
Saturday 3 July 2021

Mixed up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that today finds you well and you are all able to enjoy a peaceful weekend.   Ours got off to a rough start as some of you know, Our sweet Bella got spooked on Thursday night and ended up on the roof of the house...

She went up the lower roof onto main roof, they coaxed her half way down a couple of times but the moss came loose under her feet and scared her so she went further up and over to 

This side of the house which is Sophie's room!  I had the phone in my hand at 12:10am about to call the fire brigade, as I couldn't bare to leave her up there all night bless her, she was wailing her head off.  They eventually managed to get her down far enough to grab her,  they had ladders up the roof and Paul was stood reaching up to main roof.  I am hoping it has spooked her enough not to go up there again. My heart literally couldn't handle it, poor Lucy was in a state as well bless her.  All was calmed down by about 1.30am, which was good because Paul was up at 5 am for work! 

With Janet's challenge theme being Roses this week I thought I would share some pictures of our Roses this year, a few other photos from around the garden too.  The yellow rose at the top is Our Family dog Gemma's rose, we put her ashes in a pot and planted A Memorial Roze in with her, it gives us a lovely show of roses every year.

We have more Oriental Irises than ever before, so pretty.

Philadelphius (Mock Orange) 

Pots on a patio

More Pots on Patio

A selection of photos from around the garden.  Out garden looks lovely this year. 

Now let's havd a look at Michele's Magazine Review...

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies 

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a fun set of stamps & dies this month as the free gift.

Here’s a look at what’s inside the magazine.

First article using the free gift.

More ideas

And some  more, nice to see some 3D projects.

I love this gin bottle!

I think this feature really shows off the stamps, this colouring technique is just lovely.

Interesting feature using Flock powders.

Great ideas using fabric.

The exploding boxes shown here would be a beautiful keepsake for a special occasion.

More inspiration.

Great ideas using dies, nice colour combination.

More ideas which you could easily recreate using dies in your stash.

WOW-look at this technique=Stunning.

How to get more from your dies, create larger apertures with them.

More ideas.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele for another fantastic  Magazine Review,   there are so many amazing features in this issue, I love the article about watercolouring,  the feature about extending your die cuts is fantastic too, something we can all make use of.  I love the colour combinations of the 'on trend' cards too.  The Galaxy background technique is something I have been wanting to try for a while. So I might put this magazine in my trolley when we go shopping today!! Thanks again Michele XXX

Sonia's Shopping 

Sonia has bought some amazing new craft goodies this week.

Sonia's Description:

I’ve been a bit naughty and bought a few things this week. All bought online from Seven Hill Crafts, Bumbleberry Papercrafts and Dies to Die For.

Some lovely dies Sonia, I definitely need more Sentiment dies and stamps, you never realise you need them until your half way through a project and NEED something right there and then!  I can't wait to see what you create with them, thanks so much for sharing XXX

That's all for today Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Your garden (and house) looks amazing No wonder you spend so much time gardening Poor BELLA I hope she and you all have recovered
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I like the look of the watercolour feature too
    I started another cc for this week last night whilst OH watched the football downstairs for a change Hopefully I’ll finish it today
    All of us are going to a mutual friend’s 60th this afternoon I am really looking forward to it as it’s the first time of going out out and we know practically everyone who’s going Might even get a bit of dancing in!
    Take care everyone x

    1. I knew there was something else! I love your shopping SONIA I need to get more sentiment stamps too I must visit the websites you mentioned as they’re a little different from the usual

    2. Thanks Karen. They stock some products from American manufacturers which we can’t easily get over here and there delivery times are quick too.
      Enjoy the party this afternoon xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    I agree with Karen, your garden and house are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos, you’ve given me some ideas of flowers to plant in our garden - I love the look of the ‘mock orange’.
    Fingers crossed the fright of it all will stop Bella venturing up on the roof again, bless her.
    Great magazine review Michele, love the look of some of the articles.
    Fingers crossed for the England game tonight ⚽️ We shall be watching it on the edge of our seats 😬😂 Luke was planning on going to London with his mates today (it’s his birthday too) to watch the game in a pub. As soon as England won their game the other night all the pubs in London were practically booked up - with having to pay a £100 deposit!! Hence to say they’re not going, but are venturing to Fleet ( a few miles away) I’m sure it’ll still be a fantastic atmosphere…….(if we win)
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxxx

  3. Hi everyone.
    Love your garden Sandra,so many wonderful flowers everywhere. Hope you are alright after Bella's adventure. Our neighbours cat is often found on the garage roof,not sure why but so far she have been able to get down on her own accord but it look scary when she jumps back on to the fence.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review.
    Good shopping Sonia. You never have too many sentiment's. Happy birthday Luke.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It’s lovely to see photos of your beautiful roses this year. I know I love the gorgeous scent of the one by the window if I remember rightly. Let’s hope Bella remembers how scared she was up on the roof. Hope you have a nice day relaxing tomorrow my lovely xx
    We have Gemma and Chris jnr here today and tomorrow as she is suffering from excessive sickness so has been signed off work by the dedicated unit at GW hospital in Swindon which is so lucky for her.
    I hope you all have a good evening.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras fir all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi, wet again, but very close.

    Sandra flowers and garden are looking fabulous, seems to be a good year for all plants this year.

    Michele great review as usual, lots of interesting articals to read.

    Sonia good lot of shopping you have, I also could do with some new sentiments.

    Hope you have all had a good day, Lilian
