake the washing really hard and you won't have to much ironing any more 😁 I only do skirts and shirts and they are far, not wearing any of them often.
    I wish you have a nice day all even if the rain seem to be coming once again, this feel like the worst summer ever 😕
    Had a little walk earlier and it was ok. The post had come when we got back and I have two referral letters to the hospital but no dates yet.
    Take care and many hugs for you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, lots of variety. I too, want to make a good star on Christmas cards - have a few made already, but don’t want it to be a last minute rush.
    Only managed one simple card for this weeks challenge, was hoping to get James birthday card made to include, but that hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve got another week to do it in.
    I hope you manage to sort out your snowman Sue, as Maria suggested perhaps it’s his nose 😊 The biscoff cheesecake sounds delicious, I love those little biscuits.
    Hope you’ve all had a good day. Sending hugs to you all

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies.

    Oh B . .
    I’ve just lost a long comment, doesn’t it make you cross when that happens. Hey Ho here we go ……. I’ll start again.

    Nice challenge for next week Sandra, looking at the choices I can see quite a few that appeal to me. I didn’t comment yesterday I don’t know what happened there because I looked on the blog and saw that gorgeous card, I remember thinking I would like to make something like that, I’m sure somewhere I have those stamps. Anyway my comment isn’t there so I must have got it wrong somewhere!

    We had a lovely surprise this morning, postman had a special delivery item for us albeit late for the occasion, it was a card sending good wishes for our 60th anniversary from the Queen. Daughters only realised this week that you can make an application for wedding anniversaries as well as birthdays, so they applied and we received the card today. Our postman was really thrilled with his special delivery.

    LILLIAN and MARIA I hope you are both taking things easy. xx
    JANET Hope Jim is being a good patient, xx

    Time to get a wiggle on and get on with dinner.

    Have a lovely evening everyone. Take care, Love Brenda xxx
