
Thursday 1 April 2021

My final 'Shades of' Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well, did you all get some good weather yesterday? We were lucky,  it wasn't as sunny and warm as Tuesday but it was nice enough to enjoy being outside. We started sowing seeds yesterday but we will have to keep them in the utility room if the temperature drops as much as they are forecasting,  some places could get 'Wintery Showers' !! 

Paul had his covid jab yesterday and by the evening he was feeling really achy.  He had the Astra Zeneca one same as I did, so I have everything crossed that he doesn't feel as ill as I did,  mind you Paul just refuses to admit when he feels unwell so we'll see. 

Today's card is my last 'Tone on Tone'/shades of card. The idea came from watching a John Lockwood show on Hochanda,  he was demonstrating some nesting dies and did a similar design.  I used his tip of lining all the dies up and then adding some low tac tape to the back so that they were held in the same position every time you cut with them,  so that all of your die cuts were the exact same size and nested perfectly.  I went for Blue shades as I thought it would make a great man card. I die cut a piece of card with the largest of yhe Hexagons and added double sided tape, this meant I could stick each layer of blue card down easily.  The extra bonus is that I have enough die cut bits to make at least 3 more cards. 

Lilian I hope the roads have started to quieten down, I don't understand how they are getting away with driving all the way to Cornwall,  my Matt got stopped driving Pauls car 25 miles away, we leant it to him to get to work while he gets his fixed, the police have stopped him twice to ask why the car is 'so far' from Castle Eaton'!  So why aren't police stopping them as they drive into Cornwall and send them packing.  It's still not allowed to stay overnight at hotels, guesthouses etc. 'Soapbox' put back in cupboard!! 

I hope you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Terrific card SANDRA I need to watch that JL trick again I am obviously doing something wrong as my dies wobble about all over the place! I don’t know if he mentioned it but if you are cutting frames out several times to stick sellotape on the back of the low tack tape to strengthen it
    We had a lovely afternoon visiting my SIL It was ashame that the weather wasn’t as warm as promised but we still sat in their garden enjoying a BBQ So much to catch up on too!
    Take care all x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I absolutely love today’s card, it’s fantastic. I might even try this technique.

    I hope Paul is ok after his vaccine-usual mild reactions are sore arm, headache or flu like symptoms.
    We have already had the police issue dispersal notices and the same at Formby nature reserve.

    I’m meeting a friend outside Dobbies for a coffee-we’re taking our own drinks and sitting on the benches to chat. It’s a bit dull today but it will still be nice to meet up.


  3. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today
    Nice card Sandra and will have to look up John to see what to do for making this way.
    Hoping Paul be ok and feel better soon.
    Playing around with cc for this week and had a walk this morning. It's definitively has gone colder and look like the rain is not far away.
    Have a nice day everyone,hugs Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards yesterday and today 😊
    I hope Paul’s ok after his jab yesterday and feeling a little better today.
    Cloudy but warm here today, but remaining dry.
    Another busy morning at work, but off tomorrow. Looking forward to a bit of a lie in.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I hope Paul hasn’t had a reaction to his Covid vaccine. So many different reactions I keep hearing about, think we were lucky as neither of us had any reaction, we both could feel next day where we were injected but only when we touched our arm.

    Love today’s tone on tone card it’s a very clever design, great man card.

    We had a shopping morning today went to Morrison’s for meat and Salmon, both on offer so silly not to. It’s all packed into the freezer now, not a lot of space left to put any more in.

    Have a lovely evening everyone.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All , lovely day here, really hazy due to Sahara dust, makes the windows look terrible.

    Sandra great card today, didn’t see the show when John was on , will have to see if it’s on catch up.

    Hope you all had a good day, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    What a fabulous card, especially for the men. I love the different tones of blue you have used too. Always a winning colour for me. I hope Paul feels better tomorrow and you get a better nights sleep tonight xx
    Why on earth aren’t the police stopping people going into Cornwall or onto beaches etc everywhere ? It’s been blooming chilly here today. I hope it doesn’t get any colder. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
