
Friday 23 April 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and ready to have a nice relaxed weekend.  Paul is going into work today and the girls are both working so it's a bit of a quiet house here, I am hoping that there is something good on the Craft channels so that I can have a bit of background noise going, The Craft Store (Hochanda) seem to be having a lot of sewing shows of late, I did succumb to a mixed box of fabric from show called 'Make it Joe', the box they showed on TV was amazing so many lovely, good size pieces of fabric, different weights etc, I thought that they would be fun to try some small sewing projects with, just to get used to using my machine regularly, I was exciting to open mine when it came but alas as is often the way, mine was really disappointing, it wasn't 'so crammed full' as described by Leonie and the choice of random fabric was also really disappointing, I was hoping to be able to make some new masks for Paul and the girls but I don't think that there is one piece that would be suitable, never mind I should remind myself of the one thing that my mum always used to say ''If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is''!!  It's a shame as I really like some of the things that the chap makes when he is on the shows.  Have any of you had your fingers burnt like that???

Your Next Challenge

I thought that we would try something completely different for this weeks 'Challenge', now as I am writing this I am realising that it is only really going to be a 'Challenge' if you make more than one card but we will go with it anyway.
The reasoning behind this challenge is that we often buy a die or stamp set, paper collection, embossing folder, set of paints etc because we have been inspired to by a card that we have seen on Pinterest or we have seen someone using it on craft tv or YouTube, we wait for it to arrive and then we have forgotten what it was that inspired us OR we make that one project that made us buy the item and then put it away, forgetting about it.  I will hold my hands up and say that I have done this on many occasions and have a very full craft room as a result!!  So I want to do something about it..........

So for this weeks challenge I would like you to take ONE stamp set/ Die Set/ Paper Collection and use it or elements of it for the whole week or for the projects you make for the next 5 days.  It can be anything from the items listed above to things like 'Alcohol Pens/Watercolour Paints/ Embossing Paste & Stencils etc. 
I have shared 4 different things made with the same paper collection as one example, the 'Vintage Lace' Collection from Sara Davies.  
I have also just received some lovely 'Sweet Poppy' Background stencils so I could use those for my challenge, showing different ways of using them, exploring the capabilities of that one product so that I feel that I have really gotten my moneys worth out of it.   

I was kind of inspired by reaching to the back of my die storage for my Sue Wilson dies that have been gathering dust for the past couple of years, some of which I have not used at all, which is terribly wasteful.  Magazine collections are another example, we receive them maybe have a play on that day and away it goes, please tell me it's not just me!!!

I really hope that you all enjoy this challenge, I know it's a bit different but I would love for you all to feel like you have really gotten your money's worth out of a product by the end of the week, I think that it will encourage us to pick that item up and use it more too.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    The next challenge sounds brilliant-really looking forward to that one. I had started something that’s suitable weeks ago
    So the challenge will push me into completing it.

    Horrible day at work yesterday so I’m hoping today will be better and at least it’s Friday although I might be going in on Sunday to sort of the vaccines ready for the clinic on Monday morning.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a Challenge for this next week.

    Again here we are once again at that 'swear' word day.Why do they come round so quickly.
    The washer is already churning away and I'm on my first cup of coffee which will be followed by how many more today who knows. It's also Mr Tesco delivery day too

    I had a phone call yesterday afternoon giving me my date for my second injection. So it's next Friday early morning.I have everything crossed all goes as well as the first one.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting. No invitation needed.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. I think this is a brilliant challenge as I am soooo guilty of buying something and use it once or not at all
    Yesterday was beautiful and got really warm I decided to wash all of the cushion covers and hung them in the line whilst I sat in the garden and did a bit of crochet I thoroughly enjoyed my curry last night My mouth was really watering whilst I was cooking it!
    Dentist and Hygienist this afternoon I am really not looking forward to it as it’s a consultation as to what to do next as my teeth are in dire need for some help
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely colours on the cards you’ve shown today Sandra.
    Ouch Maria, hope your thumb feels a lot better today. I have the optician this morning and Doreen this afternoon. Apart from that there’s not much going on as usual.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely examples to inspire us for next weeks challenge Sandra. Now we just need to put our thinking caps on.

    Maria hope you were able to get a good nights sleep (some how I doubt it) we take our body for granted but when a part of it gets injured it makes you realise how important each part is. I’m struggling with arthritic fingers just now , my right thumb throbs most of the time, it’s twice the size of the left one. I wish we could grow old without all the aches and pains.

    We have lovely sunshine again,Two machine loads out on the washing line should be dry by now.

    Enjoy the sunshine everyone. Take care love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    A great idea for next weeks challenge. I love your pretty cards too.
    Sorry to hear about your disappointment with the fabric box, I hope you can make use of what was in it. I sometimes think the presenters exaggerate a bit on these shows just to get the sales, which is so unfair on us consumers. I ordered a background die the other day, and it arrived yesterday and is so small! My own fault as I should’ve read the description stating the size, but hey ho, I like it so will make good use of it.
    Maria, I hope your thumb is ok, that sounds so painful xx
    Have a good evening everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards Sandra.
    I think when you watching it on tv or on line it all look so much better so sorry your fabric was not what you wanted. You know when you buying dies sometimes how good and big they look on the site and when it comes, it's just a dinky little thing. Hoping to join you in with next week cc but as you seen my thumb has been in war with a car door. It is not so throbbing today but it will takes weeks the nurse said before it's back to norm. Sorry Brenda to hear about your thumb, it's so painful. I lived with pain so long now so would't know how it would feel without.
    Anyhow, I'm still here and I hope Karen is with us after her visit to the D---ist, oh I feel for you.
    Going now, need to find a sentiment for my cc this week and then it be tv watching this evening. Hubby cooking the dinner again tonight,yippy! with a bit of guidance from me hihi
    Hope you had a good day everyone, hugs Maria xxx
