
Monday 31 May 2021

Things with Wings inspiration...


Good Morning Ladies,

It sounds like you are all experiencing this unusually good weather for a Bank Holiday weekend, it was so warm out in the garden yesterday afternoon, I did wonder if we were going to see the sun as early morning was very overcast and breezy, but fortunately it really did brighten up, in fact Paul and I were really hot as we attempted to weed under the Leylandii trees in the front garden, I don't think that anyone has had a fork in that soil for a good 10 years, it's a mass of compacted roots, Ivy that has hit the ground and set down roots everywhere, brambles and Clover, the clover must be a really invasive spreading plant, I have never seen it so prolific.  We managed to get most of the weeds out, enough to sow a box of Bee attracting Wildflower seeds all over the surface and rake them in, fingers crossed we will get some colour at some point, I quite fancy sowing some wild poppy seeds, my Nan used to grow the most incredible poppies, with really densely packed flowers, they were beautiful.

More of the same for us today, the garden jobs just never stop coming, we didn't intend to do the front garden yesterday, I suggested transplanting some of the Golden Rod to that border and we just carried on weeding.  What are you all up to? Did any of you spend the day with family?

I didn't get a card made yesterday as the day just disappeared, so I am sharing some of  my older 'Things With Wings' challenge cards in hope that they may inspire some of you, I have included a few different techniques from Gold embossed backgrounds to Inky backgrounds and some layered stamped backgrounds too. 

Tomorrow we are starting a New Feature suggested by Michele, this first one is  really lovely Fun Fold that Michele has written a tutorial for, so that's something to look forward to.

I hope that you all enjoy the Bank Holiday Monday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Some lovely cards as inspiration for us today for this weeks challenge.

    Sounds like you were very busy in the garden.

    We had glorious sunshine all day yesterday. I did the housework all morning before joining hubby in the garden after lunch. We eventually decided that we’d worked long enough so we sat outside. I sat in the shade of the garden umbrella. We decided to have a BBQ tea which was lovely-minimal washing up!
    Today is fine but quite breezy so we might go for a walk this morning before everywhere gets busy.


    1. Sounds like you both had a relaxing time after doing sone gardening.

  2. Some really beautiful inspirations SANDRA Thank you I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s post - you tease!
    We had a lovely day at my sister in law’s with Oscar and Charlie The weather could not have been any better It was just lovely sitting in the garden watching the boys run around laughing and giggling (my favourite sound, childrens laughter)
    We pick up our new specs today and our local Lawn Bowls club has got an open day today So we’re going to take a look Never tried it Something a little bit different for us to try
    Take care xxx

    1. Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing day yesterday with the boys Karen.
      I used to play bowls indoors & outside during the summer. Enjoy your bowling.

  3. Hi ladies.
    Your going to leave a lovely garden for Mr Sainsbury if you ever decide to move.
    Today is dull and breezy, which was how yesterday started out. Took my chair and spent the afternoon sat by the canal. It was lovely seeing all the families on the canal boats. Plus the hire office for the canoes & kayaks were doing a fantastic trade. I must have spent 3 hrs people watching. My favourite pass time. I did go and get myself a cup of tea though. I was going to get an ice cream but the queue was rather long so I had tea instead.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous, inspiring cards for this weeks challenge 😊
    Sounds like you had a busy and productive weekend in the garden. We’re still trying to decide what plants to put in ours and looking to get a water feature too.
    Nice to be off work today, and after taking Barney for a walk, we’ve been sitting out in the garden. I do have some housework to do though, which I keep putting off!
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful inspiration for this week challenge Sandra. You did a good job yesterday so maybe take it a bit easier today so you not be in pain for the next few days.
    I received a different fold card by Michele and it is beautiful, maybe something you talking about hmmm
    Gorgeous day, got a bit hot walking today but so nice so see the blue sky. Glad to see you all have a nice weekend,stay safe. Many hugs for you all xxx

  6. Hello, from the garden, it’s very warm here today. Have started tidying the shed, it was in a real jumble, somebody, loves to save everything that can be used for a pot, including large plastic milk containers.

    Sandra lovely inspiration for this weeks challenge, should be able to manage that without making to much mess.

    Hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather. Lilian

  7. Oh Dear I’ve just looked at iPad, I had forgotten to press publish on the message I typed a few hours ago. At this rate my comment will be bumping into your blog post for Tuesday Sandra.

    Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lot of beautiful inspiration for this weeks challenge. Thank you. xx

    Daughter and Ciara came over this afternoon the weather has been lovely so we sat outside in the garden. It was really relaxing. Hope the lovely weather continues for a bit longer it certainly has been a bonus this bank holiday weekend.

    Hope your bank holiday weekend has been lovely.
    Take care, love Brenda. XXX
