
Tuesday 1 June 2021

Michele's Fancy Fold Tutorial


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all relaxed after that lovely weekend.  I think we all did the right thing by staying home, the beaches, parks and tourist spots were all absolutely overwhelmed with people, not much evidence of social distancing either. I honestly think that this next phase on 21st is definitely not going to happen, the numbers are rising so fast.

Michele made these cards last week and I loved them, she asked if I would like to start a new Blog feature sharing different card making Tutorials,  I thought it was a brilliant idea.  

So here is the first Technique 

Fancy Fold Card Technique 

Hi Ladies, 

Here’s the first Tuesday tutorial and we’re making this fancy looking card. Don’t panic ladies…it’s really easy.

Here's a card for inspiration 

Here’s another one of my cards as inspiration.

All you need to start with is a square card. Any size works but I’ve used a 6 inch square card.
With the fold at the TOP of the card (tent fold) you need to mark the centre point on the lower edge, where the card opens.

Next step Is to open the card out and cut from the centre fold to the marked point. Do this on both sides and you should have a card looking like this example. Keep the cut off pieces.

Add a patterned paper as a background. It needs to be paper as card would be too think for you card to fold easily. I used a neutral one as I wanted a very patterned one on the top part.

My next piece of patterned paper was cut in exactly the same way as the front of the card.

If you want to leave a thin border on the front of your card then you’ll need to trim some off each portion of the patterned paper as shown.

Glue the patterned paper to the 3 triangles as shown.

With the two smaller portions of card, they mee to be glued to each other. The trick here is to line them up on the top, making sure the sides & lower edges don’t stick out over the edge of the base piece. You can add faint pencil marks so you know where to glue . Stick the 2 pieces together then they’ll need to be glued to the front triangle flap.
If you look at my “lines” it just within the front triangle flap so the glue won’t be seen.

This is how it should then look when everything is in place. Note that the 3 points on the cut off portions don’t come outside of the 6 inch base piece.

This is the view when it’s opened. If you want you can add a triangle inside (onto the background paper) to write your sentiment or just decorate it & write on the back of the card.
All you need to do now is decorate it!! It would look lovely with 3D flowers on the front with a handmade box for it to go in.


I absolutely love this card Michele,  I can't wait to have a go.  

Thank you so much Michele for taking the time to write this tutorial.  It is brilliant. You have made what looks like a very complicated card very easy to create. Thanks again. XXX 

I'd love to see everyone have a go if you can,  they are stunning cards, maybe add a butterfly or dragonfly for this weeks challenge. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thanks you for your kind words about my cards Sandra, I hope you all are tempted to try this technique. If you’re interested there are 2 YouTube videos explaining this technique, first one is by Mixed up Crafts about 2 weeks ago , she calls it Cross Over pointy card and MaximumCrafts on 30th April who calls it a Diamond Point card.

    I managed to get sunburned yesterday despite sitting in the shade so I haven’t had much sleep as I was so warm, think I’ll be tired tonight.


  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- What a fantastic card. A shape I haven't seen before and definitely one I'll be trying. Your instructions ready very easily.

    I had a busy morning yesterday trying to get my CC started but being interrupted by getting side-lined with other bits of craft. Hoping for a more steady day today.

    We have sunshine again this morning.The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a look and bit of peace and quiet.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Fantastic tutorial MICHELE It reads so easily that I think “yes I will try this”
    We had a go at lawn bowls yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed although my hips don’t think so today Such a friendly bunch, very welcoming and a beautiful setting in the village next to where we live We’ve signed up (it was free for a year) and will definitely go again
    Back to work today and it’s gonna be a warm one
    Take care all xx

    1. I’m glad you enjoy your bowls Karen. The bowls green in Witney did the same,

  4. Morning ladies,
    Great tutorial,fun card so will give it a go. Lucky had not put them away yet :)
    Another stunning day,have to remember tho to put on the suncream. Hope you not too sore Michele.
    Going to hang the washing out and then we might pop to Lidl.
    Have a good day everyone and if at work, hoping the day not too bad. Many hugs Maria xx

  5. Hi ladies
    A great tutorial Michele. Nice & easy as you said. Even I could follow it. I’d rather be shown but I could easily follow the instructions. Hope the sunburn soon eases Michele.
    Another lovely sunny day. My washing machine is churning away. Then I have the dentist again this afternoon. Brighton beach didn’t look to bad. Bournemouth had Marshall’s out it said on the news and a new camera system to see any trouble spots or people leaving Rubbish. I wonder what it looks like this morning. Not to sure what the government will decide to do on June 21st. Although numbers testing positive have gone up due to surge testing, the numbers in hospital aren’t going up but slowly going down. Only time will tell.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone
    A great tutorial Michele, and I love your cards 😊 thanks for sharing.
    Another lovely sunny day here today 🌞
    Hope to make a start on this weeks card later. Becca Feekens new die of the month has come out, and it’s a lovely slimline collection. Oh how I wish the postage wasn’t so expensive 😩 I’d definitely subscribe if it wasn’t.
    I hope you’re all having a good day and enjoying the lovely weather. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello All, beautiful day again, unfortunately I did too much outside yesterday and am really suffering today, I get carried away.

    Michele great card and the instructions look easy, I will definitely have a go at one of these. Sorry about your sunburn, all of a sudden the sun is very strong.

    Tennis is great, only one Brit through to the second round, which is disappointing.

    Not much else going on, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele what a brilliant card, The design is one I have never seen before, thank you for giving such clear and easy to follow instructions, I really want to try this.

    I have spent most of the day pottering in the garden, like Lillian I think tomorrow I will feeling that I overdid things.

    I hope you have all had the good weather we have been enjoying today, it felt like summer had arrived. 🤞

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Just lost another comment so will keep it short and say what a great card fold today.
    Sandra I hope you’re not suffering too much after gardening xx
    Sending love and hugs from me and Mum xx
