
Wednesday 9 June 2021

Another Fun Fold



Good Morning Ladies,

How are we all today, I'm not sure if it was as warm where you all are but it was a scorcher here. 
We had a lovely girls morning out, we went to see our friend Freya to get our hair cut, which felt amazing after around 8 months!  Sophie fancied a cake so we went to a 'proper Bakery' in the town we used to live, we bought the cakes home and enjoyed them after a nice lunch together,  I really value the special time we my girls. 

Today's card is a different 'Fun Fold', I have seen this style with an acetate panel between the top and bottom section.  
The base is made if a piece of 'Soft Succulent' card cut to 18.5cm × 10.5cm, I scored at 14.5cm, I then cut another piece 4cm × 10.5cm for the bottom panel. I used Anne Marie patterned paper in Pink this time cut slightly smaller than the 'Soft Succulent' card, I roughed the edges slightly and added a little Soft Succulent ink around the edge,  I loved how the Stampin Up card matched the paper pad perfectly. To join two front pieces together with the Tag, it's a tag that matches the paper pad, I cut a (rough) mat for it and adhered it to both bottom and top panels, to reinforce the card front I added a matching panel on the inside of the card too.  I used another tag shape to add a panel for the sentiment, I stamped greetings on both front and inside tags in matching ink. 
I quite like how it turned out, it's a good strong card too.

I hope that you all are able to enjoy some sunshine today,

Love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Just played catch with the fun fold cards, some beautiful ones there Sandra.

    Off this morning to Taunton for Giorgina's Dental appointment. It has been over a year with cancelled appointments and disappointments for her. Her teeth are now in a terrible state. Shame on them. I think they have used Covid too often as excuse which is ironic as the Health Department has never used the Flu or Pneumonia, which happen every year to vulnerable people, as cover for cancelling appointments.

    Then we are visiting Hobbycraft at the big retail park near M5 J25 for some wool for my sister. She is recovering well and is home from her (many hospital appointments cancelled at last minute) operation.

    Hoe is all with everyone,
    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hope everything went well at the dentist, less her. Glad to hear your sister improving and you managed to get the wool for her. x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is gorgeous. I love the colours you have used. That style would look great as a special Christmas card too I think.

    Yesterday was busy but a much better day I called round to see our ex neighbours after work which was lovely. Felt tired again once we’d eaten so I watched TV with hubby


  3. Pretty card I have never made a card this style
    So pleased you had a special day with your girls Enjoy them while you can before careers/jobs/grandchildren come along
    We walked to the town centre (big mistake it was so hot) yesterday to collect OH’s specs and get mine altered slightly Had a bit of a browse and on the way home stopped at a pub for “light” refreshments!
    OH is out with friends this afternoon so I hope to finish at least one fun fold card!
    Take care all xx

    1. Take care. Now the warmer weather is here,it's lovely but make sure you keep an eye on your sugar. Hope we could meet up again soon x

  4. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful card. Love the style and your pretty papers.
    Another hot one again, even Barney seems more worn out after our early morning walk. Laying inside in the cool now. I’ve made some iced fruit treats for him which he loves in this hot weather 🐶
    I know I say it nearly every day, but I’m hoping to get some crafting done today. I always seem to get distracted with something else!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi ladies.
    Fabulous fold card Sandra, gorgeous papers and the sweet sentence,love it.
    Sound lovely to have some girlie time with your daughters.
    Lovely to hear from you Sue that the wedding went well and you all had a nice day, also good to hear that mamma Margaret is getting a bit better.Sending her one of my special hugs x
    Managed to do a walk this morning, it was nice to go for one again and not many people on this one but understand how Barney was feeling for I am the same hihi so nothing much have been done today. Water the plants and then cooking the dinner is next so I hope you all have had a good day and hugs winging it's way to you all xxx

  6. Hi, thick fog and mist today, really miss the sun.

    Sandra, lucky you spending time with your girls, really miss doing that.
    Your card is lovely,so different, the papers are very pretty.

    Not much else going on, hugs to you all. Lilian.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your fun fold card, the papers and card are such a perfect match, it’s gorgeous.

    Had a busy day in the garden I have been reorganising an area where we had a Wisteria it’s been there a number of years, unfortunately it has died over the winter so I’m replanting in that area.

    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Take care and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
