
Friday 14 May 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, not much planned here, we are waiting to see what the weather brings us.  I did  see a news article saying that there was some warm weather on its way. So fingers crossed it's right and not too far away, the cynical side of my brain thinks that these 'heatwave' news articles are from the British tourist board to try and get people to 'staycation'.  If we had the weather her we would definitely holiday here, we did when the children were small, although we used to end up spending so much money trying to find indoor activities to do in the rain, our last family holiday to Cornwall which was when the girls were about 1 we had two dry days out of 14.  When we took the children to Spain we had sunshine pretty much every day which meant that they were happy either playing on the beach or by the pool or the lake, so apart from the cost of accommodation and travel we spent nothing more entertaining 4 children.  Back then with Paul doing the job he did our holiday family time was very precious so we wanted to make the most of it. Who knows what will happen this year.  We have a holiday booked and fully paid for (because it was transferred from last year) but whether we get to go remains to be seen.  Janet, have you and Jim thought about going to Marigny this year?   

Your Next Challenge

I was undecided about this weeks challenge, I was going through the different challenges we have had recently and wanting something different, I looked on Pinterest for ideas but to be honest after doing 5 new techniques back to back my brain is tired of thinking up new things.  I came in to my craft room and laying on my craft desk were a few bits a pieces left over from my 'Faux Batik' card yesterday, I tried several different embellishment styles before deciding on just the sentiment. So laying on my desk were a selection of black die cuts, I was tidying them away and suddenly thought 'That's it'  we will do a Silhouette Challenge this week, you can have what ever background you choose, your Silhouette doesn't have to be black either, if you look above I have a white silhouette too that works just as well, it could also be brown or navy blue too. You can add whatever other embellishments you like too. 
I hope that this challenge will work for all of you and that you enjoy it.

I want to send huge hugs to our lovely Margaret who is in hospital right now, sending love and hugs for a speedy recovery my lovely XXX

Love and hugs to the rest of you too,



  1. Morning Everyone
    HUGE HUGS and LOADS of LOVE MARGARET. I hope all is going well for you and that you are home soon.

    I cannot believe that it's the end of another week and I have to resort to 'swearing' once again.

    We are desperate to get to MARIGNY SANDRA but the way things are going it looks as though it will be next year before we can get. We are of course in constant touch with Sylvie and Daniel but things are no better in their part/our part of France. We are so lucky to have them keeping an eye on the house and garden. It will be two years this Autumn since we were they and it seems like a lifetime.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual.HUGS are winging their way to you all with Special ones for you MARGARET.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great cards as inspiration for the next challenge. I’m still looking for my mojo to start anything.

    Yesterday was a frustrating day-plumbers replaced the kitchen without a problem. The dentist appointment was not so simple-I phoned when I was outside the surgery then waited outside. 45 minutes later I was finally called through with a basic “sorry we’re running late “! I just said it was a good job it wasn’t raining. All she did was put a temporary filling on pne tooth! I now have an appointment to fix all 4 teeth on 8th June which means more time off work.
    I ended up leaving my phone on silent as someone from work contacted me and I wasn’t going to start replying.

    Sandra-great news about Sophie’s marks, well done.

    Sorry to hear Margaret is poorly, hopefully the hospital will soon have her on the road to recovery. She-pleas pass on my best wishes to her.


  3. I wasn’t sure about this challenge at first but after seeing your inspirational cards I feel a lot happier!
    It is OH’s Birthday on Sunday and his sister’s on Monday They and daughter are coming over Sunday for a tapas lunch in the garden We’ll be christening our new garden furniture (🤞)
    Before the pandemic so April/May 2019 we’d almost said that’s it to foreign holidays We had atrocious weather in Majorca and UK was beautiful I hate the hastle I have to go through at airports and how nervous I get anyway BUT we’ll see
    Sending huge hugs to Margaret I hope you’re not in hospital for too long
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards on show today.
    Many hugs Margaret and I hope the hospital can sort you out quickly.
    Wow what a long wait you had at the dentists Michele. As you said it’s a good job it wasn’t raining.
    It’s raining here at the moment so I won’t be going for a walk anytime soon.
    Take care and stay safe everyone,

  5. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week and lovely inspiring cards 😊
    Very changeable weather here today, started off raining and quite cold, but now dry and milder. Fingers crossed it improves over the weekend, although I’m working tomorrow but I’ve got Sunday off.
    Sorry to hear about Margaret - sending lots of hugs and get well wishes xx
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi ladies
    Gorgeous card Sandra.Nice challenge for next week.
    Struggling this week so we have to see what will be if any.
    Michele- hope you are not in any pain.Our dentist don't do any work yet only emergency's. Take care
    Karen- really hoping you be able to be outdoors this weekend so much nicer when you have people around but the weather chart do not look good :>(
    Janet- don't the Friday's come around quickly ? since you started to swear I have joined you Lol takes me nearly the week to do the house and then it's start again.
    Managed a walk this morning which was nice, don't like being indoors too long. Booked for haircut Monday, yay and we also going to look for some new tees and some summer clothes, a long time since we got anything new.
    Weekend seem to be a wet one,had liked to do some gardening. Talked to my parents yesterday and they had +26c and thunder going on while we spoke. Hope we get some warmer day's soon.
    Many hugs to all, extra,extra ones for mamma Margaret. xxx

  7. Hello All, mostly dry, but raining now.

    Sandra, lovely cards for the next challenge.

    R has been out in the garden, pulling up the forget-me- nots , the garden is covered in blue at this time of year. Lupine are budding and poppies are flowering, it’s very early for the poppies.

    Hope Margaret will soon be on the mend. Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you so much Sandra for the inspiration for next weeks challenge, I totally get the silhouette challenge now. What a dumbo I am!

    Did the hoovering this morning, after lunch spent most of the afternoon busy in the garden, kept going until late afternoon it was so lovely and relaxing the time passes so quickly and before I knew it it was time to get dinner on.

    Margaret sending gentle caring hugs and hope you will not have to stay in hospital much longer. xx

    Hope you all have a great weekend, love Brenda xxx
