
Friday 2 July 2021

Your Next Challenge Chosen by Janet


Good Friday Morning Ladies

I would like you to join me in wishing our very Dear Friend Lynda a Very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day, I'm sure Terry treats you like a queen every day but today you deserve the EXTRA special treatment! xxxxxxx

How are we all today ladies, I hope that you are all managing OK ?  The weather did seem a bit brighter today, the sun kept popping out for a few minutes, it looks like Paul will have to water the garden tonight as we had no rain yesterday or today.  We are growing out tomato plants on the patio this year and they are so far the most successful ones we have grown, we have a lot of different varieties too, we have a black tomato plant, a Spanish one, a few cherry tomatoes in different colours. and yellow variety, so it will be interesting to see which ones turn out the best.

Your Next Challenge Suggested by Janet

I asked Janet if she would like to choose a Challenge for this week as she hasn't had the chance before, It would be lovely for everyone to have a turn.

Janet chose the theme of Roses / Colour Rose, I know for certain that we haven't  had this challenge before, so it will be a new challenge for all of us, thats the part I love about somebody else choosing because then I am challenged too. Now I asked Janet last minute yesterday so she didn't quite get an inspiration card ready for you all, so I rummaged through my folders and found a few different cards that I have featured roses on, so I hope that they inspire you a little bit.  Some are stamped roses, some are on decorative paper, some are paper roses. it's really up to you.  Don't forget that there is the Sue Wilson has a Christmas Rose stamp and die set too, so you could make a Christmas cards too.  I will add a photo of Christmas Roses below....

They are really pretty aren't they?!
Anyway I will be uploading more inspiration for you throughout the week.  You can even just use patterned paper with roses on. 

Thank you so much Janet for choosing our next challenge, I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's cards.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, ours is a much quieter one thankfully.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great cards as inspiration for us for the next challenge.
    Janet-great challenge, looking forward to seeing your cards.

    We had more sunshine yesterday afternoon, not had rain for days again now. I was too tired yesterday after going to Tesco to water the plants so that’s a must do job tonight.
    I spoke to a friend last night-she’s just had a hip replacement after falling on Saturday and breaking her hip. They had a struggle with her ass she has a few medical problems. She’s got Ankylosing spondylitis, her neck is fused, she has a colostomy & a pacemaker. They managed to get her to theatre on the second attempt on Monday. I spoke to her on tunas she was vey bright& chatty.

    Well I’m glad it’s Friday!


    1. Hi Michele thank you for your card I love it made smile
      Hope your friend gets better soon
      , πŸ€—Xx love Lynda xx

  2. Lovely challenge JANET and it will be for me! But I’m looking forward to it I have a freebie Altenew rose die and a Spellbinders one as well as papers with roses on
    I had a very pleasant afternoon sat in the garden crocheting I’d also started a 16 count cross stitch (to test my glasses) It had 1/4 ATS too I gave up But, I’ve found a 14 count So I’m going to have a go at that Just for something different to do for a change
    Bowls this afternoon and then of course the football is on
    Take care all xx

  3. Happy Birthday Lynda-hooe you have a lovely day.


  4. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDA. Have the best of birthdays but most of all just enjoy the day.

    Well it's a very busy day here. Jim has his pre-admission appointment this morning to have the first of his cateracts done. So we'll know the exact date when he gets home.It is of course my 'swear' word day too which will help to keep my mind busy with other things and of course to top it all Mr Tesco delivers today. Heyho.

    Thank you SANDRA for asking if I would like to choose a theme for this week. I hope everyone enjoys it.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN- cake and scones are in the tins.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Lynda, have a lovely day πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‚ xx
    Great challenge for next week Janet and lovely inspiring cards.
    I had another go with my alcohol inks yesterday, and after watching a YouTube video, I produced a piece which I’m happy with 😊 following the video I actually let it dry without using my heat tool, and although I don’t own an alcohol ink blower tool, I have a dust blower for my camera which I used and it did exactly the same as the proper tool - was probably half the price of it too 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDA I hope you have a lovely birthday and that Terry and the rest of the family spoil you, Love and Hugs XXX

    JANET I like your choice for next weeks challenge card you’ve really got my grey cells working very early today. Hope Jim gets on fine at his pre-admission appointment. Great you have a busy day to keep your mind occupied. Take care XX
    Sandra thank you for all the inspiration for Janet‘s challenge, I have to say I do recognise the Honey Doo stamp, I think we both thought that one at Ally Pally.

    My day will be similar to Janet’s doing the swearword thing, I just like to get it done just in case anyone turns up, but as John always says they won’t notice if you haven’t put the vacuum round - but I will!!!

    Okay but I get a wiggle on, however you spend your day ladies I hope it’s good.
    Hugs Brenda XXX

  7. Happy Birthday Lynda, have a lovely day !

    Love the challenge for next week, thank you Janet for setting it. Still need to make this weeks, not sure what's the matter but can't seem to get anything together.aargh!
    Need to get times for passports for me and Son asap, we have been looking every Friday for Months and nothing and you can't call them, only on-line so not happy because Son haven't got one and mine is running out before our holiday so really need it. No wonder my tummy is in a twist this last week.
    Have a nice day everyone, love and hugs Maria xx

  8. Hello , cloudy today, but quite warm.

    Many Happy Returns of the Day Lynda, hope it’s a super one.

    Great challenge for next week, have more rose stamps than any other flower ones.
    Love all the cards for inspiration, I also have the honey doo stamp.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thank you all for my lovely birthday cards
    Darren and Sam and Harry came
    down yesterday which was nice Lisa & Joseph are coming this afternoon.
    I got anew phone Darren was sorting it out but I wrote this
    Text on new phone but wouldn't publish so having to do it on my old phpne? But my hands are. Aching really badly
    Love Lynda xx try 😩later xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lisa has sorted my phone for me
    Can now publish on new phone πŸ˜‚
    It's been sunny but they said it's going to rain later.

  11. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday Lynda πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    I hope you have had a lovely day. I bet you got spoiled by the family xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Some beautiful inspirational rose cards. I remember the gorgeous card you made with the beautiful Honey Doo stamp. I look forward to seeing everyone’s cards. I hope Bella stays on the ground tonight so that you can get some sleep! Xx
    I hope you all had a good day. Sending love snd hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
