
Tuesday 6 April 2021

 Good Morning Ladies,

I was tempted to say 'Monday' morning then, Bank Holidays always catch me out and I end up playing catch up all week.  Is it just me? The house will be very quiet later this week as the girls work opens after the weekend so they will be in preparing, so when Paul goes into the office it's going to feel very odd, I'm not sure I'm looking forward to it, I have been spoilt this past year, as there has been someone home everyday, I think it will be music on and getting busy crafting!  

Today's card was the result of a messy craft session, I was having a play while Paul and the girls watched the Season finale of their tv show.  I bought the Honeydoo Background die after watching Amanda use it on TV last week (I ordered from Honeydoo direct though). For this card I die cut the background in light green glitter card and cut another in 300gsm card and adhered them together, I placed it over a background I made by used shades of purple Distress Oxides which I then spritzed and took more colour away with a doily mask. I cut a frame to cover the edges of the die cut background for this I used Phil Martin Rectangle dies. 

To embellish the card I stamped Honeydoo Carnation Flowers, stamping them onto parchment  with Versamark and adding white Embossing powder and heat setting,  I used the matching dies to cut the carnations out, I added Wilted Violet to tha back of the parchment and shaped them, I used some Sparkles in the centres and coloured them with alcohol markers.  The fun foliage is an Anna Marie Designs die. 

I haven’t decided on a sentiment yet, so you will have to imagine one. 

I hope that you all stay wrapped up warm as we are in for a chilly week ahead, temperatures staying around freezing with the wind chill. 

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, love all the layers to it.

    I agree about Bank Holidays-they definitely Moshe the start of the week feel odd. I can’t believe how quickly my days off work have gone. I’m having my second vaccine this morning then covering the Vaccine clinic this afternoon-let’s hope I don’t suffer any side effects!


    1. Hope your vaccine jab doesn’t have some side effects Michele.

  2. Lovely card SANDRA I was convinced yesterday was Sunday too The good thing about it is another short working week Yay! It will feel strange when the girls go back to work but it hopefully means it won’t be long before either Sue or Pat can visit
    Our new patio furniture arrives today! We’ve had to go for the display model or it would have meant a wait until late June/July time I am so looking forward to just walking into the garland sitting down I don’t have to mess getting a chair out of the shed!
    This week’s cc ideas keep running around my head I need to get it sorted!
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today.
    Definitely know what you mean about bank holidays - I was off Friday which felt like Saturday, then worked weekend and yesterday, so I haven’t got a clue what day it is, lol 😂
    Oh well I’m off now until a week Thursday, so plenty of time to catch up with things and do some much wanted crafting 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I always have to look to see what day it is. After all this time everyday seems the same. As per usual not much on the cards today. I’ve popped out for a quick walk but it’s really chilly out there. I’m also looking forward to meeting up for some crafting. It’s much more fun crafting with someone else. I’ve to pop to the Drs later on this afternoon to drop my BP readings in, and make an appointment for some more bloods to be take and my BP to be done again.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hello, very cold here, with snow showers , which is unknown here for April. Last it was beautiful sunny weather.

    Yes agree with the comments on which day of the week, check with my iPad first thing to check date also.

    Sandra love today’s card, I have those stamps but not the dies, must see if I can find.

    Have a good day, whatever you are doing. Lilian

  6. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra.I love Carnations and these look lush.

    The day's just flow into eachother and they go so quickly sometimes. It's freezing in the wind today but got the winter coat on and walked up to pick up the meds.a near 90 minutes round trip. Washing done but won't hang it out yet. Not doing much else today I think.
    Have a nice day and hugs are sent for you all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I agree bank holidays really get my poor head confused (more than normal) I have to do a visual check on the mobile or iPad to see what day of the week it is.

    Very pretty card today, I also have these carnation dies and stamps, think we bought the at the same time at Ally Pally. I haven’t got this background die.

    It’s going to be really strange for you Sandra when the girls are able to return to work, as Karen said hopefully it will also mean Sue and Pat will be able to visit soon.

    Better Get a wiggle on dinner is almost ready.
    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda XXX
