
Monday 14 June 2021

Man card for Monday


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well what a fantastic weekend,  beautiful Sunny Weather and England Won their first match!!  I am no big football fan to be honest, we spent most weekends following the girls round taking them to matches when they were younger, when they turned 18 they were in two minds whether to continue on into Ladies football but sadly our town didn't have a Ladies team then plus the girls decided it was best to concentrate on their A levels,  which was a wise decision.  So I know a little bit about football but it doesn't really interest me, Paul's not big into sport either, but we always sit and watch England play,  I actually got goosebumps when the scored!! 🤣😂

Today's card is a Masculine Birthday card, very simple design that was inspired to use from a card on Pinterest.

This card uses Categories:


I took a piece of Chocolate Chip card 4 1/8 X 5 3/8, and embossed 4 lines down the right hand side of card, I left a gap of 1 inch between the two so that I can add a piece of decorative paper, I chose a piece of wood themed paper as it worked well with the brown card.  I stamped a simple 'Happy Birthday' sentiment and embossed in gold for a bit of luxury. I mounted it onto a Chocolate Chip card base 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch. I added another piece of tree themed paper and stamped a sentiment and embossed in gold. 

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gray card, that style would be suitable for all age groups.

    Awe has a lazy day yesterday, well after all the housework t be at is! Hubby watch the motorbike racing (definitely no football on here) and I watched YouTube and read. It was just to note be working in the garden as it was too warm.


  2. A real classic style I love it
    I didn’t achieve much at all Visited a work colleague whose son (10) was having a book sale and tombola to raise funds for a charity I really felt I needed to support him as I admire youngsters that take an interest in helping others
    Apart from that I tried to sew up a navy baby cardi and my new glasses weren’t much help I’m fed up with going back and forth to the opticians BUT worse things happen at see as they say
    Great news that Margaret is out of hospital
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great card today, love the simplicity of it 😊
    Off work today and tomorrow as have to work again on Saturday! Hopefully get some crafting done. Already walked Barney before it gets too hot.
    Got a ‘technician’ coming today to see if we can get our footstool replaced after I tripped and spilt diffuser oil on it 🙄 the leather instantly bubbled up and split!
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Hugs to all xxx

  4. Hi ladies
    Lovely simple card today. Suitable for anyone,
    Once again it’s going to be a warm day here.
    Sue I glad to here your Mums home,
    Maria I hope you managed to catch up with your Mum & Dad.
    Once again not much on the cards today as it’s going to be to hot to do much.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi ladies.
    Nice card Sandra and I'm still looking to get that stamp'have a wonderful day'one day.
    Too hot to do very much today so will just take it easy. Going to take us all in to town tomorrow, Son having his first vaccine. Have spoken to 3 people tho who are not going to take it, don't understand them at all.
    Have a nice day,hugs to all xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Really lovely card today. Perfect for the men. I don’t think to use brown very often but it works so well with just about any other colour.
    Chris deliberately doesn’t watch if England are playing as everything single time he has watched them they have lost so he feels like a jinx. Not that he is really interested and I don’t watch it either. Rugby and Rally cross are the only two sports I watch.
    It has been another very hot one hasn’t it 🥵 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello All, very hot here today. We have had our new kitchen flooring put down today, so at last the kitchen is finished, apparently the people who did the floor have been “flat”out all year, so after waiting till we had had our jabs and then waiting for them it been a long time.

    Sandra really like your man card today, I also don’t use brown much, but it suits your card.
    Hope you have all had a good day, hugs Lilian
