
Friday 2 April 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter, I know it's another quiet celebration for all of us but hopefully this will be the last big celebration that we spend without our families.

Paul didn't have too bad a reaction to his Covid Vaccine, he mostly felt very tired, well exhausted, mind you he has been working long hours lately which probably didn't help, he dozed on the bed until mid to late afternoon, then had a bit of lunch and wanted to go outside, he definitely couldn't focus enough to work, I think a total lazy day had done him good, a couple of hours in the garden put some colour in his cheeks, mind you it was very 'bracing'!!  We have a long list of garden jobs for the weekend so I hope it stays fine.

Your Next Challenge

You may well have guessed the challenge by looking at the cards above, this one may be a bit of a challenge for some of us these days.....

So for our Next Challenge I would like you to make a card or project using....''ONLY DIES''

You can use decorative papers for backgrounds and I don't mind if you want to add a stamped sentiment but the majority of your card has to be made using dies, so you will have to rummage through those storage boxes and dig out some of your old dies.  Remember you could use a background die to make a mask to ink through if you didn't want to actually use the die itself.

Gosh do you remember the days when we would go white and panic at the thought of stamping, now it's more of a challenge to use only dies!!

I absolutely loved the last challenge as it make me think and use things in different ways, I am hoping that this challenge does too.

I hope that you all enjoy it too, I am looking forward to seeing your projects.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge for us next week Sandra and lots of lovely arcs as inspiration. Glad to hear Paul was feeling better by the afternoon.

    We have glorious sunshine again although it was frosty overnight. Hubby is already out playing golf. I’m going to clean inside my car while I have access to it without the other car up the drive then I’m heading into my craft room.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A good CC for next week.I shall be digging my folders out from under piles of material etc.

    What a change yesterday was from earlier in the week. It was rain/wind and bitterly cold. Well I suppose typical bank holiday weather. Definitely not encouraging people to go very far -well hopefully.
    Swear word and Mr Tesco delivery for me today after I've sent of this week's CC.


  3. So glad PAUL is feeling better and I hope you had a better night
    Great challenge as I think most of us use dies to start a card but we use other element like stamping as well these days
    Happy Easter everyone I am looking forward to not working for the next few days But obviously we don’t have anything planned apart from tomorrow we will be visiting our daughter as it’s Charlie’s Birthday
    Take ccare all x

  4. Hi everyone
    Great challenge and I love your beautiful cards.
    Fingers crossed the weather holds out for you to do all of your gardening jobs. Bit chilly here, but I think Monday is going to be very cold - hoping we don’t get any of the forecast snow!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great cards for the challenge Sandra. I’m glad to hear that Paul had a day off and was out in the garden. Good to hear that he only had mild symptoms after his vaccine jab. I’m hoping to get mine pretty soon. I went to my friends yesterday. We sat in the garden and had a cup of tea. It was quite blowy so her husband cleared a space behind their garage as it wasn’t so windy there. We do ring each other every week but it was lovely to be able to see them face to face. Very dull and windy here today. I’m a way I’m glad the weekend weather isn’t going to be so good as people will stay away from the beaches and parks. I’ll be having my weekly Covid test later to go and see Doreen.

    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Sorry ladies meant to say Hapoy Easter to everyone.

  7. Happy Good Friday to everyone,

    I am spoilt for choice which dies to use, so many in my chest of drawers, will settle down this afternoon and choose one set then make the challenge card using only them.

    Spring cleaning my bedroom will take up most of this morning, I like to get everything out, sort items for charity and then deep cleanse to see everything freshly cleaned for spring time and then do the same again for autumn. I can't move the furniture away from the walls, that part can wait until Jamie's home on Monday.

    Forgot to get some hot cross buns but did order a Simnel Cake from our village bakery, so a nice slice of that with a cuppa will be a welcome elevenses.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lots of lovely inspiration for next weeks challenge, it will be looking at my dies to see which one to use for the challenge.

    Pleased Paul is alright after having his COVID injection. Everyone seems to react differently, one daughter had a blinding headache so went to bed. Next woke up bright and head ache free, her husband felt a tightness all over his body, like a diving suit but within twenty four hours he was fine again.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the bright sunshine, I need to get outside and soak up some vitamin D.

    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello, lovely and sunny but a very chilly breeze.

    Great challenge for next week, love all of your samples, they look very professional, I seem to be going backwards with my card making, have good ideas but seem to mess them.

    Having a lazy day, hope you are having a loving weekend. Lilian

  10. Evening ladies.
    Lovely cards Sandra and given us some ideas for next week cc. I got this weeks still to finish and that will have to be tomorrow now as it's movie and pizza time here.
    Hope you all have had a nice day. How many of you are having an Easter egg tomorrow ?
    Many hugs Maria xxx
