
Tuesday 6 July 2021

Lilian's Ink Background card


Good Morning Ladies, 

How are you all this overcast Tuesday morning ?  I had quite an uncomfortable day yesterday,  very little sleep and dreading the trip to the hospital,  although the lady that did my xrays couldn't have been nicer, she was very chatty, she ended feeling terrible because she was trying to force my pelvis to a level position by moving my hips but all she did was dislocate my right hip I felt so bad for her, I said that it happened often, she askeed for my history of operations on that hip and what state was it in now, after I explained she was shocked bless her. I now have to wait 7-10 days for the results to get to my to my GP.

Today's card is Lilian's Ink Background Challenge card, I didn't receive it on time to add to Sundays blog, so it can have the blog all to itself today.

Lilian's Description:
"I used broken China, then speckled egg, and faded jeans oxides, the mask is an old one that I bought at a show, the flower stamps are watercolour poppies from Inkylicious, which I have also had for years." 

Lilian your card is so lovely,  the colours of Distress Oxides you have used are amazing and wotk beautifully with the background. Those poppies are so lovely,  we have some just opened in the garden in a lovely shade of purple.  Thank you so much for taking part in last week's Challenge my lovely XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day, i hope that you don't get too much rain!

Love and hugs to all ,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-your card is gorgeous, I love the background you have created.

    Sandra-sorry to read that you ended up in pain. Hopefully the GP will refer you to an orthopaedic specialist as they won’t be able to help much.

    We have very heavy rain here this morning so you call stop sending me rain thanks!
    Busy day at work today then nothing much planned for this evening.


  2. Sorry to hear that you had so much more pain after the x-ray I’m annoyed that radiographer should not have been anywhere near you unless you gave her permission to move you about
    Your card is lovely LILIAN I forget to use masks!
    I was busy at work yesterday which zonked me a bit in the afternoon and today is so wet that I think the bowls will be cancelled this evening So what’s a girl to do Craft maybe?
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    LILIAN-beautiful card. I never think of finding my stencils. Perhaps it's because I only have a couple and then get lost amongst my stamps.

    Well we are still getting rain. Enough is enough. Isn't it supposed to be SUMMER?

    I plan to do a little more sewing today. Well that's the plan.

    SANDRA-I hope you're more comfortable this morning and that you've managed to sleep.

    The CAFE is OPEN though of course it's inside seating at the moment.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.XXXX

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Lilian, I love your beautiful card. The poppies look stunning in that colour. Such a beautiful flower xx
    Sandra, no doubt you are in more pain today after your hip dislocation yesterday. A bed day no doubt for you today my lovely xx
    Gem has the day off and we are going out for lunch and a mooch around the local garden centre so a lovely day for me today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Morning all
    Wonderful blended card from our Lilian, I love it x
    Really hope you take it easy now after the ordeal at the hospital yesterday,bless you. Gentle hugs.
    We are going down to London this morning because Son need to get a new passport so we have to go to the Swedish Embassy.
    Awful weather so it won't be a nice journey down but hoping the rain stop at some time so we can have a little walk before going back home.
    Many hugs to you all and extras for all in need. Maria xx

  6. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Lilian. Love the background and beautiful flowers.
    Sorry to hear of your X-ray ordeal 😔 Hope any pain eases soon xx
    Heavy rain overnight but dry for now and quite windy!
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello All a bit late again, nearly forgot like yesterday. It’s been like winter here today wet and cold.

    Nice of you all to say you liked my card, not my best effort, but my mojo is sadly taken absent of leave.

    Janet loved your card yesterday, sorry I forgot to comment.

    I have ordered a couple of magazine box kits from Kay, hoping to get some inspiration.

    Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight Sandra, and hope things are looking a bit brighter. Hugs to all Lilian
