
Monday 5 April 2021

Some more 'Die Only' Cards


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all managed to enjoy your Easter Weekend, I also hope that you all got to eat a little bit of chocolate.  I notice that a few of you also had lamb, we don't have it very often so when we do have it it's a real treat, the Aga really comes into its own when it comes to cooking meat. We had it with the usual roast accompaniments including our own Purple Sprouting broccoli. I didn't even bother counting the calories, I did all day just not for roast dinner and dessert, oh maybe the bit of chocolate that I ate later in the evening.

I was so surprised that the weather was as lovely as it was yesterday, I was fully expecting it to be really cold and gloomy, we were so lucky as we were bathed in warm sunshine all day, I went out into the garden with a jumper on but ended up with that tied around my waist as it was so warm.  I spent most of the afternoon repotting strawberries and their runners and sowing seeds.  Paul did a major repair on our octagonal seed house/potting shed, it has been neglected for years and for some reason this winter something made the whole frame pull apart in a couple of places, the whole thing looked too dangerous to enter as the huge glass panes had all shifted and dropped down, so he removed the glass and used some metal fixings to pull all the sides together and screw some plates to hold everything in place, he then replaced all of the glass and it looked a lot more safe and secure, by the end of the afternoon it was already half full of seed trays, so not a bad afternoons work, we also dug out some lovely old terracotta pots, they look like they have been handmade, it felt like unearthing treasure!!  I have used some of them to pot on some Spider plants, there are loads of them, all different sizes. Don't worry I will take great care with them. 

Now because we spent all day in the garden, my planned afternoon crafting session got postponed until tomorrow, so I hope that you don't mind me sharing some older 'Die Only Cards' to inspire you. 
The Berry Burst Hexagon card and matching box was all made with dies from The Hexagon box die set is a set by Card Making Magic, Christina die sets are always great value for money. 
The second card was one that I made for Paul's niece when she got engaged, the die is a retired Stampin Up set, I just used White card and mirror card, which worked really well.
The final card is an Anniversary card that I made for Paul for our 28th anniversary back in 2019.  I still can't believe that we have been married for 30 years this year!!  The Stamp and die set was called 'Love you to pieces', it works perfectly for any romantic cards.  Although the puzzle pieces could be used for any occasion.

I hope that those cards give you a little inspiration, normal services will resume tomorrow! hahaha

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It really has turned into a typical Easter Monday here. We have got up to a very light dusting of the white stuff and the temp has definitely dropped.
    We had a glorious day yesterday with sunshine all day -still a might chilly but bright and cheerful.

    My main task today is to take a look at my CC for this week and after that who knows.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting and there's still one or two eggs to be
    HUGS to you all.Have a really good day.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Great selection of cards to inspire us SANDRA
    We enjoyed our roast lamb only because a certain supermarket had it on special offer 🤣
    It is blustery here but no white stuff! I don’t know what we’re going to be doing today I do some sort of crafting
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    3rd attempt to comment!

    Sounds like you had a good day in the Garden yesterday, definitely need to enjoy the sunshine and good weather when you can.

    I did what I set out to yesterday-I cleaned & sorted in the greenhouse and shed.

    This morning we have hailstones, it’s trying to snow snd it’s bright sunshine. Hubby didn’t make it through to the final in the golf competition. On the plus side it means we get to spend the day together.


    1. I’m sorry to hear that Phil didn’t make it through to the final Michele, as you thought he might. At least you can enjoy each other’s company today.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely example cards Sandra.
    We have snow falling this morning. I’d just thought I’d go and do a bit of clearing up in the garden when down it came. Not coming down so thick now, but still coming down. I went up to Karen’s for a breakfast/lunch yesterday. It was glorious sitting outside in the sunshine. I then went up to say cheerio to Lucy one of Karen’s horses, as she’s being put down tomorrow. She’s old and has multiple problems.
    It’s very cold and windy out today. What a marked change from yesterday.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  5. Hi all
    well haven't the weather changed again to more winter then Spring and it's so cold but the sun is out here now and it stopped snowing. Didn't go for our walk, instead we started to do a bit of Spring clean and tidying up before hopefully have some time to play with dies this afternoon. All the cards on show today are great Sandra to give us inspiration,thank you.
    Have a lovely day everyone and hugs are sent to you all and extra for anyone who need some xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I agree the weather has certainly changed, we have also had some of the white stuff this morning, I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was the blossom petals falling but they were too smallI, I actually had to go outside and and check it was snow, then we had a lovely sunshine for an hour but that’s disappeared again now it’s quite dull and nippy outside to.

    Lovely inspiration for this weeks challenge Sandra I think the difficult thing will be trying to decide which dies to use.

    Not a lot happening here today hope to pop over to daughters later on, it will be a quick visit if it’s going to be cold as it is now.

    Hope you are all enjoying the long weekend, tale care and stay safe.

    Sending big hugs to Margaret and Lynda xxx

    Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards to inspire us, thank you for sharing.
    We had a little snow here this morning, but blue skies and sunshine now, although the wind is bitter.
    Enjoy your evening. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A belated Happy Easter to you all.
    Sandra, you’re cards are all beautiful. It will be interesting to see just how many of us use some of our SW dies. That could be a challenge in its own right as I’m sure we all have at least one or two dies of hers. You and Paul had another good session gardening/ maintenance haven’t you. It will be lovely to see all of your hard work when we are finally allowed to meet up.
    Yesterday didn’t turn out as we had planned as Chris didn’t feel too good then it ended with a late evening visit to Mum and Pops as Pop wasn’t feeling well. Luckily after a few hours he was feeling so much better so I was able to leave them settled for the night. We’ve had a lazy day today. We spotted the very light and small snowflakes that fell and instantly vanished for just a few minutes about midday. It’s chilly but bright now. I hope you all had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello All, very cold here, but still dry.
    Great cards for inspiration today, not up to much these last couple days, terrible back ache. Hope to start a c card tomorrow. Hugs Lilian
