
Thursday 12 August 2021

Lovely Fathers Day Card


6ood Morning Ladies ,

We had another lovely day yesterday,  we got 2 loads of washing dry, Tuesday/Wednesday seems to be our weekly wash days now as it's the end of the girls shift, so their uniform needs washing ready for Thursday, mind you its nice not having to do it on the weekend! 

Lilian we are all with you today in spirit, The sooner you are home in your own bed the better.  Sending love and hugs sweet friend ❤ xxx

Janet,  I am so pleased to hear that Jim is on the mend pneumonia can really drag on, I know it takes a long time to get full strength back, I kept my fingers crossed for the Optician appointment and I hope you got the second appointment sorted. You will both need a quiet day after all the excitement of going out, sending hugs xxx

Lynda, how are you feeling my lovely,  hopefully all those exercises that you are doing will make the recovery from your knee surgery a bit quicker, you will be our Bionic woman! xxx

Today's card is one of my favourite 'Cards for Men' its like a 'faux' Aperture card, there is no view better than looking out to sea. Here’s how I made it...

To make the card I used a piece of cheap copy paper and cut an aperture through which I stamped the sea, I then die cut some tiny clouds and put some low tack tape on them and arranged them above the sea, I used the same 'Broken China ' Distress ink to blend across the clouds to create the sky.
I removed the scrap paper and stamped the birds in Black ink. I die cut the Beach chair in wood effect paper and added a touch of shading, I placed that in front of the 'Seascape' and added the 'Happy Father's Day  sentiment next to it.
To finish the card I added a mat of similar colour blue card and then adhered to a card base.

Sending love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA I love love today's card. It looks so peaceful and serene.

    Yesterday's appointment went well for Jim so he is now waiting for a call from the med unit to have his right eye done. I have to say he is already impatient.MEN!
    We both had a very quiet afternoon -in fact we both fell asleep which is usual for Jim but unheard of for me.

    Need to finish off this week's CCs today.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to youall with loads of extras for ALL DEAR FRIENDS who are in need.

  2. Hi ladies
    Some lovely men’s cards on show over the last couple of days. It’s lovely & sunny here at the moment. Fingers crossed it stays that way. I’m sorry to hear that Jim was really I’ll Janet. Hope that you both spend some time resting.
    Hopefully we’ll be able to meet-up soon ladies.
    Take care & stay safe everyone

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful card today. I love it, so soothing looking out to sea. Being able to get the washing outside to dry is always the best. No matter how nice the makers say fabric softener is it doesn’t even come near to how clothes smell after being on the washing line does it?
    Lilian, I am thinking if you today. I hope all is going well Sending gentle hugs xx
    Janet, it’s no surprise you and Jim both had 40 winks yesterday. You have both been through a lot over the last few days with one thing and another xx
    Maria, I hope your new neighbours continue to be quiet. You certainly deserve the peace after the old ones don’t you. Sorry you didn’t get both knees done. It’s typical that the second appointment is on a day when you are away! I hope you don’t have to wait too long to get it done xx
    Brenda, thank you. Mum not having any speech now, not even yes or no now is the very very worst thing. We take the simplest things for granted don’t we. I know Mum would send a hug to you too and one from me Brenda xx
    Karen, it was fantastic to hear that Oscar thoroughly enjoyed himself at the cinema. No doubt you had some happy tears bless him xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras to all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies
    It's been another lovely sunny
    Day Terry managed to get two loads washing on the line
    The velcro hand ✋things are
    Helping especially the right-hand
    Carers have just ĺeft and back at
    Eight the last one for today YEAH.
    My new phone isn't as good as I
    Hoped mined you I'm not good with technology HAHA.
    My dinner is ready
    So have a lovely evening.
    🤗 love Lyndaxxxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Fabulous card today 😊
    Sorry I’m late in today. Took Barney for a groom after work, he looks so lovely and is about half the size now all his fluff has been chopped off and smells gorgeous too 🥰
    Lilian and Maria, I hope you’re both ok after today’s procedures xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Evening ladies
    Love the card Sandra, Just be thinking of sitting in that chair,with the sunshine in your face and a little breeze so not getting too hot. We can always dream.
    Good to hear Jim is better, you both need the rest so keep napping. We do here many days in a week, probably because I never get to bed before 2 or three am and then most days up before 7 or 8am.
    Lilian- hope everything went well today and you soon back home. Big hug for you.
    Sonia- Barney most look gorgeous with his new haircut, nice also if we get any more warmer days before Autumn is here LOl.
    Sue- sending you a bundle of hugs. It's tough to here about Mamma. You take care x
    Lynda- it's lovely to see more of you in the cafe', hope the wrist support give you some help.
    Karen- hope you are alright.
    Pat- have you managed to got for any walk lately ? I'm hoping to do a small one tomorrow, gently does it for now.
    I'm ok, it was no fun to have the needle inserted in a very sore spot but hopefully I will feel a little bettering in a week or so. Managed to change the date for the next one for a week later. The day before having some teeth sorted so a busy/ painful week. Going to ask the doc for something to take before the dentist or I probably be running out of the building with the sucker still in mouth LOL
    Have a good night as poss my friends and I see you tomorrow. Hugs Maria xx
