
Tuesday 8 June 2021

My Version of Michele's Diamond Point card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well,  I think yesterday was a mixed day across the country but we had a nice warm day all day, not that I managed to get outside, I am still struggling with my right hip and knee, what I don't understand is why my pain medications aren't working on that side, or maybe they are masking the worst of it, it's just miserable,  it just shows how much I rely on that leg to get around.  I did manage to get to my craft desk, thankfully my craft chair is very comfortable.  

So today's card is my version of Michele's Diamond point card, it was so easy, thanks to Michele's clear and precise instructions 

TIP: Measure your card base, I measured a few different cards that were sold as 6x6,  and 8x8, I can tell you that they were way off that measurement. So if you presume that a card is 6x6 and mark halfway at 3inch your card will be wasted as measurement will be way off.  

I used Anne Marie Designs paper pad in Blue, those pads are beautiful, I used a floral sheet for the front and a more subtle pattern for the inside. I used a matching Tag and stamped a greeting, fixed a ring through the hole and attached some ribbon and twine.  To finish the card I added some Nuvo drops to the corners of the all elements and I decoupagedthe flower on the tag. The pattern paper have enough detail that no more embellishments were necessary.                                                                 I love how the card turned out, thank you Michele for the inspiration XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is beautiful, I live the colours you have used. Sorry to hear you’re in pain, hope it eases soon.

    Yesterday was a crazy busy day. We ended up one person short as they had an eye infection so they couldn’t work in the unit. By lunchtime it was clear that we were struggling so I went in to help the 2 staff making the IV feeds and chemotherapy-next thing I knew it was 4:30!!! I’d gone in early so it was a long day. Needless to
    Say I didn’t feel
    Like doing much yesterday evening.


  2. It’s a beautiful card SANDRA I made a base yesterday and totally agree with you - measure the card itself and/or trim it to a size that’s divisible by 2
    and MICHELE’s instructions are so easy to follow We are still being very lucky with the weather and once again have beautiful clear blue skies
    We need to go into town later to a) get OH his specs and b) get mine adjusted again as they pretty uncomfortable to wear and the prescription itself doesn’t seem brilliant Hey ho
    Take care all x

  3. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA. I love those papers you have used.

    I have to admit that when I need accurate cutting I use A3 card and cut to the size I need. The off cuts I make into note pads which I use around the house.
    We had a lovely day weatherwise.

    I have finished my CC which is amazing as it's still at the beginning of the week thanks to you MICHELE. Instructions so easy to follow. I now have time to finish off my latest shopping bag.YEH.

    The CAFE is OPEN to all who wish to pop infor a look and an escape for a while.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.MARGARET I hope things are improving. SANDRA hoping it's a better day for you.

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card, and I love the papers 😊
    Sorry to hear you’re in so much pain, fingers crossed it eases soon xx
    Another beautiful sunny day here too, think our summer has finally arrived.
    Off to have my hair coloured this morning. Found a lovely hairdresser who has a small salon in her garden. She’s lovely and is nearly half the price of what I used to pay!
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi ladies
    A lovely card Sandra. I didn’t realise that Anna Marie was still operating. Not that I buy card anymore. I have loads that I don’t use. I was going to bring it last time we all met up in Watford but I forgot.
    The sun is shining here again. Just off for a quick walk. I might just pop down the canal later as it’s so nice.

  6. Hi everyone from a gorgeous day here in MK.
    Love the card Sandra and thanks to Michele I have also made one yesterday, only need something...
    Sorry to see you are in so much pain still and you are on stronger meds then I so what can they give you instead ? Hoping you soon feel better.
    Michele- hope work is a bit better today and you might have got some more people in.
    Karen- hope your glasses gets sorted today,nothing worse when you can't see properly. Mine keep sliding down on my nose so it given me a sore bridge :(
    Janet- looking forward to see your new bag, enjoy the day.
    Sonia- a new colour or still blond ? Hope she was good and you can go back to her again.
    Pat- we be back to Watford soon hopefully so you can bring the cards then, unless you keep some and make some cards from time to time. Hope you had a nice time down the canal.
    We got to Ikea this morning and had a coffee in the cafe'.It was little bit like being at the airport for we had to walk around the barriers to get to the till etc. Like to sit and read on the patio but still too warm so we waiting until 3pm when it goes behind the neighbours house. They got a little black and white cat, very cute, only problem is she have managed to come in a few times and that's no good for OH is terrible allergic to cats especially.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day. xxx

  7. Hi, lovely day here, a bit cloudy this morning.

    Can you believe this: the cost of policing G7 is 70million, and that’s just the security, it’s a right circus here, all roads into Cornwall closed over the weekend.

    Sandra love your card, like everyone I’ve managed one as well, although it’s not really my thing.

    Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine, Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Had internet problems yesterday my post went of into cyberspace. Lillian your card yesterday was so beautiful it deserved a day on its own, I love the cracked paint background.

    Sandra your card is lovely, love the papers you have used. I have also found cards are not always the size they are state they are, so good to check if you need perfect measurements.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. What a great card shape and I love the beautiful papers you have used. I’ve had a catch up on all cards you have shown over the last few days. They are all beautiful and so many fabulous backgrounds etc. I’m sorry you are still struggling with more pain. It’s so hard when you can’t do anything to ease it. Sending gentle hugs my lovely xx
    Mums skin is improving each day and she should be allowed home soon. Sadly she couldn’t get to the wedding but it all went well and the weather was very kind thankfully. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
