
Thursday 22 April 2021

My final Sue Wilson Challenge card

 Good Morning Ladies,

I loved hearing your 'Airing Horse' stories yesterday, it was obviously called the airing 'Horse' many years ago, I found this article when I did some research: 

" Clothes-horse "upright wooden frame for hanging clothes to dry" is from 1806; figurative sense of "person whose sole function seems to be to show off clothes" is 1850.'' Just as a real 'Horses' purpose is"

I find it so fascinating reading about the history of different sayings or reading the reason that something was called a particular name, I did also read that a Lancashire term for an Airer was a 'Clothes Maiden'.

Now onto today's Challenge card, I really wanted to make a DL/Slimline size card as they seem to be the 'in thing' these days!  So I thought that I would use a Sue Wilson Striplet die as it would work well with that card shape.  I chose the 'Lattice Window' striplet as I love it's ornate style. I used the colour combination 'Just Jade' and 'Very Vanilla', I seem to be drawn to these colours these days.  I matted and layered my card base with Very vanilla and Just Jade card, I scored 1/4 inch around the top layer, just for interest, I cut two of the striplet and layered together for stability, placed it in the centre of my card on foam pads.  I then sorted through my box and found some pre-made flowers that worked really well with the colours so I used those and made some smaller ones to add a few extra filler flowers.  I decided that it needed a flourish of some kind, something delicate, I found I had an Apple Blossom set that had a small flourish in, so I used that die cut in cream with a little touch of blue ink on the edges. 
To finish the card I die cut my 'go to' SW sentiment and layered it up on a tag, added some matching ribbon and another flower to finish.
I hope you like my card, I have really enjoyed revisiting my Sue Wilson dies, I can't wait to see what you have all made.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning card. Love the colours.

    Interesting research & yes, I recall my Mum & Gran calling them clothes maidens too.

    Yesterday was crazy busy-two meetings in the morning. Sorting problems out than shouldn’t have been left for me then managed to sit with a student and assess some of her work.
    Today should be my management day but I’m starting in the Vaccine clinic as I need to train someone else. Hopefully after that things will settle down.


  2. Your card is lovely You’re right DL cards seem to be making a comeback and the Striplet dies work perfectly for them
    “Tea on the Lawn” went well It was lovely to have a bit of a catchup and talk about nothing in particular!
    OH is working a late shift today which means I can have one of my favourite dinners - curry (he hates the smell) and I can craft without feeling guilty
    Take care all x

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your pretty card today 😊
    I’m loving using my Sue Wilson dies again, only difficulty is deciding which ones to use.
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, lovely and sunny, but still that cold wind. Garden is getting very dry, need to water my tubs already.

    Our oak is leafing already, before the ash trees, that means it’s going to be a dry summer. Not sure where that piece of folk lore wisdom came from.

    Sandra another lovely card today. I am having trouble trying to remember which are Sue Wilson dies, have them all on magnetic sheets, but not labelled . Heartfelt creations are very similar.

    My consultant is changing my drugs again, stopping the amiodarone, which the one that gives me so much trouble, doubling up another one, so we will see how that goes, hopefully my pain in my back will ease.

    Have a good evening, Lilian

    1. I hated being on Amiodarone it made me feel awful and took my appetite away, I could never finish a meal. OK I lost weight but for the wrong reasons. I hope they are able to sort out your medicine and you get relief from your back pain. Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    A beautiful inspiring D.L. card today Sandra, Love the colours, so bright and cheerful.

    Hope your day has been bright and sunny. Spent some time this afternoon in the garden but stayed at the top end where it’s lovely and sunny most of the day. I can always find another job to do. Lillian our garden is also very dry, I have been watering the tubs this week especially the strawberry tubs, but everything needs a watering, I am reluctant to get the hose out as the water buts are (were) almost up to the brim.

    Time to think about dinner. It’s an easy one today nothing fancy Salmon and baby potatoes plus veg.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely card ,beautiful colour scheme.

    Took the car for a drive for getting a bit out from home to have our walk this morning. It was so nice in the sunshine and felt pretty good even if the night had not been so good.
    Got home after 90 minutes outing ,opened the car door and then shut it with my tight thumb in between 😣 A & E for x-ray and butterfly stitches, got a little bone off at the top of the thumb,throbbing a lot so taken some extra pain killers and the nail is black. I'm such a clumsy 🙈
    Luckily I started on a cc yesterday so hoping to make it finished tomorrow.
    I hope you all had a nice day and can have a good night.
    hugs Maria xx

    1. It is my Right thumb that is packed up xx
