
Tuesday 15 June 2021

A Nautical Man card


Good Morning Ladies,

Today is our Becca's 27th Birthday today,  how is that even possible, it barely seems a couple of years that she turned 21!  We aren't seeing her today as she is going Kayaking down the Thames with friends, I was surprised to hear that as Becca is a little 'accident prone' 🤣😅🤣, She has promised me that she is wearing a life jacket!  We are going out for lunch with her tomorrow, she reminded me that this is her birthday 'week' , not just the one day.   

I feel bad for her as she is always taking photos of herself,  I love her confidence,  she has bought lots of new outfits for the different occasions this coming week but she was attacked on Saturday night, she manages 3 pubs in Burford, she was called on to help with a 'situation' and a few people were asked to leave, she then went outside to calm another customer when this 18yr old girl came at her, grabbing her by her hair and started kicking her in face, she said ' i kept my hands in the air as i didn't want to be seen hitting a young girl even in self defence! So she now has not only a black eye but the whole side of her face, she was so upset bless her,  she said that it isn't worth taking photos with a swollen, bruised face. The police were called at the time but wete unable to attend. She wasn't going to press charges but since we have been talking she has changed her mind, she gave a statement yesterday. 

How are you all coping with the heat, I ended up spending half the day laying on the bed, My AF does not like the heat!  Paul worked from home yesterday which was nice but he's back in the office today, but the girls are home which is lovely.  

Today's card is my next Challenge card, I used Categories:  Masculine/Metallic/Die cuts.

The paper I used is from the 'World of Good' suite, the stamps and dies are Stampin Up! Come Sail Away stamp set and matching dies to create the die cut elements.  I matted and layered with Gold Mirror card and Misty Moonlight card to create the card base. I arranged the die cuts around the sentiment banner.                                                             I quite like how it turned out. 

Another warm one today Ladies, so take it easy,

Sending Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card today Sandra, great inspiration for the next challenge.
    Oh my goodness-poor Becca, I hope she’s not too shaken by what happened. Aren’t some people awful when they’ve been drinking?

    I don’t think the government’s announcement yesterday was any surprise given the worrying increase in Covid cases again. Personally I’m glad that they’ve delayed things as I cannot go though what I (and my colleagues) went through at the beginning of the pandemic.
    The good thing about being in work is we have climate control so it’s a lovely temperature, I just get a shock when I get to my car!! I’m hoping to spend some time in my craft room this evening although it might just be watching YouTube.


  2. How awful! I can’t get over how terrible it is for Becca to have been beaten up all because of drink
    I was talking to my neighbour only yesterday who is a paramedic and how calls now are to back drink related problems I hope BECCA is ok and enjoys her kayaking Happy Birthday young lady
    I finished a couple of cards yesterday and still need to do a Father’s Day card I never know what to put in a card for him these days At 90 odd years young he can only watch sport and not play it which upsets him and he’s never been a drinker Maybe Pinterest will inspire me
    Take care all Looks like another hot one x

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.

    Hoping Becca has a really good day/week. I am pleased that she has changed her mind re reporting. This is the only way.


    MARGARET I'm so pleased you are HOME where you belong.HUGE GENTLE HUGS.xxxx

  4. Hi ladies
    Happy Birthday Becca. I hope you enjoy your day. Glad your ok and that your reporting it not a nice thing to happen though.
    It’s going to be another hot day today and I’m meeting my friend later for a coffee.
    I wonder if one of Ambers goats have given birth yet. I don’t think any of them were due to give birth until the end of June though. Karen & Amber were staying up the field last night. Karen’s took George ( the dog ) up with them. He’s quite protective of her.
    I’m not surprised that we won’t be opening up fully next week. I started to keep a tally each day of how many people were in hospital. It’s stabalised over the last few days. But who knows what’ll happen as numbers with Covid are rising. Fingers crossed the younger ones take up the offer of the jab. I think in the end we’re just going to have to live with it.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Happy birthday Becca hope you manage to enjoy your birthday celebrations.

    I admire Becca’s self control, I think most of us would have hit back, but that only gives the attackers ammunition to to say they are the victim. I’m so pleased she is going to press charges, this girl needs to realise how to control her use of alcohol, it’s not an excuse to go attacking anyone. Becca I really hope you haven’t let this stupid young girl spoil your birthday celebrations. xx

    I love today’s card Sandra, thank you for great masculine inspiration.xx

    Thanking life easy today yesterday gave two of the garden benches a second coat of Sadolin. All that bending has made my knees and hips ache. Think it’s the age thing.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Take care and enjoy the bright weather.
    Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear about Becca. Makes me so angry when I hear things like this. I hope she’s okay and able to enjoy her Birthday. Glad she has decided to press charges. Please wish her a Happy Birthday from me xx
    I hope you’re okay too Sandra, it’s scary when things happen to our children, no matter how old they are you never stop worrying about them.
    I love your card today 😊
    Have a good day everyone, hopefully a bit more bearable as not so hot. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Please wish Becca a very happy birthday from me. How awful to hear she was attacked but it’s good to hear that she has reported this person who deserves to be punished and made to realise the consequences of her drunken actions and how they have affected Becca. Our next door neighbour answers the 999 calls and she was saying how during the first lockdown in particular they were mostly getting genuine serious calls, unlike the usual drunk and totally selfish ones they have to put up with during “normal” times now. Disgusting isn’t it! Soapbox away now.
    A great card, it is gorgeous and I love it all, the colours, the layout ….everything. Sending hugs my lovely xx
    I hope you all don’t struggle with the heat too much today. It’s not so hot at the moment but it is meant to creep up as the day goes on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone
    oh how dreadful for poor Rebecca, glad she is reporting it. Hoping tho she be alright and she will have a nice birthday-week. Happy Birthday Rebecca x
    Love the card Sandra, always liked lighthouses. Hoping to see some down Norfolk next week.
    Took Son in to town this morning for his first vaccine and the they were going in the shops a little bit, non of them like shopping but we wanted to show her the town and then they are now walking back. Luckily it is not as warm as yesterday but still got a bit of headache from a muggy night. Hoping to get a cc together before going on a little holiday. Seeing step-son again since x-mas -19.It will be lovely to see them again.
    Have a nice day everyone and take care. Hugs Maria xx

  9. Hi, hotter here today than yesterday, so am inside.

    Hope Becca has a lovely birthday, despite her dreadful experience. I remember when Jason was working behind the bar during the summer break, he used to get threats all the time. Was even followed home once.

    Lovely card today, have those stamps but not the dies, used them a lot when I first had them.

    Have a lovely evening, hugs to all Lilian.

  10. Evening ladies,

    Oh Sandra, how awful for Becca to go through that horrible experience, please give her hug from me. Makes my blood boil to read of girls acting like yobbos, pity you can't have a word or two with her parents to find out why they brought her up to be like that. I do despair of these millennials going to run this country late on in life.

    I've had a wonderful day out with Fiona, Joseph and Joshua, it was so lovely to spend some time with the older grandchildren as we don't have much of it now they have jobs and college. Joseph and Joshua came out yesterday to cut the hedge and deforest my drive. I had to come in after a couple of hours helping them then whilst I had an unexpected nap they had mown the lawn as well, Bless them. It's a bit dry in places so hopefully this storm front will soon water it.

    Early night in bed so goodnight and pleasant dreams
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx
