
Saturday 22 May 2021

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and not affected by the awful wind or the non stop torrential rain. Frustratingly we had a huge pane of glass blow out of our round seed house, it had made a real mess as it smashed on the slabs out side the seed house. Paul is just going to replace it with plastic for now, it's not ours so we aren't going to pay out that much, but we do use it, if we mention it to Mr S, he would probably say that it would be best to just take it down so we will 'manage' it for now!  Apart from the fact that we have hundreds of seedlings 🌱 in there right now.  It worked great for peppers and chilli plants through the summer last year and for over wintering tender perrenials.  

Well I had my 2nd Vaccination yesterday again I felt nothing, he was a funny chap though, at first I thought that he might be blind as he didn't make eye contact and he did this funny eye rolling thing 🙄🙄🤣, I kept looking at Paul for reassurance,  he asked all the same questions as last time, apart from he also asked if I had any strong side effects last time,  I explained about my heart racing a lot and how I felt, he asked if I sought advice, I explained that I had spoken to my GP who had confirmed that it was ok for me to have the 2nd Vaccination, he asked if I had a letter to confirm,  luckily she had text me so I showed him that.  He said had I not been able to show evidence that it was OK,  he wouldn't have been able to give me the Vaccination. (Funny thing was I didn't know whether he could see my phone, I have never seen anyone roll there eyes like that)👀. He really went into great detail about looking for blood clots etc which I was grateful for.   As I am writing this I felt very cold and a little achy but so far that's it.  We kept tea simple just in case I felt nauseous, I just fancied a jacket potato, fingers crossed nothing changes. 🤞

Now the first photobI have shared today is of a Stamp Storage Folder that I made last week for my Pink Frog stamps, following Hazel Eaton who Demo's Pink Frog and Julie Hickey Stamps on Craft Store, you can also find her Demo on Dragons Paper Craft on Facebook.  It's a super simple album, I can definitely share step by step with you if any of you want to make one. 

Front Cover


Pages with Stamp set

Another page 

End view

Back cover

To store the stamps on the pages I stuck the acetate that the stamps come to you on to one side, then I stamped the complete stamp set on the opposite page and then placed the top layer of acetate over the stamped image, that way you could Attach the masks that you have cut (for the flower stamps) on that side.  I used a combination of Pearlywinks sprays and Distress Oxides to create the backgrounds for front and back covers, I added some of the stamps randomly in the background, I used Lily stamps for the front page and some texture paste through the a mask. 

I quite like how it turned out and want to make a smaller landscape one for my Julie Hickey stamps.


Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Simply Cards & Papercraft has 2 fantastic free gifts this month-the leaf stamp & stencil set plus an additional set of stamps by Chloe


Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First article using the free gift.

More inspiration.

Some lovely 3D projects.

An amazing paper floating teacup.

This article shows you lots of ideas using the stamps by Chloe.

 More ideas.

Some inspiration for cards for  men in this article.

More inspiration.

A mixed media feature.

Part two.

Multi layered stamping-this technique produces such lovely images.

Inspiration from Phill Martin using his kit or as he’s calling it “A compendium “!!

More inspiration.

This looks amazing & I’d like to try this.

Part two.

It took me a while to work out what animals are on these cards as the colours don’t make them stand out. Cute hedgehogs though!!

Part two.

Inspiration using floral papers which we’ve all got in our stash.

More ideas.

Ideas using metallic inks.

More ideas.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Another fantastic Magazine Review Michele, this edition features some great techniques.  I love the free gifts too, the mask is great for backgrounds and Chloe’s stamps are always lovely. The inspiration cards that feature throughout the magazine are lovely and really boost your mojo! I really like the 3D projects, that floating teacup always looks impressive.   Thank you so much Michele for taking time to write these reviews that we all love ❤xxx

That's all for today Ladies, 

I hope that you all manage to relax and enjoy the weekend, 

Sending Love and huge hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  ❤ 🤗❤


  1. Morning Ladies

    3rd attempt to comment!’

    Sandra-your project is really lovely . Hope you’re feeling ok today.

    We’ve had torrential rain for the last 2 days so I definitely won’t need to water anything for a while. It’s not a great start to the day-grey sky & breezy but it’s not raining.
    I’m off to the hairdressers this morning so I need to go to the butcher’s then Tesco as frustratingly a number of the fridges we’re empty when I did the shopping on Thursday.


  2. I am so pleased your jab went OK and at how thorough the nurse was Hopefully you still feel OK
    I love love love your stamp folder I will take a look at the website
    Thank you for the magazine review I definitely like the look of that flower stamping creating the words
    Spectacles picked I am extremely grateful that our daughter could come with us We have an appointment Bank Holiday Monday to pick them up
    I have inherited an old phone of my daughter’s A definite upgrade but will it publish!

  3. Hello All, well the wind has died down, my poor clematis have really had a real bashing, they are June flowering so hope they will be ok. Montana is still looking fabulous.

    Love the stamp folder Sandra, saw Hazel demo this and thought what a great idea, will have to have a try sometime.

    Michele great magazine review as always, like the look of this edition.

    My daughter is coming to stay for a couple of days today, haven’t seen them for ten months. Of course my AF has decided to play up this morning so having to sit down all the time, so frustrating.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, hugs Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    I love your stamp storage folder, it’s fabulous 😊
    Great magazine review Michele and love the free gifts. Some lovely articles to inspire.
    Happy to say the wind has died down here today too. Although we’ve had a bit of rain it’s been mainly dry.
    Mark has his first gig tonight, so it’s just me and Barney as James is working. Might look for a film on Netflix to watch. Tomorrow I’m hoping to craft.
    Hope you’re still feeling ok after your vaccination yesterday Sandra.
    Enjoy your evening everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Your stamp storage folder is absolutely beautiful what a clever idea. I keep all my stamps in plastic boxes with the company or persons name written on the outside. It works for me but not as attentive as your lovely folder.

    Michele thank you for your magazine review, it looks very interesting this month.

    I’m sorry I haven’t sent you a challenge card - it’s in the bin I really was not happy with it.

    Dinner is ready so I had better move myself.
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  6. Good morning nr:1 Lol
    Just had to pop in and say how much I love your stamp folder Sandra. Like to see it live.
    Hope you are ok after the second vaccine.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review. Think I might get this one, like how many ways you can use a leaf etc.
    Hoping you all had a nice day, many hugs xxx
