
Sunday 23 May 2021

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the weekend, the weather is not so great but there is always the option of Crafting!! 😉

Not much planned here today, I do feel much better than I did last time, my heart rate is elevated so Its taking me a little longer to do things and I do have to keep having a rest and putting my feet up, I am however very thankful that I don't have those same awful symptoms as last time, (well not so far anyway), my arm is very sore too, but thats the worst of it. 

So let's get to the main point of the day, your amazing cards.....


Lilian has used a lovely Cherry Blossom style silhouette stamp for these lovely cards, I have to say that changing the colour and style of the background really does make a huge difference to the overall look of the card.  I would also like to say that adding the little touch of black to the edges of the coloured card almost calms the colour down so that the stamped image remains the main focus of the card. 

Thank you so much Lilian for 2 very inspiring cards XXX


Michele's Description:

Michele I absolutely love your Pixie Powder creations, I know that you don't enjoy 'Messy Crafting' so it meant that you were right out of your comfort zone, you went from creating a few backgrounds to designing 5 amazing cards that make the absolute best of those backgrounds.  My first attempts at Pixie powders went straight in the Bin!  I was so pleased when you said that you enjoyed it so much that you were ordering more, I felt excited for you!  Thank you so much for 5 amazing Silhouette cards XXX


Karen's Description:

Card 1: The colours I used were Picked Raspberry Carved Pumpkin and Squeezed Lemonade Just finished this simple card using same colours and a freebie stamp Must be the simplest I have ever made I think 

Card 2:  Here’s a silhouette cc
I inked a background with DO Added an Aall & Create background stamp A bit of gesso on an Aall & Create stencil and an A&C die cut that Kat sent me.

Karen I love both of your cards, those colours blended together are just the perfect match, what a way to make the most of a 'freebie' stamp!
Your second card is stunning, I love the bold design in the centre but my favourite part is the layers of detail that you have created in that amazing background! I am in awe of both your skill and courage, I would not be brave enough to take a Fine Liner pen to such a gorgeous background for fear of messing it up!  You 100% nailed it though!  Thank you so much Karen for taking part and inspiring me XXX


Sonia's Description:

Here’s my cards. First one, stamped Inkylicious ‘Make a wish’ stamps on watercolour background of Speckled Egg and Iced Spruce distress oxides. Second and third cards I used the new Sue Wilson Flowering Dogwood floral panels with distress ink watercolour backgrounds.

Wow Sonia three absolutely amazing Silhouette cards, the background on your first card is stunning, I haven't used that combination of DO's before but they are now on my 'Combo's to try' list!  
I now have the SW Dogwood dies thanks to lovely Ben at 'In2Craft'  so I will having a play, your cards have really inspired me, these both work brilliantly for Silhouette cards, I can't wait to see what else you do with them.  Thank you so much for taking part my lovely, I hope you get to spend some of your days off at your craft desk. XXX


Maria's Description:

1/  My card with the Silhouette Beach Scene is by Creative Expressions. 

Used Distress Inks to give it some colour .

2/  The other card is a Silhouette stamp from china I think, no name.

Stamped on green paper and layered with black. No sentiment yet.

Maria your beach scene card is just stunning, I absolutely love all of the detail in the stamp from the little dog playing fetch to the child on Dad's shoulders, it's one of those scenes where you see something new each time you look. It has worked brilliantly, I love the colours you have used too. 
Your second card looks just like the lane we used to walk down with Harley, I could see this card in a frame on the wall, it is lovely.  Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX


Janet's Description:

My first CC for this week is not a card but the first page of my new 'CHALLENGE CARD' Journal and is made using CRAFT OCLOCK parchment for the base and LABLANCHE Puffy Stickers for the SILHOUETTEs.

My next two cards were made in March and July 2017 showing SILHOUETTES.  

What a BRILLIANT idea Janet, creating a Journal from the different techniques that we use for the Challenges each week, absolute genius idea, I have been wanting to start an 'Art Journal' for  ages but lacked inspiration for different pages etc, but tying it into the challenges is a fantastic idea, THANK YOU. Your page is just fantastic, it looks like you have stamped on material. 

I do love those 1920's Art Deco style images on your third card Janet, I think that that style is timeless and looks simple but elegant at the same time.  The vintage look on your second card is lovely too, I love the modern twist with the embellishments. Thanks so much for taking part Janet and for the incredible inspiration! XXX


What an absolute pleasure and privilege it is to be able to create this blog post every week with your amazing card designs ladies. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you, extra gentle ones to Margaret, Lynda Maria and any of you that aren't feeling 100%,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    Sandra-I totally forgot to send a description with my card photo. I had 3 colours of pixie powders (white, gold & midnight blue). I used black card for one background to try out the white powder and white water colour card for the others. The fairies are all from a magazine cardmaking kit and the Happy Birthday sentiment is a Sue Wilson one
    My order for the Pixie powders needed collecting from the parcel depot which I did on Friday so I’m hoping to have a play with them next week.


  2. Morning Everyone
    OH I love Sunday morning.A good cup of coffee and loads of CCs to look at.Love all of them.They all 'grab' you.

    SANDRA-my Challenge Journal is all made in heavy duty linen.I bout it ready made up so didn't have to fight stitching the linen together.

    Well our Saturday meet up with Jim's niece didn't take place as her eldest (boy) had been sent home to Isolate as one of his class had proved positive for the virus. So it's Next Saturday hopefully.
    Nothing planned for today so we'll see what happens.

    The CAFE is OPEN but no traditional Sunday lunch this week.We're having Sea Bass and Salad for a change.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Lovely silhouette designs ladies I enjoyed having a “play” and not using my laptop to create a card which would have been so easy with Serif
    I hope the after effects don’t get any worse At least you know to just rest and ride it out
    We don’t have any plans for today I hope to finish my “leftovers” bag - a lot of hand sewing involved!
    Take care all xx

  4. Good morning all.
    Love all the silhouette cards ladies and also some beautiful backgrounds made with pixie powders and distress inks.
    Great idea to make a challenge journal Janet. Hopefully your plans to see Jim's niece goes ahead next week.
    No plans for today so might just take it easy, no walking, the knee injections haven't done anything so far, a bit disappointed
    Wishing you a good day everyone and hugs in plenty for you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    I love all of your beautiful challenge cards, a wonderful selection on display today 😊
    Pleased to hear you’re not suffering too much, hope it stays that way xx
    Hopefully do some crafting this afternoon while Mark is watching the Grand Prix.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love all of your silhouette cards. So much inspiration and all so different.

    We have been over to see our daughter today, they are still getting the house back in order after the fire they had in January. This week the new windows and French doors were put in, the painter has almost finished upstairs so by midweek he should be starting downstairs so they are getting there. They have yet to order the new carpets, all of the carpets were put in the skip, the man the insurance company sent around said they would all have absorbed the smoke, so had to go. Thank goodness they had house insurance.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello all, huge heavy rain showers today, chilly as well.

    Great numb of cards this week, all so different. Lots of lovely background ideas to try out.

    Sandra hope your not feeling too bad after your vaccinations. Take it easy for a couple of weeks.

    Hoping to try some tags tomorrow, after our daughter has gone home.
    Enjoy your evening, Lilian
