
Wednesday 7 July 2021

Karen's 'Rose' Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Just a quick blog post today as we are all feeling a little the worse for wear after spending 9 hours at the hospital with Lucy after an accident at work left Lucy with a crush injury to the nail bed area of her thumb, she was advised to get it looked at and the pain she was in showed that it was serious.  She is a bit like her Mum and suffers terribly with anxiety, so we didn't want to leave her there alone,  even though we couldn't be in with her. She kept popping out to update us. Why it took from her getting an Xray at 9pm to then have to wait until 4am to have xray looked at, after they did look and her fracture was confirmed she was given a splint and out the door in under 10 minutes!  This was at 'Urgent Care' not A & E !!   Lucy said that they only had two members of senior staff on duty, a true sign of the strain our NHS is under. 

Today's card is Karen's beautiful 'Rose' Challenge card,  I absolutely love those papers,  so Feminine and pretty. I love your design too Karen 😍

Karen's Description:

"How’s this One sheet of the Stamperia Romantic collection
I cut out the rose and stuck it onto the reverse of the piece of cardstock using foam pads I fussy cut the tags too stuck using foam pads I inked around the edges of the rose and cardstock with Tattered Rose DO
Plus a few pink pearls"

Thank you so much Karen for allowing me to share your card today XXX

That's all for today my lovely friends,

My Love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning everyone
    Thank you for showing my card This really took me out of my comfort zone Thank you JANET The background was from same sheet of paper and is less stark white in real life
    Bowling went OK yesterday evening but I feel like I am getting worse!
    I promised myself that I would do some crafting yesterday afternoon and it didn’t happen Hopefully I will be later
    Take care all xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Karen, love the pretty papers 😊
    Sorry to hear about Lucy, hope she’s ok xx
    Hoping to craft today……still haven’t got around to making another card yet.
    Best get out with Barney soon as it looks like rain. Feels more like autumn than summer at the moment!
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello, sunny now, but has been raining all morning.

    Late having lunch as my cleaners have only just left.

    Karen love your card, I have those papers and love them.

    I’m trying to do next weeks card a bit earlier this week. Been browsing Pinterest to get some ideas, found some with a stamp set I forgot I had,.

    Drs tomorrow morning, someone new , they are always changing staff, trouble is they never want to change anything.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I haven’t been in for a few days because our Internet went down on Sunday, Poor John actually thought it was his fault, but the BT engineer came a little while ago and he traced the fault which was nothing to do with what John would been working on. Thank goodness.

    Oh but I have missed you ladies, not having access to the Internet is like a part of your family being missing. I’ve just been trying to catch up on everything that’s been going on, the challenge cards are all beautiful, true works of art. Janet your rose card on Monday is gorgeous, Lillian love your card on Tuesdays blog - gorgeous colours, Karen your really inspiring card today is lovely.

    Sorry to hear about Lucy’s accident at work, it sounds horrible, hope the nail bed will get better. Sending her healing hugs. xx

    Not a lot happening here, the weather hasn’t been very good, but then I think that’s general all over the country, it’s hard to believe we are well into July and still needing to add an extra layer to keep warm!

    Think I need to go back and digest what’s been happening here, I hope you are all well. Take care, hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi ladies
    Beautiful card Karen, you are way ahead many of us this week. I'm thinking, overthinking and nothing be done :/
    Did some stamping last night so hoping they be a card or two.
    Hope Lucy is alright and the pain is not too bad. Ouch, it must have hurt. Ridiculous it had to take so long at the walk in. Give her a hug from me.
    Only sitting today, so tired after yesterdays drive to London and I wasn't even the driver.
    Sending extra hugs to all ladies today for I think we all need some right now, Maria xxx
