
Monday 12 April 2021

My First TicTacToe Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had a good weekend,  we had such mixed weather yesterday, it was bright warm sunshine one minute then heavy snow,  it had a bit of rain mixed in but was mostly huge snowflakes, it was totally bizarre, we were in and out all day.  We got loads of seeds sown though,  plenty of vegetables and lots of flowers too. I can't wait until we can see them all growing.   We are still enjoying the fruits of last years labour, we have a glut of Purple Sprouting Broccoli,  it's regrowing as fast as we pick it.  I think we will pick a few bunches and put them out the front for people to help themselves too, I don't think it freezes well you see. 

Now let me tell you about today's challenge card.  I decided to go straight across the top of the grid for my first card, so the categories I used are......


I started with a square piece of watercolour card which I spritzed with water,  I took my watercolour paints and chose a blue and green and added some splodges to my watercolour paper, I spritzed some more water over the paint and let it move around the paper, once it had spread as far as I wanted ot to I dried it with my heat gun and then added the stamped dragonfly and the sentiment.  I felt that it needed something more so I mixed some more of the blue paint and added some flicks direct from the brush, to finish the piece I added three little resin dots, mounted the finished piece onto a piece of black card and then onto a white card base.          Something different for me but I kind of like the simplicity of it.

I hope that you are all enjoying this challenge.

Have a lovely day my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Third attempt to comment!
    Sandra-great card for the challenge. Sounds like you had a busy day despite the weather.

    We had sunshine all day yesterday but it was very chilly.
    Hubby pressure washed the two flagged areas at the back of the house, it was 3:30 by the time he finished and I could move the bins & garden furniture back. I then headed up to my craft room.
    Can’t believe it’s Monday morning already.


  2. I love the simplicity of your card SANDRA I think many of us are doing more cards like this Styles change over the years and of course postage can be so expensive these days
    We had a little snow but it only lasted 5 mins or so and boy! was it cold
    As the football was on tele I didn’t feel guilty about disappearing to my craft room and made a cc which was a lovely way to pass the afternoon listening to the radio
    Work will be extra busy as the schools go back after the Easter break there will be more school vaccination clinics doing their school leaver jabs
    I hope to play this afternoon but ...
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely CC card Sandra.
    Sounds like you got a load of seeds planted.
    We had a few smatterings of snow yesterday. But it was quite bright.
    This morning I woke up to a thick layer of snow. It looks quite bright outside so I’m hoping it’ll soon thaw.
    Not up to much today as usual. I’m in no hurry to rush to any shops.
    Take care & stay safe.

  4. Morning Ladies,

    Beautiful simplistic card Sandra for today.

    Played catch up yesterday with posts I had missed due to suffering from a chill that turned into a mini cold, totally wiped me out for a few days.
    Gorgeous cards as ever for the weekly challenge.

    Yesterday's weather was brilliant warm sunshine all day (if you stayed in) with a cold wind factor. This morning has started off very wet and rainy. Looking to the south from my craft room window the clouds are moving across to the east leaving small patches of blue sky peeping out. Playing wait and see to find out what weather conditions will be for the rest of the day.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today 😊
    Glad you had a good weekend despite the weather.
    I wasn’t expecting to open the curtains this morning and see heavy snow! It’s stopped now and looks to brighten up later, but I won’t be venturing out far today.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra and you managed to stop yourself from colour the whole piece in, something I'm not sure I could do and it's something I will have to try :>)
    Your garden sound so busy but with lots and lots of lovely produce to come. Like to see photos.
    Had to call the doctors 8am this morning so called on my mobile and OH was on his. I got through in the end and was caller Nr:21!! well OH was luckier and I was Nr:4 I then had to ask for the doctor to call me back and she did at 10.45 so that was my morning gone so no walk but got the washing and a bit of hovering done instead. It looks very nice outside but the wind is biting cold so not sure if we going out later or I will start thinking of this weeks cc,probably the only thing that happening today.
    Sending extra hugs for our friends and the basket is full just inside the door so please help yourself. Wishing aches and pains away. Take care xx

  7. Hello , wet this morning, but dry now but bitterly cold.

    Love your card , thinking of doing something like that, saw it in an email.

    Not done much else, back still bad. Hope you are all ok, hugs Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love today’s card Sandra, so fresh and clean. xx

    You certainly had a busy weekend, sowing all those seeds, now whose job will it be to do the thinning out? It is so rewarding to see and eat the fruits of our labour.

    Lillian sorry to hear you are still struggling with your back, I hope it eases up soon.

    Maria, What a frustrating morning you had, pleased the doctor got back to you.

    Cheryl sort to hear you have had a nasty chill, don’t go pushing yourself to hard, take care.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card. Love how you have left the white space which can be hard to do can’t it. Clean and simple is taking my eye more and more these days. The weather has been all over the place hasn’t it. How lovely that you have more than enough purple sprouting, it’s always one of my favourites along with curly kale. Chris got some from our local farm shop a couple of weeks ago and it was delicious. I hope the girls got in ok back at work. Can Paul still work at home? Thinking of you my lovely xx
    Yesterday afternoon I was sat talking to Pop in their conservatory with the sun shining and warming my face, late evening as we drove home the temperature was dropping and we woke up to a good 2-3 inches of snow here this morning. It didn’t last long but it is still quite chilly!!! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
